Liam Hemsworth - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Liam Hemsworth - Australian film actor who made a career in Hollywood. The purposefulness and talent of the artist allowed him not only to entrenched on the "Factory of the Dream", but also successfully declare himself as a promising artist who could take his own niche in the first row of the movie stars. Confirmation of this is numerous nominations and rewards, which at one time replenished the piggy bank of Hemsworth.

Childhood and youth

Liam Hemsworth was born in one of the largest cities of Australia - Melbourne. He turned out to be a junior child in the family. He has two older brothers - Chris and Luke, who also later became actors.

Chris Hemsworth received deafening popularity after samples were held for the role of Torah in the comic blockbuster of the same name. It gave the actor the opportunity to join the film "Marvel" and appear in both solo films about Torah and in crossovers on the detachment of the superheroes of the Avengers. Luke Hemsworth starred in the popular TV series "Wild West".

Parents did not have a relationship to the scene. Mom Leonorov OS worked as a teacher of English, and Papa Craig Hemsworth advised people as a lawyer in the social sphere. When Liam was 8 years old, the family moved to the little Philip island, which is part of Australia. There, the boy graduated from school and began to get involved in scenic art.

Only by receiving the certificate of maturity, Liam, together with Brother, Chris went to the United States, as she considered that there was easier to make a successful career in cinema.


The film, who brought the actor not only popularity, but also global fame, turned out to be an anti-astope thriller "Hungry Games". The character of the actor Gale Hawthorn attracted the attention of the audience and did not disappear from the screen in all parts of this fantastic ribbon. A year later, the artist returned to this role in the sequel "Hungry Games: and flames will flash."

In the next 2 years, two more sequels came out, finally completing the plot of the franchise: paintings "Hungry Games: Soyku-Peredashnitsa", part of the first and second. These films deeper reveal the image of Geila, showing the young man as the hero of the resistance.

This success and appeared after filming in a youth blockbuster, the world popularity gave cutting a push of a creative biography of the actor and allowed the chemsworth to agree in the future only on the main roles.

It is worth saying about the unusual nomination in which Liam Hemsworth fell. In 2010, after the Australian show of the sincere film "Last Song", the actor received the Nickelodeon Australian Kids' Choice Prize for the best kiss.

In 2016, Liam Hemsworth performed a major role in the fantastic film "Independence Day: Revival". This is a sequel blockbuster "Independence Day", the action of the picture occurs 20 years after the events of the first tape. By this time, earthlings mastered the technologies left after the failure attempt by aliens to capture the Earth.

Personal life

During filming in the Melodrama "Last Song" Liam Hemsworth met his partner on the film Miley Cyrus. Liam and Miley almost immediately began to meet, although they tried to hide this fact from curious journalists and fans.

After 3 years, the couple announced the engagement, but in September 2013 they broke up. Hemsworth even had romantic relationships with Mexican actress Acea Gonzalez. But at the end of 2015, Liama ​​began to see him again with his former girl

In the press again began to appear photo with a couple in love, the actor and singer went to relax on the beach, they went to secular events and walks, in the "Instagram" of Liama ​​appeared photos of Miley. Young people settled in their own house in Malibu, but due to the strong fires of 2018, the mansion burned down the duck. As the actors later recognized, the common trouble was rallied them.

In December 2018, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were still married. The young wedding decided not to advertise. The ceremony took place in the House of Family Cyrus, in Franklin.

However, the marriage turned out to be short. Already in the middle of summer, the couple spoke about divorce. According to Miley, the shortcoming between the spouses began in spring. The artist tried to establish contact with her husband and even appealed to a psychologist, but Liam refused to help a specialist. Insiders assure that everything is the most values ​​of her husband and wife. Hemsworth was aimed at a long family life, which Cyrus preferred his career and free relationship.

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The last official statements of the singer that she is unlikely to ever become an exemplary wife because of attraction to women, put a point in relations with Liam. The actress confirmed his words in practice: barely declared parting, Miley was seen in Italy in the company of their long-standing girlfriend Catelin Carter.

Liam for a long time did not speak out about everything that happened in his personal life, but in August, he gave an interview in which he could not hold back his emotions. Heavy experiences Actor tries to drown out rest. He spends free days with friends, surfing. Sport entered the life of Liam in early adolescence, which allowed the artist to form a sports figure with pumped torso. With an increase in 191 cm, the weight of chemsworth does not exceed 88 kg.

Liam Hemsworth now

After a small break, Liam again began to work. In 2019, in the filmography of the actor, it became more per romantic comedy.

In February, the premiere showing of the film "Well, isn't it not romantic?" In which Hemsworth played a pair with Rebel Wilson. Later, the performer appeared in the cast of the militant Killer. Now in the plans from the artist participation in a number of US projects. According to rumors, Liam will appear in the dramatic militant "Northern Lights".


  • 2007-2014 - "Neighbors"
  • 2008-2011 - "Elephant and Princess"
  • 2009 - "Triangle"
  • 2010 - "Last Song"
  • 2012-2015 - "Hungry Games"
  • 2012 - "Young Hearts"
  • 2012 - "Empire State"
  • 2013 - "Paranoia"
  • 2014 - "On the edge"
  • 2015 - "Revenge from Couture"
  • 2016 - "Independence Day: Revival"
  • 2019 - "Well, isn't it romantic?"

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