Vitaly Egorov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Male and narcissistic fashion designer who threw the family of a professor of mathematics, director, doctor, photographer. Each role, Vitaly Egorov played as she taught the teacher Oleg Tabakov: to not be ashamed. But with all the richness filmography, the cinema is secondary for him. Theater is the most important art for the actor.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly was born in the Ukrainian town of Korsun-Shevchenkovsky in December 1968. The Military and Mama-cook did not even suspect that the youngest son would ask an autograph. The boy was fond of sports and left for accurate science, he studied at the correspondence of the MSU correspondence physico-mathematical school, and the artistry was in the game on the accordion.

In 15 years, Egorov surprised relatives and friends, becoming a student of the Dnipropetrovsk musical school. After graduating from the school, the young actor worked for a short time in the Odessa Music and Drama Theater, while serving in the army, from the first attempt to go to the MCAT Studio School, to the Oleg Tabakov group.

On the stage of Tabakcoque, Vitaly played in the production of "Sailor silence" and "Idiot", "Star hour local time" and "at the bottom". For the role of the artist in the Old Quarter, he was awarded the "Seagull" award in the nomination "Breakthrough". Now the student teaches in college that is the name of the teacher.


The cinobiography of the actor in the cinema began with the episode in the militant of Egor Konchalovsky "Antikiller". Ivan Svobovichn invited the theatrical artist in the Kopeyk project, where Sergey Mazaev and Andrei Krasko were also brought to the main roles. In the film Vitaly reincarnated to the artist-modernist.

Then followed the work in the detective "Detectives-2". Several noticeable was the role in the Moscow Saga melodrama, which tells about the life of the family of the Soviet surgeon Gradov (Yuri Solomin). Then there were work in the criminal series "Moore there is Moore" and a blockbuster "Boomer. Film second. " The dramatic image went to Egorov in the tape "Echelon" about the last days of the war and the debt return home.

The breakthrough in the career happened in 2005-2006, when millions of Russian fans of soap operas sat down before the screens the series "Do not be born beautiful." Yugoslav designer of Zimaletho Milko Momchovich turned Vitaly to the real star of cinema.

But he tried to Voropaeva, who eventually played Ilya Lyubimov. A foreigner with an incorrect speech, and even with a unconventional orientation yelled to Yegorova, longing. However, over time, the actor merged with the character in a single whole, and so much that he once spoke in the performance once with an emphasis. According to the plot of the film, he had to insult the main character in the face of Nelli Uvarov, and this is much more difficult. Vitaly calculated that he asked for forgiveness from his colleague for the words of Milko.

In addition to Egorov, other major roles were loved by the audience: Grigory Antipenko, Peter Krasilov, Olga Lomonosov.

From the stylist in the frame, the actor turned into a model in life, good, growth in 190 cm for men is enough to walk along the podium. In this capacity, he participated in the Moscow Week of High Fashion, and as he later admitted, he liked the fashion show.

The name of the picture "Returns husband from a business trip" - by no means a description of the comical background. Here Vitaly played the chapter of the family who really returned unexpectedly home and became the hostage desperate woman. At the same time, he is filmed in the comedy "everything is possible" as a burgal leader of the company, in the melodrama "Keep me tightly" becomes the head physician of the sanatorium, in the film "Lace" - director of the museum, charming tank, and in fact - a man with a dual bottom .

Photographer Vlad Leonov from "Tango with Angel", Professor of Mathematics Igor Pavlov in the melodrama "Breathe with me", a drawing teacher in a detective "Lester", embodied by Egorov, like the very multiserial projects, were warmly met by the audience and received high ratings.

Vitaly has repeatedly argued acting versatility. In the TV series "Gypsy", the artist performed the main role of the Moishe Guiger's Scripper, after 3 years, appeared before the audience in the form of a silence monk in a melodraman "about him", later embodied the image of the Orchestra conductor in the series "Jamaica" on the screen. We did not cost without a popular actor and the creators of the cuisine, in the 6th season of which Egorov played the Michelin inspector.

In 2016, Vitaly lit up in the comedy "Fully relatives", where I reincarnated to shareholder Jean Lurier, as well as in the Drama "After you" about the injury to the brilliant ballet dancer Alexei Temnikov (Sergey Bezrukov). In the second film, the actor tried on the role of Hero Martynov. Another premiere of the year is the "older wife" melodrama, where Egorov received the role of a second plan.

In 2017, the shooting of the "Salsa" melodrama on the employee of Bank Irina (Alena Babenko) was completed, which finds new love in the face of Salsero Igor (Boris Khorushensky). Vitaly is involved in the episode of the film.

Family Peripetias, demonstrated in the series "I demand love", according to the creators, taken from the life of the real family. Hero Egorova, who lived 20 years in marriage, falls in love with a young girl. This news makes his on-screen wife Polina Kutepov look at himself.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life of Vitaly gained along the philistine standards late, in 39 years, was waiting for the real feeling that should be rushing.

Family is much more than just the relationship of a man and a woman. After all, the woman is in her and the mistress, and the mistress, and the mother, and the man, respectively, and the father, and the lover, and the owner. It is impossible to divide. The parties should always be open to each other and in the overall space in contact with only positive charges.

Natalia, Spouse Egorova, was born in Dnepropetrovsk, works as an editor on television. After dating the couple met for three years. Then the lovers began to live together. The decision to check came spontaneously. In the morning, early the couple ran into the registry office, and then everyone went to work. The traditional wedding did not celebrate, just in the evening gathered on the festive dinner of friends and reported that we were toned.

In the family, Vitaly and Natalia are growing daughters Anna and Maria. The eldest is engaged in music and ballet, loves to sing. Whether girls will be actors, father does not hurt. In any case, it will not force. More importantly, Egorov believes, to instill them taste, explain what is good, and what is bad.

Vitaly Egorov and his wife Natalia

The actor thoroughly protects close to journalists. Photos of Vitaly in "Instagram" place except friends and fans.

Egorov is a fan of classical music. Forces after filming and performances, he is recruited in the Kaluga region, in the house, surrounded by a hand-sized garden.

Vitaly Egorov Now

In the Dramati "Biheppi", released in 2019, Egorov played the father of a young woman who left a profitable business in America and returned with her husband to Russia. In the detective melodraman, the "torn melody", the actor starred along with Jeanne Apple and Milan Marich, in the TV series "BSA could be different" - with Alena Khmelnitsky and Tatiana Babenkova.

The Novosibirsk film company "Picture of the World" in 2020 planned to complete the project called "Exhibit". The film tells about children who are stolen from the Museum of Rarith. As directed by Alena Oleinik, the picture combines the "Adventures of Electronics", "Guest from the Future" and "Bronze Bird". Vitaly is involved in the shooting along with Daniel Eidlin and Svetlana Golovna.


  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Boomer. Film second "
  • 2005-2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2006 - "Returns husband from a business trip"
  • 2007 - "Self-secrets"
  • 2008 - "Lace"
  • 2009 - "Gypsy"
  • 2009 - "Breathe with me"
  • 2012 - "About him"
  • 2016 - "Kitchen"
  • 2016 - "Fully relatives"
  • 2017 - Salsa
  • 2018 - "New Man"
  • 2019 - "Desperate"
  • 2019 - "Everything could be different"

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