Varvara - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The real name of the famous ethno-performer Varvara - Elena Tutanova. Now the singer is the surname of the second husband - Susov.

Elena Tutanova was born in Balashikh near Moscow in July 1973. Homemade called Alena daughter. When the girl was 4 years old, the grandfather first planted his granddaughter for the musical instrument, which turned out to be a bulky accordion. Noticing that the babes have a rumor, and the voice, grandfather took Elena to music school. You can not say that I liked the Tutanov immediately there. But to upset your relatives, looking with the hope of the first success of the daughter, I did not want the girl, so Alena continued to regularly attend classes.

Singer Varvara

In the middle classes of school, the future singer dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. Helena has manifested themselves ability to sew and modeling clothes, and the girl herself possessed the "model" growth and external data necessary for the career model. Therefore, Elena decided that at the end of the school would go to the Institute of Light Industry. But over time, visiting the music school and the lessons of the vocal imperceptibly carried away the young singer, and the girl forgot about the sewing completely. Music fully carried away Elena.

In the graduation class, the future star of Varvara was finally determined and after receiving the certificate went to Gnesink. The entrepreneurs came from the first attempt, overcoming a considerable competition. The resulting red diploma of the famous music school spur into the continuation of education. Later, Elena entered Gitis at the correspondence department. Chose the specialty "Artist of the Music Theater."


The creative biography of Varvara began after graduating from Gnesinka in 1993. Like many popular performers, she started a career on scenes of various restaurants. Sang songs in Russian and English. Soon the 20-year-old singer signed the contract and went to work in the Arab Emirates. At the same time, Elena Tutanova thought about the creative pseudonym. The idea suggested Fyodor Bondarchuk - the singer chose the name of his own grandmother, which was called the Russian name.

Returning home, Barbara settled in the theater of pop views, which led Leshchenko led. Soon Elena became a back-vocalist of the famous singer. But I did not want to stop at the achieved girl. And Barbara went, as he herself says, in "free swimming". Singer wanted to make his own career. The performer was confident in his abilities and dreamed of an intellectual Euro-pop genre. This is a colorful and distinctive style in which fashion melodies and ethno-music are organically intertwined.

A solo career of the barbarians developed successfully. In 2001, the performer, together with the company "NOX MUSIC", recorded a debut disk, which called "Varvara". The authors of the majority of the songs of this album were young creators, whose names did not say anything to the listeners. The only exception was Kim Breitburg - the author who wrote several compositions for Boris Moiseeva. The musicians united in the group participated in the disk record, which was called "Varvara".

The composition of the debut disk, despite explicit informality (DJs were difficult to determine the style in which they were executed) were considerable success. Hits "Barbara", "Butterfly", "on the verge" and "fly to light" hit the rotation.

In 2002, Varvara unexpectedly received a proposal from the founder of the famous Swedish studio "Cosmo". Studio is known for released a number of Britney Spears discs and A-HA groups. The head of "Cosmo" suggested Warvar to write a few songs with the Symphony Orchestra of Sweden. So Born the hit "This is behind", filled in the style of fashionable "R'n'B".

The singer loves to travel around the world and recognize new musical styles. In the Arab Emirates, where Barbara loves to relax with his family, the singer was offered to record an album in Arabic. But the artist of Manit and Northern Europe, harsh sagas and Celtic legends. Probably, therefore, in the composition "Two sides of the Moon" from the second album "closer", which came out in 2003, Norman notes felt brightly.

In 2004, Barbara participated in the competition of the international "OGAE" - Eurovision Fans Club. Single "Dreams" from the third album of the same name brought the Russian performer first place. In the early 2000th, the performer was becoming a laureate of the "Song of the Year" competition.

For the period of the performing career of Varvara recorded 6 albums. In addition to these, artists have "above love" discs, "Autumn Legends" and "Len". The last album is recorded in 2015. It included the tracks "River quickly", "Vanka walked", "Kupalinka". The singer is constantly toured in Russia and far beyond the borders of the Motherland. The artist is involved in a variety of festivals and festive concerts.

The singer of Barbara has official clips that are located on the video hosting YouTube. These are videos on the songs "Dudachka", "Let me go, River", "melted snow", "flew, yes sang", "one", "closer", "who is looking for, will find."

The singer acts not only with the musicians of its own team, but also with other performers. Barbar ensemble with the duet of accordionists "Lyubanya" enjoy popular among fans, which performed the actress of the song "Ah, Soul." Barbara also acted as Marina Ninth Matthew with the Concert Program "Two Ways", which sounded joint compositions "Flowery-SemiChisventic", "Liestka, Paran". Together with the ensemble "Buranovsky grandmothers" released the song "And I will not get married."

In 2010, the singer was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia", and in the year of Barbara awarded the awards "For the creative embodiment of the ideas of the friendship of the peoples of Belarus and Russia".

Personal life

The distinctive singer of Varvara took place as a wife and a large mother. True, the personal life of the barbarians did not form immediately. The first early marriage quickly collapsed. From him, the singer remained son Yaroslav. Forced parting with the boy Elena Tutanova was experiencing hard. The singer had to provide a small family, to leave for the Arab Emirates at 20 years.

But life has settled after a meeting with a famous businessman Mikhail Supov. Now they have a strong family in which, in addition to the eldest son, Yaroslav, married in 2013, were brought up by two more sons from the first marriage Mikhail Susov. There are a couple and a common child - the daughter of Varbara, who has already made the first steps as a singer.

Now the spouses are most of the time spend on a country dacha, which is 500 km from Moscow. There, Barbara, along with her husband, conducts its own economy. 12 chickens and cows live on the farm. The spouses themselves make cheese on Zakvask, brought by Mikhail from Switzerland, harvesting on the winter of berries, baked bread.

Varvara now

In 2017, the artist pleased the admirers of their talent of the new song, which received the laconic name "Autumn". The premiere of the track took place on the "Road Radio" ether. Also Barbara received an invitation from the creators of the Music International Festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk, where he headed the jury of the children's competition.


In December, a concert of pop stars, where, in addition to Varvara, Sofia Rotaru, Yuri Antonov, Valery Meladze, Leonid Agutin, Larisa Dolina, Stas Pieha, Polina Gagarin and others. The festive concert was broadcast on New Year's Eve 2018 on the "Channel One". The announcement of the speech of the singer placed on his own page in "Instagram", where, in addition to the photo from the speeches, the actress lay out and family pictures.


  • 2001 - "Varvara"
  • 2003 - "closer"
  • 2005 - "Dreams"
  • 2008 - "Above Love"
  • 2013 - "Autumn Legends"
  • 2015 - "Len"

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