Marina Devyatova - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, "instagram", husband, music, Alexey Petrukhin 2021



Marina Devyatova is a Russian singer, a performer of folk songs, as well as pop hunters stylized under folklore. Devyatova became the finalist of the 3rd season of the television project "People's Artist".

Childhood and youth

Marina was born on December 13, 1983 in Moscow in a creative family. Father - People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Sergeevich Naintyov, a famous performer of Russian folk songs, and Mom professionally engaged in choreography, put dancing show ballets.

Dad almost from birth began to instill a musical taste with a girl. Moreover, put the daughter of recording not only folk singers, but also the music of John Lennon, Elvis Presley and other rock idols. At a three-year-old, the future singer has already felt the rhythm. Marina Devyatova became the second child in the family, the parents have already raised the daughter of Katya. The older sister was also distinguished by musical abilities, but they did not develop them. Catherine dedicated to the life of dogs: it works by a hammer and takes care of homeless animals.

When Marina turned 5 years old, his parents divorced, but his father did not stay away from the upbringing of daughters. In an interview with AIF, the artist admitted that Vladimir Sergeevich is still a cumier for her and a role model. Music was not abandoned. She studied in the prestigious music school named after Dmitry Shostakovich, where she mastered not only the tool and vocals, but also choral conducting.

In an interview with the newspaper "Music True", the singer told that, unlike parents, her grandfather was a military prosecutor. He dreamed of a legal career for granddaughter. In the same place, the artist admitted: in childhood, theoretical musical classes did not attract her at all.

After graduating from school, Vladimir Ninetov took Marina to a tour of the tour. Creative life captured the girl, and the daughter of the people's artist decided to continue musical education. Then Marina was trained in the College named after Alfred Schnitke and the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini. There, Devyatova has already specialized in that he will bring it in the future All-Russian Glory - solo folk singing.


In the student years, Marina Devyatova met Artem Vorobyev, who invited the future star to the Indrik-Beast group. The team performed the vintage and folk songs in modern interpretation. There were a collective repertoire and fatal arrangements, and compositions performed on wind ethnic instruments. The success of the ensemble was quite tangible, but at the same time musical critics called the music of ninth "non-format".

The singer decided to prove that the folk song in an updated version could be truly folk. For this, Marina chose a television project "People's Artist" television project and went to the casting of the 3rd season. This decision played a decisive role in the creative biography of Marina Ninthian. The singer learned and loved all Russia.

The public and the jury took the singer to the hurray, the duet performance of the song was special success, "it could be love" together with the singer Alexei Goman. Natyatova reached the final, and after the end of the project, the People's Artist 3 disk released, which came the compositions that sounded in transmission.

The perfume of Kim Breitburg Hita "I am fire, you are water", with which the name of Marina Ninette is still associated with the very popularity of the artist. A clip was also created on this song. On the project, Devyatova became acquainted with the producer of Evgeny Friedlyand, the owner of the FBI Music studio, which concluded a contract with an artist for a solo disk.

In 2007, Marina was honored to speak with the song "Katyusha" at the ceremony of the country's selection ceremony for the Winter Olympic Games - 2014. In Guatemala, the Russian performer was aroused for Bis 8 times.

Saying itself to the whole world, Marina focused on the preparation of the solo program. Then the singer went on tour in Russia and gave concerts under the general name "I will go, I will come out." At the same time, the first studio album "did not think, did not guess," in support of which the artist gave the first Moscow concert at the stage theater. The disk became a cocktail of folk songs and pop hunters. In the same vein, the following plates "I am happy" with the songs of "Black Raven", "Kalinka" and "in the lunar shine", which includes the compositions "Grape bone", "bell", "in the Horny".

Marina Devyatova is one of the few Russian performers who have honored the honor to speak to the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and its relatives. In addition to the royal family, the leaders of Russia - Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, as well as the heads of other countries - the head of Libya Muammar Gaddafi and the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The most popular hits in the repertoire of Marina Nesthek are considered "believed", "Oh, as I like", "Ah, Mommy," "Oh, snow-snowball", "I have not been winter" and the track of 2016 "Talk." Also on the account of the singer, a joint concert with another performer of the People's Song of the barbara. In his musical career, Devyatova often collaborated with other populists. So, in the creative tandem with Alexey Petrukhin, a popular composition "Chamomile White" was born. A duet with Peter Drangoy remembered fans of the singer of the song "Solovushka sang in a grove."

