Pele - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Film "Birth of Legends", Football Player, Goals, Eduard Streltsov 2021



Pele, which is truly called Edson Aranthua do Namamant, - the legendary Brazilian footballer, who spent the clubs "Santos" and New York Cosmos. He became a symbol of generation of players of the 50-60s after the world champion became three times. Until now, this record does not break. For his own football biography of Pele scored 1289 heads in 1363 games.

Childhood and youth

The future star of world football appeared in 1940 in the tiny Brazilian town of Tres-Korasoins, located in Minas Gerais. For parents, the boy was the first, but not the only child. His younger brother Jair Aranthes did Namamenty also took up football.

The family football player lived very poorly, and the ball was perhaps the only available entertainment of children. The father, whom the name of Dondinho, in the past and himself was a cucitor of the game of millions. He turned out to be the first person who showed Edson basic elements of football.

When the child was 7 years old, Edsson was based on a local children's team. It was then that the boy received the famous nickname Pele, however, today the footballer does not remember why and that this name meant. Trainer, seeing the speed of a small player, immediately put it in the attack line.

After a couple of years, the section was headed by a former Brazilian national team player Valdemar de Brito, who told about a talented teenager to Mentors of the famous Santos Club from Sao Paulo. Soon the Pele signed the first professional contract and had already debuted for the main composition for the first 15 years.


The first game in the role of professional football player was spent in September 1956, that is, in incomplete 16 years. The young man came out against the Grande Brazilian football, the Corintians club, and immediately distinguished himself as a scoring nude. For the Santos team, the phenomenal player spoke 19 years old and scored almost 650 goals. Such effectiveness helped the athlete 11 times to become a champion, 6 times win the Cup and not once to defeat the international arena. Only his compatriot Garrinch could be compared to the star of the football field, which in Brazil was considered the second football player after Pele.

Together with the Brazilian national team at 28, the footballer first went to the World Cup - 1958, which was held in Sweden. Good luck smiled at the star only in the quarterfinals, where he scored a victorious goal in the match with Wales. In subsequent games, Pele showed itself in all its glory and for the first time in the history of Brazilian football led the team to victory.

In the same year, the first match of the USSR was held - Brazil on the group tournament in Gothenburg, in which Pele, Didi, Garrinch, Vava and others participated from the South American country. Soviet football presented Lev Yashin, Vladimir Kesarev, Konstantin Krizhevsky and others. Later, the team met repeatedly.

After Santos, the Pele moved to the American Cosmos Club from New York. This transfer he produced a furor in the world, as European football in the US was then not popular. But the king, as by that time an athlete was already called, the fans attracted fans to the stadiums. According to statistics, during the performance of the Brazilian striker in America, attendance of matches has increased tenfold.

Experts have repeatedly tried to analyze the penel phenomenon. As a result, the researchers agree that the football player had a set of unusual physical data and an incredible desire to achieve a result. In the fact that the player had congenital talent, scientists do not doubt, but Pele also worked for several hours to work the ball and strikes on the goal after the team's partners traveled around homes.

Its technique turned out to be sensational for that time. The footballer alone was able to bypass more than half of the players from the opponent's mill and targeted the corner of the gate. In such a key, the people scored more than once, and a similar dribbling in the match with "Fluminens" led to a goal called the best in the century. The athlete managed to hit him through himself and thereby run the ball into the opponent's gate. At the Maracan Stadium, a memorable sign is even installed in honor of this event. After 7 years on the same field, he scored the anniversary in the career of the 1000th goal with a penalty spot.

In 1977, the last match of the Pele, who visited about 77 thousand fans visited in New York, was held at the Giants Stadium. In addition to the tribunes, in addition to fans of the player player, his family was present, Jimmy Carter, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Mohammed Ali.

After football

The popularity of the athlete was so high that the compatriots of a football player who did not know how to read, began to explore a diploma to familiarize themselves with the memorars when he wrote and published the autobiography "I - Pele". As a sign of gratitude for the contribution to the public education of the legend of sports received a medal from the Ministry of Education.

The Brazilian government decided to use the widest popularity of the football player, and in the 90s the Pele appointed the Minister of Youth, Tourism and Sports to the post. The athlete managed to promote the law, now wearing his name, thanks to which corruption was reduced in Brazilian football. Also, the world champion became a goodwill ambassador and a lot of strength and money spent on popularizing and promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle.

In 1999, the France Football magazine after consulting with everyone at that time the living owners of this award assigned the Brazilian title "Century Player". In addition, information on the official website of IOC appeared information that the Pelle was recognized as the greatest athlete of the century, although the player never became a member of the Olympic Games. FIFA made it in the first lines of the list of the best football players. In 2014, the champion received an honorary award "Golden Ball FIFA".

