Natalia Egrogen - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, "Little Vera" 2021



Natalia Egrogen - Soviet, Russian and American actress, which has become a world star thanks to the Social Drama "Little Vera". After that, Natalia was spoken by both the Soviet Union and abroad.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Egrogen was born in Moscow in the family of creative people. Tamara Pavlyuchenko's mother - a television director, filmed popular broadcasts and "up to 16 and older ...". Natasha's father - actor Igor Egrogen, familiar to the audience on the melodrama "Metelitsa".

School years actress remembers with shudder. Learning the girl, to put it mildly, did not love. In the younger grades, she dreams of a ballerina's career, although a small height and a non-standard figure did not allow Natalia to get even in a children's studio. Later there was a dismantling of the actress profession and began to prepare for admission to the theater school.

However, the first time of the universities did not conquer the girl, even despite the famous last name. Only a year later she was among the students of the MCAT Studio, where he studied at the legendary actor Oleg Efremov. After receiving a diploma of the room, one audition was held, seeking to enter the troupe of some Moscow theater, but the candidate of a young actress was approved only by the capital Tyuz.

There, a young graduate was two years old, after which I realized that this repertoire would sooner or later lead to its degradation as an actress, and left the stage. In the future, there was a career in cinema, and the theater was no longer returned.


In the artistic cinema, Natalya made his debut in 1985 in one of the issues of the science fiction series "This Fantastic World". Then the family drama on the novel Boris Vasilyeva "Tomorrow was war," where the girl played nine-year-old Zein. Her colleague in the picture was Irina Cheryichenko, who created the image of the principal class headman. Natalia's unique duet created with Alexander Zbruev in the melodraman "Self-portrait of the Unknown".

In his most famous film "Little Vera" Natalia fell almost by chance. Initially, the main role in this social picture was to execute Irina Apksimov, then the actress Yana Poplavskaya was tried. The script was also not too much to taste the script, so she didn't try to like the director on the samples, and this circumstance turned out to be decisive - the natural alienation was that it was required for the role of provincials that entangled in his life.

The film "Little Vera" for the first time for Soviet cinema affected the social problems that were previously silent, and created the effect of a broken bomb. This was the first picture on the Soviet screen in which heroes have sex. Prior to that, erotic scenes of censorship did not miss the production of the USSR and cut out from foreign.

The film was watched by 55 million viewers, while the initial "little faith" received sharply negative assessments of the audience. From the premiere of the film, people ran with the scream "Shame!" After the scandalous bed scene appeared on the screens. Initially, the episode was not registered in the script, the idea of ​​the director arose along the shooting. According to the villains, it was a brilliant PR-move, the title of Bertolucci. It was a scandal, but the conservative part of the audience could not prohibit the film, nor lower the popularity of the "Little Faith."

Natalia Egrogen - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films,

The picture was awarded dozens of premiums at various international film festivals, and Natalia did not only become a sex symbol of the Soviet Union, but also turned out to be the first Soviet actress that appeared on the cover of the American erotic journal Playboy. There was a "nick" for the main female role, bypassing other colleagues. In an interview after the film, the performer told about the bags of letters, which came every morning in the studio: half of them were abusive. The moral appearance of Natalia was mixed with the behavior of her heroine, consolidating the glory of the walking, "sobbed" maiden.

It would seem, now for the species open the way to any sequented platform of the country. But in the end, she only once, together with Alexey, Zharkov, participated in the filmcomy "in the city of Sochi dark nights", after which her career in the domestic cinema slammed for a long time.

In the 90s, the actress was filmed exclusively in American films. At her account, the musical drama "Back to the USSR", the detective series "Law and Order", comedy about baseball "Summer Comrades" and melodrama "Every minute is a farewell." Actress managed to turn around the whole world - she actively participated in foreign festivals. Once Natalia even became the copping ceremony of the Oscar.

