Chris Pine - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Chris Pine is an American actor who won world popularity after executing the role of Captain Jim Kirk in the restart of the Star Path of the Star Path (Star Trek). Later, the actor secured success, starring in the comic blockbuster "Wonder Woman".

Christopher Whiteloou "Chris" Pine - so the full name of Chris Paine's film actor. The actor was born in August 1980. Probably, Chris was doomed to become an actor. After all, two generations of his relatives chose this particular profession. Father and Mom were actors. Grandmother on the mother at one time also shone in Hollywood. Even grandfather, although he was a lawyer, but also dealt with the dream factory: He headed the Association of Lawyers of the famous American film industry.

Actor Chris Pine

In the cores of Chris Paine, English, Welsh and Jewish blood were mixed. The Jew was the same grandfather-lawyer who led Hollywood lawyers.

Childhood and youth Chris Paine went to Los Angeles. In school years, the boy leaned in languages ​​and literature. After graduation, he entered the university in Berkeley, where he studied English. Having received a bachelor's degree, went to the UK, where for the year he continued to improve in linguistics.

Chris Pine

But all these years, Chris Pine was acutely interested in the scene. For the first time, Chris went to the stage back at school. He often acted on Williamsstown - theatrical festival in Berkshire Hills. Pine skill cultivated and during training at the University of California. Chris's parents could not become the first magnitude cinema stars. Mom had to even leave the actress career and retrain the psychologist's practitioner. Therefore, Pyne decided to glorify the surname - his duty.


At first, Chris Pine went on the theater scene. But the young man sought to the screen, realizing that broadly fame could come only so. Debuted the novice actor, like the young colleagues of Chris, in the series. Paine was lucky to get a small role in the popular "ambulance" project, which went to screens from 1994 to 2009. Then there were some more episodes in popular TV shows.

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Light manner of the game, discrepancy, notable appearance and athletic physique (an actor's height of 183 cm, weight 78 kg) of a young actor turned out to be seen. Soon, the cinematic biography of Chris Paine is becoming larger in movies. The first serious role in the full-length film got the actor in 2004. Paina was invited to the melodrama "Princess Diaries 2: how to become a queen," where Chris played the lover heroine Ann Hathaway.

The film had high ratings, but did not glorify Paina. It happened 2 years later, when the actor appeared in the comedian-criminal militant director Joe Karnakhan. In the "Trump Tuys", Chris met on the set with Jeremy Paven, Rayem Liotta and Ryan Reynolds. In the same turning point of 2006, Pine starred in two projects - Melodrame "Capitulation Dorothy" and a comedy tape "Kiss for good luck". In the last film partner, the actor became Lindsay Lohan.

Since 2006, Chris Paine filmier develops rapidly. It becomes clear that the son will succeed in what his parents-actors sought. Huge popularity brought the actor the role of a blind young man who is looking for a soul mate. This touching comedy called "blind date" made Chris Paine to the top of popularity.

The trend continued after the release on the screens of the comedy melodrama "blow by the bottle" of Randall Miller, the premiere of which took place in 2008. And to establish themselves in the star status, the actor managed when he appeared in the main roles of the franchisees of the franchise "Star Path". Film crimits rated Pain's skill in these projects pretty high.

The "Star Path" of 2009 became a restart of the famous series of the 60s of the last century "Star Path", and Chris Pine himself fulfilled the role of a cult character of fiction, Captain James Tiberius Kirk. The role of the first assistant was executed by Zakari Quitto, the head doctor of the starship played Karl Urban. The film talked about the establishment of the "Enterprise" team and the heroic salvation of the Earth from the alien threat.

In 2013, Chris Pine returned to the role of Cyrk Captain in Sicvel "Start-Trek: Retribution." Unlike the first film, Russian localizers this time did not begin to translate the name.

In this part, the authors of the film recreated one of the most dramatic scenes of the original series. Chris also became the main hero of the scene, which showed the audience the depth of the acting talent of Paine.

From the following filming of Chris Pajana as the best you can select the film "Vehicles", a black comedy "Lieutenant from the Island of Island" and the island picture "uncontrollable", in which the actor played along with the legendary Denzel Washington.

In the fall of 2009, it became known that Pine is negotiating on his participation in the next film release of Roman Tom Clancy "Art to make money." Chris's candidacy was viewed on the role of the analyst of the CIA Jack Ryan. Recall that earlier this role was delivered by Hollywood Stars Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck and Alec Baldwin.

In 2014, these plans were carried out: Chris Pine played the main character in the picture "Jack Ryan: Chaos theory."

Another popular project in which Chris Pine played a major role was the comedy fighter "means, war", in which the actor starred along with Reese Witherspoon and Tom Hardy. Chris Pine and Tom Hardy play the role of acting CIA agents who are in love with one girl and try to win the location of the chosen, using both their own charm and various professional techniques.

Personal life

Fans are quite difficult to judge the actor's personal life, as Chris is little divided into details on the network and does not even lead an account in "Instagram".

Chris Pine and Iris Bjork

But Hollywood handsome man definitely does not suffer from the lack of attention of women. Nightly the opposite - the army of his fans is huge. Among the beloved Paine were the model Dominic Peak, the IRIS Bjorka was replaced by the Iris Bjork. Paparazzi more than once found a couple in various romantic places - then in a cozy Parisian restaurant, then at the exit from the nightclub. Chris in many of his interviews recognized that she dreams of a strong family, loving a spouse and a large number of children.

But at the end of 2014 it became known that the relationship between actor and the model ended. Enviable Bridegroom Chris Pine long remained alone. In 2015, Hollywood Tusovka spoke about the new Roman of Chris. It is often met in the company of famous beauty - Rocker's daughter Lenny Kravitatsoi Kravitz. Whether Zoe will be able to bring the avid bachelor to the crown - this question was interested in all the fans of the actor. But as far as I know the press, this novel did not turn into something serious.

Fans also do not reset the theory that Chris can be gay, therefore closely followed the pretty women surrounded by the actor, and for men. After filming in Startrek, fans spoke about the Roman of Chris with a partner in the shooting area Zakari Quinto.

Chris Pine now

In 2016, Chris Pine appeared again in Space Saga in the "Star Route" universe and played a major role in the Star Trek: Infinity Blockbuster. In the new film, the crew of the starship is no longer performing single short missions, but is in full swing of a five-year flight to the depths of space, exploring unknown planets. Actor masterfully showed the metamorphosis of a heroic brave captain, which gradually turns into tired of monotonous days in the midst of the endless space and the tired man's responsibility.

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In 2017, Chris Pine starred in another popular franchise and joined the actors of a kinned DC. Chris performed the main male role in the comic fighter "Wonder Woman". The role of Amazon-superheroid played Gal Gadot. The actor's hero is Steve Trevor, who accidentally falls on the island of Amazons and persuades the princess Diana to help the outside world in the war with the Nazis. From this begins the story of the famous superheroid wonderful women.


  • 2006 - "Kiss for good luck"
  • 2006 - "Date blindly"
  • 2007 - "Trump Touches"
  • 2008 - "Blow Bottle"
  • 2009 - "Star Path"
  • 2009 - "Carriers"
  • 2010 - "Unmanageable"
  • 2012 - "People like we"
  • 2012 - "So the war"
  • 2014 - "Jack Ryan: Chaos Theory"
  • 2017 - "Wonder Woman"

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