Sales athlete and as a businessman. For example, the Cafe Pele Football Player Coffee Mark is known worldwide. Also, more than once, Pele acted as a telecommometrator, TV presenter and even artist author's songs. But the most famous pele after the end of the career as an actor.

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In 2016, Pele presented the Nadezhda's own song, which was dedicated to the Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro and became the first Olympiad Olympics held on the territory of South America.

"Hope" is not the only song of the famous athlete. Pele has long been interested in music, writes compositions and even worked on the creation of a plate of the singer Alice modes.

On the eve of 2018, the Pelle visited Moscow, where in the State Kremlin Palace was the draw of the team participating in the upcoming Mundial. His colleague Diego Maradona also arrived at the event. The presence of football legends could not not be noted by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who made a joint photo with celebrities. The snapshot hit the official page of the Russian national team in Twitter.

Pele remains aware of all international football events. The athlete will not slip on the praise of modern stars, but it happens that there is dissatisfaction with the game of some of them. So, in 2019, the pele pointed out the shortcomings of the compatriot - Forward Neymar. Earlier, the champion, on the contrary, called the Brazilian Ronaldinho the best player of the world at that time.


More than 50 pictures of Pele played himself. For example, in the fantasy comedy "Magnat Othello and billion transactions", the humorous ribbon "tramps and the king of football" and the sports drama "Victory price". But there is a dozen movies, where Pele performed as a professional actor. Of these, the melodrama "lead in motion" is allocated, the criminal drama "Pockets", the family picture "Little Miracle", the military film "Victory".

The 2016 year of release also enjoys success - the biographical project "Pele: The Birth of Legends", telling about the childhood and youth of the famous player. Football player in adolescence was played by actor Kevin de Paula, and Leonardo Lima Carvalo was playing a child role. The athlete himself also appeared in the drama in the episode, depicting a man in the hotel.

Personal life

Resonance in society made recognition of the pele that his first sexual experience in the 14th age was homosexual. But the football player insists that at the time among adolescents, this was considered almost an ordinary phenomenon. In the future, in the personal life, the athlete adhered to exclusively heterosexual relations.

The first time the Pele married in 1966 to Romeremideos Flight Scholbi and lived with his wife for 16 years. During this time, three children were born in the family, but only one son. Edson Sholbi Namament (or Edino) became a professional football player, Santos team goalkeeper.

After the divorce, the Pele had a long-term affair with a Brazilian singer and a model named Maria Yes, the Grace of Megel, better known under the pseudonym Shusha. They met when the girl was only 17 years old, and many believe that Pele caused her promotion in show business.

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The second time the footballer married in 1994. The psychologist and singer in the style of Moschai Assyria Lemos Seishas turned out to be a new chief of the football player. We had born twins Johsua and Celeste, nevertheless, this marriage gave a crack after 14 years of existence. In addition, the athlete has two extramarital daughters from different women.

In 73, Pele again went under the crown with Marcia Aoki. His wife has a mixed Brazilian and Japanese origin and is engaged in the supply of medical equipment to South America. Marcia younger spouse for 30 years.

Now the king of football lives in Brazil. House in New York, in which he spent 40 years, was sold in 2018. A few months after departure from the US, while in France, Pele was hospitalized. It became known that earlier athlete was treated from a chronic disease. In the media began to spread rumors about the death of the football legend, which were false.

Pele now

In May 2020, the Sport 360 website made the names of Pele, David Beckham, Zico, Ronaldinho, Diego Maradona and others in the symbolic team of the strongest performers.

After a few months, Pele presented the book "I changed the world and football" to fans. In memoirs, the footballer shared his vision of events occurring in the world of sports, and also told the news from the life that were previously unknown to readers.

On November 23, the king of football celebrated anniversary - 80 years, and after 2 days the world said goodbye to the Great Argentine player and the coach of Diego Maradona. Footballer died of a heart stop. News has become a blow to the Brazilian. Farewell words to the legend of football, in addition to Pele, their other famous colleagues said - Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and others.


  • 1957, 1963 - Winner of the Rock Cup
  • 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1973 - Paulista League Champion with Santos
  • 1958, 1962, 1970 - World Champion with Brazilian national team
  • 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1968 - Brazil champion with Santos
  • 1962, 1963 - Winner of the Libertadores Cup with Santos
  • 1962, 1963 - the owner of an intercontinental cup with Santos
  • 1968 - owner of the Super Cup of Intercontinental Champions with Santos
  • 1973 - Footballer of the Year in South America
  • 1977 - Safle Champion with New York Space
  • 1999 - Athlete Century according to IOC
  • 2002 - century player according to FIFA
  • For all his football career Pele scored 1289 heads in 1363 games
  • Best scorer in the history of the Brazilian national team: 77 heads
  • Ranked first in the list of the greatest players of the 20th century according to the World Soccer magazine

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