In 2009, the performer reappeared on Russian screens, playing the main role of librarians from a small provincial city in the drama "Tuben, Drum". Thanks to this work, there was a winner of the film "Golden Eagle" and "White Elephant".

Up until 2016, journalists remembered Natalia only by previous merits.

Although the actress has moved away from affairs, her name at least once in a couple of months was mentioned in the press in the selection of Soviet sex symbols, in stories about the scandalous picture "Little Vera" or in the news about life, health and death Hugh Hefner, the founder of the famous male gloss Playboy, in which the emeges shot the first of the Soviet actresses.

In 2017, Natalia returned to the screens. Shooting passed in Latvia. The director and screenwriter Sergey Livnev, famous for the work on Assa and Sickle and Hammer, took the picture with the participation of the species. For Livnev, this is also a job after a long break in the career, as well as for Natalia.

The Russian-British feature film called "Van Gogi" was released in 2019. The main role was performed by Daniel Olbrykh, who played the famous conductor and the Russian-speaking Jew living in Riga. Natalia had a secondary role played. Also in the film Alexey Serebryakov, Elena Koreneva, Olga Ostrumova, Alexander Sirin and others. Sergey Livnev and the Egroes presented a picture at the Film Festival in Khanty-Mansiysk.

Personal life

When Natalia studied at the Studio Studio, she had a short novel with her art leader Mikhail Efremov. After the success of the film "Little Vera", young people broke up.

The companion of the values ​​on the site was Andrei Sokolov. After the release of the film, the novel was attributed to young people. The artists themselves, the fact of love communications deny. In the show Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!" From 2018, Natalia noted that with Sokolov, they were connected exclusively friendly relations. In an interview with 2019 in the program "The Fate of Man", the partner of Natalia called the wise woman who lived a difficult life. The artist also admitted that the novel between them did not happen.

After parting with Mikhail Efremov, he began to meet with Sergey Tolstikov. Evgeny Dodolhev recalled: Natalia called his companion the son of the famous Party of Vasily Tolstikov. In the bohemian company Nikitsky (Botanical Garden with a mini-pension), where in the youth Konstantin Ernst brought his friends, Sergey stood a mansion. Lover actresses were married. After parting, Natalia went to the United States.

At the very beginning of the 1990s, the actress married. According to numerous rumors, her spouse was a Russian emigrant living in the United States. In fact, he met him in Moscow, and no citizenship did not change her husband. In the US, she was leaving exactly, as the performer was invited to work there.

Natalia lived for quite many years in Los Angeles, but in 2007 he decided to return home. By the way, she also divorced her spouse. As far as the press is known, there were no children from the couple.

Today, the actress holds the bulk of time in Moscow, and lives quite secluded. Life is not welcomed and does not support, preferring to enjoy the comfort of his home. Natalya does not hide the personal life and does not hide from journalists, but also does not advertise the events of their own life.

The actress does not have a high activity in political issues. Nevertheless, during a major scandal around the "JUKOS case" associated with the assignment and waste, in which a number of employees accused, Natalia had to support the former company of Svetlana Bakhmina.

Also, Natalia came to support the scandalous feminist punk group Pussy Riot. The girls were arrested and accused of hooliganism after punk-prayer, unauthorized musical performance in the Church of Christ the Savior. In this case, the actress also acted in support of the liberation of participants.

Natalia Egrogen now

On December 23, 2020, Tatyana Ustinova invited the food to "My Hero" program.

In "Instagram" photos of the beloved actress lay out fans.


  • 1985 - "This Fantastic World"
  • 1987 - "Tomorrow was war"
  • 1988 - "Self-portrait of the Unknown"
  • 1988 - "Little Vera"
  • 1989 - "In Sochi, dark nights"
  • 1991 - "Back to the USSR"
  • 1992 - "Summer Comrades"
  • 1993 - "Law and Order"
  • 1996 - "Every minute - farewell"
  • 2009 - "Tuben, drum"
  • 2018 - "Van Gogi"

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