Nikolay Delivery - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Nikolay Delivery - Soviet and Russian director and screenwriter. Nikolay Delivery removes dramatic and tragic movies that affect social problems show life in provincial cities, make them think about the surrounding reality.

From the works of the master as the most rating you can allocate the historical tape "split", the drama-comedy "Kolya-Perekati Field", the tragicomedy "Monk and Dev" and the drama "Peter on the road to the kingdom of heaven."

Nicholas's wide circle of Russian spectators is also known for the series "Split", "Stiletto" and "Citizen Head".

Nikolay Deliva, the son of the famous Soviet director Nikolai Vladimirovich Delivered, known to the whole country in the picture "The" Pestry "case" and "We met somewhere", I went to the feet feet. The brother Nicholas also arrived, also the famous director and producer Vladimir Delivery. But Nikolay Nikolayevich claims that if not the tragic death of his father, he would probably choose another profession.

Nikolai Nikolayevich Delles was born in May 1946 in Moscow in a wonderful creative family, where each of the parents was an interesting creative person. Father became famous for the paintings, and Mom Jahantab Sarafi, by nationality, Persian, was a talented cellist.

Nikolay Delivery in youth

Nicholas and his brother Iranian, Russian and Czech roots. The brothers grew up in an atmosphere of art and creativity. But my father did not want sons to go his feet. Delivery-senior knew what kind of difficult directing bread. But it happened as it happened. The head of the family tragically died on the shooting of the tape "Everything begins with the road." It happened in 1959, when Nicholas was 13 years old. After the death of the best of their directions, Mosfilm's leadership took her sons to take off his custody. Nikolay and Vladimir felt at home as at home.

Nevertheless, the first specialty obtained by Nikolai will get - journalism. The corresponding faculty of Nikolai Nikolayevich graduated in Moscow State University. But after 10 years, in 1981, it all went to the highest directorial courses, where he studied in the workshop Georgy Dellai.


Before becoming a director, Nikolai Nikolayevich delivered the strength as an assistant director. Soon the smartable guy received an increase in office to the second director. In 1982, without a separation from studying, it worked as a director director.

Nikolay Deliva

Probably Nicholas Diva could not be a good director, if he had not visited the set and as an actor. Nikolai debut took place in 1964, when the young man was 18 years old. Nikolay Delivery starred in the picture "Goodbye, boys!". Then there were roles in the films "Maritime stories", "Payback", "drove in the tram Ilf and Petrov" and "man in its place".

The director's debut took place in 1982. This work was a short film "Snow and snow is expected." The beginning was laid, and the cinematic biography of Nicholas got out successfully continued the picture "Man with Accordion", which was released on the screens in 1985.

The end of the 1980s was marked by the new paintings of the young director, very warmly encountered by the viewer. These are wonderful tapes "Shura and Prosvirnyak" and "I'm fine." It is noteworthy that Nikolai Nikolayevich worked here and as a director, and as a screenwriter.

But wide fame, and far beyond the borders of Russia, the director brought the work "Cloud-Paradise". This film was first shown in 1991 and awarded a variety of both national and international awards.

In the new millennium, Nikolai Deliva continued to work on new pictures. In 2001, the director issued a detective television series "Citizen Head". The series is based on a series of books Viktor Pronno "Gang" and talks about the investigator, which is almost alone fighting organized crime.

Perhaps the most popular film in his homeland, who looked at millions of television viewers in the post-Soviet space, was the Military Drama "Penalbat", published in 2004. This picture is also an empty of the novel of Eduard Volodarsky of the same name.

Nikolay Delivery on the set

After the release of the drama, real battles broke out on the screens. The main problem was the focus of the film on the criminals-Finebatovs, who also participated in the war, went to hopeless babies and made a significant contribution to the future victory.

A part of the audience and film critics positively accepted the idea of ​​showing the actions of the Standa, saw in this patriotism and the unification of all the segments of the population in front of the general enemy and called the picture to the masterpiece and the event of the year. Others accused the director in dispenser and lies, called the painting by politzakaz, who dear victory and attributing it to criminals.

But there was no indifferent to this film. "Stalfbat" received the "Tefi" premium and the main prize of the International Geneva Festival.

Nikolay Delivery on the set

In 2005, Nikolay Deliva took off the artistic picture of Kolya - Route Field, which was the continuation of the film director "Cloud - Paradise" of 1990. The film combines elements of drama and comedy.

As in the first film, the picture of the picture covers only one day, but the plot itself occurs ten years after the first film. The picture tells about the man who returned to the native village. Kolya meets old people, last love, finds out that his son is growing in a stranger family, but by the end of the day the hero is still forced to leave close people.

Among the best paintings by Nikolai Nikolayevich, it was delivered to him by fame, the film "Lenin's will" 2007, awarded the Golden Eagle Prize. This 10-serial tape brought the director two more prestigious awards - "Nika" and "Teffi".

Nikolay Delivery to the filming

The television series tells the biography of Varlam Shalamov and is based on the autobiographical notes "Kolyma stories", in which the writer tells about labor camps. On Kolyma, the young Communist fell for the spread of the "Testament of Lenin" - letters to the congress of the party written by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and containing the criticism of Stalin.

Also rating was the following drama director "Pete on the road to the kingdom of heaven." The film lay down the story of Mikhail Kuraeva, the script also wrote Kuraev himself.

The film tells about the young man suffering from Corsakov syndrome. This disease makes Petya urban fool. Petya is a sincere and kind young man, imagining herself the traffic police inspector, and the whole city is happy to play "Inspector" and does not oppose the documents or talk to Peter. The picture shows the daily life of a special young man right up to the tragic death of Petit.

In 2011, a new series got the "split" on TV screens. Nikolai Deliva also became co-author of a painting scenario, which wrote together with Mikhail Kuraev. The authors collected materials and wrote the script for two years. In his work, it was rejuvenated on the works of scientists of Capteeva, Kartashev, Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, as well as the writer Bakhrevsky. Initially, the series was supposed to put in 16 episodes, but in the end increased by four series.

The series talks about the church form: about the reforms of Nicon Patriarch and the resistance of the Avvakum Protopopopus these reforms. According to Nikolai, the director wanted to highlight this series undeservedly forgotten by cinematographers.

Personal life

Personal life of Nicholas Delivery is so closed the topic that there is practically nothing about it. The director has a wife, but no information about who she is in the specialty and how long the couple lives together, no.

Director Nicholas Delivery

Nikolai Nikolayevich's children.

Nikolay Delivery Now

In 2016, Nikolai Deliva presented a mystical tragicomedy "Monk and Dev." The film tells about the monk, obsessed demon. Using the forces of the demon, the monk goes to worship in Jerusalem, where he learns with horror that the holy place turned into a place of trade.

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The premiere of the picture took place at the Moscow International Film Festival. The film received four nicknames and the Golden Eagle Prize.


  • 1981 - "Cook and snow are expected"
  • 1985 - "Man with Accordion"
  • 1987 - "Shura and Prosvirnik"
  • 1990 - "Cloud-Paradise"
  • 1997 - "Police and Thieves"
  • 2001 - "Citizen Head"
  • 2003 - "Stiletto"
  • 2004 - "Penalbat"
  • 2005 - "Kolya - River Field"
  • 2007 - "Lenin's Testament"
  • 2009 - "Pete on the road to the kingdom of heaven"
  • 2011 - "split"
  • 2016 - "Monk and Dev"

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