In 2015, Marina was nominated at the ceremony of the Russian national music premium as the best folk performer, but in the end he lost to Pelagae's victory.

After the birth of a daughter in 2017, Marina Devyatova just went on vacation for two months. True, the sama artist with stretch called this time with rest. The desire to have children did not prevent career. The first transmission in which the artist participated after childbirth was the program "Laugh is allowed". Later, Marina visited the Slavic Bazaar with a solo performance, spoke in the Kremlin Palace at a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the star of Valery Ozodzinsky. At the same time, the actress appeared in the transfer of the TV Center - "Mood". In the fall, Marina Devyatova has already performed a solo concert in the capital of Russia.

In 2018, the disk of the singers "Do not wake me with the Moldus ...". Fans had to do not only have the content of the album, but also the cover of the cover: a photo of Marina with a small daughter was posted on one of the pages.

On September 15, the premiere of the "Attaca" song was held at the Saturday evening with Nikolai Baskov, performed in a duet with Gleb Matvechuk.

In October 2019, on the channel "Russia-1" on the transfer of "Laugh is permitted", a joint number "Communal duet" appeared together with Svyatoslav.

Personal life

In the personal life of Marina Ninth, a tragic novel was. The girl was in love with a man who was much older in age. Chosennik ninth worked by a doctor. Unfortunately, this love was waiting for a sad end: the beloved singers died suddenly from cancer.

After Marina came to himself from this loss, the star faced a romantic relationship with novice singer Nikolai Demidov. Devyatova wanted to find a loved one in his beloved, but it turned out that Nikolai used the famous artist to glorify. Of course, such relationships did not stand up, and young people broke up, and with a loud scandal provoked by Demidov.

Marina Devyatova is a believer, but her religion is not Christianity, but Krishnaism. This direction helped the singer find the inner world and reveal the creative potential. Thanks to the spiritual glances, Marina completely refused cigarettes, alcohol and meat consumption. Harmony in the life of the artist helps to support yoga classes.

In October 2016, information appeared in the media that Marina Ninth and her chosen was Alexei Pigurenko, the head of the advertising agency and the owner of the Yogaboga brand, a wedding took place. Wedding passed in the Kutuzov department of the Moscow registry office.

Young people were familiar since 2008, but for several years they were just friends, because both were in relationships. In 2011, Alexey and Marina began to live together, but at first the family did not work out, and for a while beloved.

The second connection turned out to be more productive: in 2016, Marina became pregnant. In February 2017, the singer gave birth to daughter Ulyana. A photo of a happy father with the heir to his hands appeared first in the personal Instagram account Alexei Pigurenko, and then on the Marina page.

Today, nine with her husband and daughter lives the countryside. The family house can be compared with the creative style of the singer - it combines in his design traditional materials and modern technologies.

Marina Devyatova now

Now the folk song performer continues his creative career. In the official instagram account @marinadevyatova almost not to meet pictures in a swimsuit and candid outfits. But regularly appear family and working photos. Growth ninth - 160 cm.

In 2020, she was not limited to the release of the new album "You can, I will be nearby." On May 9, she took part in the online concert "We sing victory." In July, a joint composition was recorded with the musician Sergey Voitenko "at the old shop."

A coronavirus infection pandemic caused difficulties in organizing events, which many artists complained. However, the star managed to give concerts in Moscow and other cities with the program "Russian soul". At 2021, touring tour in Russia is scheduled.


  • 2006 - "People's Artist-3"
  • 2009 - "I did not think, did not guess"
  • 2011 - "I'm happy"
  • 2013 - "in the lunar shine"
  • 2018 - "Do not buoy me to the ramp ..."
  • 2020 - "You can, I will be nearby"

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