Mohammed Ali (Mohammed Ali) - Biography of Boxer, photos, Sports achievements and years of life



January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, housewife Odessa Glue gave birth to Son. The boy was named after the Father, the artist by profession, Cassius Jr. However, the world recognizes it under the pseudonym - Mohammed Ali. Kassius Rudolf's brother, which appeared in a couple after 2 years, matured, also replaces the real name for Rahman Ali.

Their family never needed presenting the middle class, although the living conditions of the white and black population spread. Father of the family earned a living, drawing signs, his wife periodically earned, preparing and retracting in rich houses. The budget was even enough to accumulate money to the cottage in a very good "black" area.

Mohammed Ali as a child

Childhood and the youth of the future champion passed far from cloudless. In the 50s, a very difficult atmosphere of inequality reigned in America. Even 10-year-old Cassius felt the pressure and fell asleep with tears, without understanding why blacks consider second-random people. Father introduced his feather into the worldview of sons, showing them photographs of Emmet Till - black teenagers, cruelly killed by white, who were subsequently found, but did not plan. Ironically, Odessa Glue was proud of his White Santa Irish. And although the images of the Kassius Junior will forever be ashamed of the images of whites "rapid slave owners", which he loved to declare from the Tribune, his Irish ancestor was to reproach nothing - he entered into a legitimate marriage with his black beloved.

Mohammed Ali with family

After the 12-year-old glue has a favorite bike, he threatened to beat offenders. The White Policeman met by him, part-time the boxing coach Joe Martin dislarously noticed that "Before someone to beat, you need to learn this first." And Kassius began to study, capturing training and brother.

Kassius was hard to train: he looked a lot to others, constantly shouted that he was the best athlete and future champion. Joe Martin even often kicked him out of the hall, and none of the coaches could see in a guy special potential.

Mohammed Ali in youth

After 6 weeks after the boy arrived, the first duel took place in the section. To the special pleasure of Cassius, the battle was broadcast on television. Despite the lack of experience, the future Mohammed Ali wins a white opponent, his joy there is no limit. He shouts at the camera that he will become a great boxer. From now on, this work has begun.


In 1956, he won the Golden Gloves Tournament, which can be considered an excellent career. 100 wins on amateur ring and only 8 defeats by the end of the school. However, the young boxer was learned from the hand badly, and only the work and understanding of the director is obliged to receive school education. Everything was so bad that Mohammed Ali was forever remained reading.

Boxer Mohammed Ali

In 1960, Cassius, dreaming of a dizzying sport career, received an invitation to participate in the Olympic Games. Boxer's corporate style began to manifest. Novator for sure "danced" around the enemy on socks, and the lowered hands provoked to strike, from which he was always dirty. He was often criticized and fight for the Manner, and for a boastful manner to serve himself.

Stop it the pressure could only fear of flights. Boxer was so afraid to fly by plane in Rome, which almost refused the Olympic Games. Cassius decided, acquiring a parachute. The glue confidently reached the final and the Pole of Zbignev Petšikovsky won in the complex match, earning a gold medal.

Mohammed Ali in the ring

The father was proud of his son and even painted the steps in the color of the US flag. However, in his hometown nothing has changed. And when the champion came with a gold medal in a local cafe, where they did not serve "color", they still refused to serve.

At the beginning of his career, Boxer Mohammed Ali hired 11 managers. In professional boxing, he came on October 29, 1960, when a fight with Tanni Hansker was held. Ali was diligently prepared for battle, although she stated that Hansker was a loaf and victory would be easy. Victory was really behind him. The opponent has led him world championship.

For training with the new coach Angelo Dundee Glue moves in Miami. There are no authorities for him, but Angelo found an approach. He respected the ward and did not strive to control it, but only skillfully directed.

Mohammed Ali in Moscow

The glue was looking for mentors not only in sports. The beginning of the 60s is the time of its spiritual searches. In 1962, he met with the leader's "Nation of Islam" Muhammad and became a member of the organization, which greatly affected his life.

In the same year, he, continuing to win the fight for the fight, voluntarily passed the commission, but did not come to the army. After passing all the tests on physical health, he failed the test for mental abilities, without answering the question how many hours a person works from 6 am to 3 o'clock in the afternoon, given the hour for lunch. Adhesive loved to joke:

"I am the greatest, and not the smartest!"

For six months in 1962, Boxer Mohammed Ali won 5 victories by knockout.

55,000 people came to the stands to watch the battle between Mohammed Ali and Henry Cooper. A few seconds before the end of the fourth round, Cooper sent Ali to a heavy nocdown. And if the friends of Ali did not break the glove, winning a little time to rest the champion, it is not known how the fight would end. In the 5th round, Mohammad shank is a blow of the cooper's eyebrow, and the duel stopped.

Mohammed Ali and Tyson

The match between Ali and Liston was spectacular and difficult. Ali replayed the current world champion, the dissection has developed at eyebrows and serious hematoma appeared. To the fourth round Ali ceased to see, but the coach insisted at the exit to the ring and was right - vision returned, and Boxer Mohammed Ali became the world champion in a heavyweight.

In the following years, Mohammed Ali 5 times becomes a "boxer of the year", he deserves the title of not only the "Boxer of the Decade", but also a century. In the early 90s, he falls into the international hall of boxing glory to remain the legend of sports forever.

Parkinson's disease

In 1984, Mohammed Ali was raised a terrible diagnosis - Parkinson's disease. He began to hear badly, speak, all the motor functions gave a failure. Mohammed courageously kept the main blow in his life - a blow of fate. The incurable disease was the consequence of the professional sports activities of the glue. His body suffered, but the mind remained sharp, and the heart of good, and the athlete dedicated himself to help people. To this day, he is engaged in charity.

Personal life

Mohammed Ali was married 4 times. With the first wife, he broke up even in early youth because of her unwillingness to become a Muslim man. The second spouse Belinda Boyd (after the marriage of Halila Ali) gave birth to her husband four children. However, Ali was not an exemplary husband, and his treason was caused for a divorce of the couple.

Mohammed Ali with his wife

His lover Veronica Porsch married him, becoming the third wife in 1977. Marriage lasted 9 years. But Mohammad did not last long, marrying Ioland Williams on the close friend of Iolante Williams. They even adopted the child. In addition to legitimate children, Mohammed has two more extramarital daughters.


At the end of May 2016, the legend of world boxing was urgently hospitalized because of the problems with breathing. In one of the hospitals of the city of Phoenix, where Mohammed Ali lived in recent years, he spent several days. But they failed to save him.

Mohammed Ali in recent years

Mohammed Ali died on June 4, 2016. He turned 74 years old. The main disease of the athlete was Parkinson's disease.

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