Andrei Melnichenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Andrei Igorevich Melnichenko is a Russian entrepreneur, a billionaire, annually in the list of richest people in Russia, a benefactor. The owner of the assets of OJSC EuroChem, OJSC SUEK, LLC SGK.

Andrei was born in Gomel, making a gift to mom to the International Women's Day: a joyful event happened on March 8, 1972.

The boy grew up in the intelligent family of teachers. Andrei's father is a physicist's scientist, and son went on his footsteps. Melnichenko had a tendency to accurate sciences. After Andrei won the Olympics in physics, Melnichenko took the USSR to the most prestigious physico-mathematical school. The boy moved to study in Moscow.

Businessman Andrei Melnichenko

After graduating from school, the question of the university was not stood - Andrei Melnichenko entered the Physician MSU. True, in a couple of years, the young man felt that the times were changing, and translated into the Plekhanovskaya Academy.

Andrei since childhood was adventurous and intelligent. In one of the interviews, the businessman's grandmother recalled how he went with her grandson to the Tretyakov Gallery. At the entrance stood a long line, then Andrei realized and attached to the queue where foreigners stood. After 5 minutes, the grandmother and grandson have already considered the masterpieces of Russian painters.


Melnichenko began to do business in student years. Together with Mikhail Kuznetsov and Evgenia Ischenko, he opened the tourist firm "Satellite", then decided to sell the office equipment. In the same 1991, partners opened a currency exchange office, which worked until the end of 1992. Then a law was released on licensing exchange currency transactions. Then the partners began searching for the bank to continue the exchange business. Found a small bank "Premier", opened the first, then the second exchange items. Soon it turned out that the volume of operations in these paragraphs is higher than on the bank as a whole.

Mikhail Kuznetsov and Andrey Melnichenko

In the spring of 1993, Andrei Melnichenko registered the financial and credit company MDM and received a license. From this point on, a period of climbing in the professional biography of the entrepreneur began. At first, the exchange points appeared in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. By the end of the year, MDM acquired a bank license, uniting with Converse Bank. At the same time, Andrei Melnichenko received the position of the manager. Under the start of Andrei Melnichenko and Sergey Popov, industrial groups were organized - "SUEK", "EuroChem", "Pipe Metallurgical Company", as well as the investment campaign "Rinako".

In early 2001, the MDM Group expanded the scope of activity. Andrei Igorevich began to actively buy shares of promising coal enterprises, among which were "Vostssibugol", "readugol", "Khakasugol", Sakhalin Corporation, "Dalvostugol". The management of the companies was entrusted to the Siberian coal energy company "Baikal-coal", the head of which was appointed Oleg Misewwra, the former director of the Kuznets Ferroallow Kommerovsky Factory from the MDM structure.

Andrei Melnichenko, SGK

In 2002, Melnichenko put up for sale half of the MDM shares, the share of participation in TMK in 2004 bought Dmitry Poumpyansky.

In 2004, the MDM Group was eliminated, and after 3 years Melnichenko sold Shares of the same Bank Sergey Popov, focusing on the industrial sector. In the same period, Melnichenko became the main owner of EuroChem, the share of shares amounted to 90 percent. EuroChem is the largest producer of mineral fertilizers in Russia.

Andrei Melnichenko

Since 2007, Andrei Igorevich has taken the post of Chairman of the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on the Mining Committee.

The sphere of interests of Andrei Melnichenko is still included in the Siberian Coal-Energy Company and the Siberian Generating Company. Already in 2011, 92.2 percent of the shares of both belong to the billionaire.

Businessman Andrei Melnichenko

Businessman bet on the creation of leader companies. Possible risks An entrepreneur levels, building a promising management system.

Andrei Melnichenko is among the largest benefactors of Russia. The data published the Bloomberg agency. For an invaluable contribution to charitable and social activities in 2016, an entrepreneur received a reward - a sign of distinction "for good deeds".

Personal life

Andrei Melnichenko is married to the ex-model and singer Sandra Nikolich, who is 25 years younger than a spouse.

The wife of the oligarch was born in Yugoslavia, brought up in a secured family. She is the only daughter in the family, never knowing anything. Father Sandra - in demand architect, mother - artist. Perhaps therefore Sandra Nicolich is so sensitive to beauty.

Andrei and Alexander Melnichenko

In one of the interview, the girl admitted that I met Andrei Melnichenko at a villa with friends in France. Then Sandra was "blonde with the shoulder cheeks and bones, covered with skin." Since 15 years old, Sandra was engaged in model business. Over time, the figure of the girl became feminine, but the fascination of fashion and beauty did not have anywhere. Sandra Nikolich - a supporter of a healthy nutrition and tends to this family. The wife Melnichenko jokes that even a dog eats carrots in the house with pleasure.

Alexandra and Andrei met for two years, and in 2005 they got married. The celebration took place on the Cote d'Azur, for the newlyweds, they specifically built a Russian chapel, in which lovers were married. According to the calculations of journalists, the wedding cost $ 14 million. Rooms were booked in a 5-star hotel.

Wedding Andrei and Alexandra Melnichenko

Seven years, spouses lived without children. In 2012, the Melnichenko had a heiress. The daughter called the Tara, but the parents do not show the photo of the Girls of the public. Tara is not going to school yet, but actively travels with parents around the world.

Andrei Melnichenko - Estet, loves luxury and beauty. The subject of permanent discussions is an entrepreneur's yacht with the concise name "A" (according to the first letter of the name of the oligarch). Marine ship is a real work of art. The yacht designed Philip Stark, having thought out the design of the design and accessories to the knobs in the cabins. Western media enthusiastically wrote that one door handle pulls $ 40 thousand on a yacht - 14 bedrooms, the sizes of the vessel are huge - 120 meters in length. The billionaire yacht is considered one of the best in the world. Every year, Melnichenko spends $ 20 million.

Yacht Andrei Melnichenko

Businessman Andrei Melnichenko owns real estate in Russia, Monaco, France, Switzerland, America and England.

Andrei Melnichenko now

In 2016, Andrei Melnichenko founded a charitable foundation, whose activity includes the opening of educational and scientific and technological centers for young people. Such organizations are opening throughout the country - from Stavropol to Kemerovo and Altai Territory. Now 79.2 million rubles were sent to the project.

Andrei Melnichenko at the opening of the Center for Children's Scientific and Engineering and Technical Creativity

In 2017, the company, which owns Andrei Melnichenko's assets, invested $ 16 billion in the Russian economy. Money was sent to the industrial sector.

In 2017, Olga Buzova on the Instagram website published pictures on vacation in Monaco. Star show business arrived on the sea coast on a private plane, spent time in the best clubs of the resort. In the appendage, the girl took a picture of a rings with a precious stone, which Buzova gave a fan. Rumors appeared on the network that Olga Buzova is in relations with married oligarch Andrey Melnichenko. But the specles are not confirmed by the facts.

State assessment

In 2005, Andrei Melnichenko first hit the list of "Forbes" of the richest Russians, and since 2012 annually enters the top 15 ranking. In 2013, the state of the oligarch reached a mark of $ 14.4 billion and allowed Melnichenko to take 6 position in the ranking. In 2016, Andrei Melnichenko fell on the 11th place of the Russian list with a capital of $ 8.2 billion.

Andrei Melnichenko

According to the edition of Forbes for 2017, Melnichenko's condition was $ 13.2 billion, which made the 9th entrepreneur in the list of Russian oligarchs and the 89th worldwide.

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