Mia Vasikovsk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Mia Vasikovska - Australian film actress and director who has received broad international fame after entering the screens of the rating fantasy film.

Childhood and youth

Mia was born on October 25, 1989 (zodiac sign scales) in the capital of Australia. An older sister and younger brother were brought up in the family of future artist. Parents worked by professional photographers. Mother and father of the Australian actress have a different nationality: Majena Vasikovska Polish origin, and Father John Reed is a Native Australian.

In 8 years after the birth of Mia, the family moved to Poland for a year to Poland, to the mother's homeland, where the spouses expected the official permission to a permanent Australian visa.

By the way, about the surname actresses there are many disputes. English-speaking people utter her as Wazicausk, and in the Russian-speaking segment it is customary to say Vasikovsk. Mia itself insists that the correct option is nothing.

After the family returned to the country, the girl was discovered in a ballet studio, where he was engaged in almost 7 years. Already in childhood, Mia dreamed of going to a big scene, so it got up daily to the machine and spent on the pointe to 35 hours a week. But it was necessary to also receive education at school.

Ballerina Vasikovsk did not become, but already in 15 years, the girl received an invitation to be filmed into the movies. Having agreed on this, MIA radically turned his life.

Personal life

The personal life of Mia is not so open as other stellar colleagues. Most romantic relationships she hides from fans and omnipresent journalists. It is only known that the artist 2 years met with Jesse Aisenberg, who met on the shooting area of ​​the twiller "Double". In 2015, the actress broke up with her boyfriend.

Perhaps the profession of parents in some incomprehensible way genetically passed and Mia, because she likes to photograph. Also among celebrity hobbies are reading and hiking. To travel, the actress got used to from an early age, after all, along with his father and mother, he was still small in many European countries, as well as in Russia, where the exhibition of works by Majen Vasikovskaya was held.

The actress leads an account in "Instagram", where she lays out liked photos for visiting fans. In the network "VKontakte" there are several groups dedicated to the work of Australian.


The first appearance of a 15-year-old MIA on the screen was to the criminal drama "chaos on the outskirts". Then there were other Australian paintings: the medical series "All Saints", Teenage Drama "September", horror movie "Crocodile" and others. The young actress was noticed over the ocean, and the following scenarios began to come to Vasikovskaya from Hollywood, which influenced her creative biography. The girl acquired a manager.

Mia played in the series about psychoanalyst "Patients", the psychological drama "This is the evening sun", the melodrame "Amelia", the comedy "Baby is in order." By this time, Australian managed to work with the stars Richard Girome and Daniel Craig.

And in 2010, when the original version of the legendary fairy tale "Alice in Wonders" directed by Tim Berton was published on the screens, Mia turned into a world-wide star. She received an award in the nomination "Best Women's Role" at Australian Film Institute.

The actress recalls that on the set of the film she had to play more often with imaginary partners, whose place in the frame occupied Cardboard. Such a feature of the shooting process helped develop imagination. Together with Vasikov, the main roles were performed by Johnny Depp (Mad Hatter), Ann Hathaway (White Queen), Helen Bonham Carter (Red Queen).

The fairy tale had mad success, so after 6 years there was a continuation of "Alice in the Wasser Calm".

After the end of the work on the Mia project cut off long curls and passed them into the fund assistance to children, sick cancer. Hair actresses used to create a small patient wigs. Having made a short haircut, she again felt "ordinary person": the artist does not hide that Glory and honors are not easy. And with short hair, the girl became less notable on the street, which facilitated movement outside the house.

Despite the world recognition, Vasikovsk remains a modest girl, which is always alone on the red carpet tracks of film festivals. Mia every time he experiences because of the danger inadvertently to fall and turn the leg. In addition, a makeup becomes another problem, which under the rays of sophytes may unexpectedly "swim".

And between these films, the actress managed to work on the set of Melodrama "Jane Eyre". The book of Mia read back in 2009 and immediately called the agent in order to find out whether the preparation for shooting is being prepared. The girl was lucky: after six months she was waiting for a contract with the British company BBC Films, which began to work on Roman Charlotte Bronte. Along with Vasikovskaya, Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell and Judy Dench were invited to the main actors. The movie received an Oscar premium for the best design of costumes.

There are actresses in the filmography and role in the criminal drama - in 2012, the tape "The Most Drunk District in the World" came out. The plot is developing in Virginia in the times of dry law. One of the Bonduratt brothers, organized by the underground production of moonshine, becomes a witness to the killing of government agents. The investigation of the crime threatens not only the alcoholic business, but also the life of entrepreneurs who played Shaia Labafe, Tom Hardy and Jason Clark. Vasikovskaya got the Character Berth, the daughter of a local preacher.

In the psychological thriller "vicious games", released in 2013, the main roles were played by Mia (India Stoker), Matthew Hood (Uncle Charlie Stoker) and Nicole Kidman (Evelin Stroker), masterfully showing unhealthy relations in the family.

In 2013, the premiere of the fantasy drama "survive only lovers will survive." The plot tells about Vampire Eva (Tilda Suinton), which is a couple with her husband Adam (Tom Hiddleston) hates zombies and does not kill people, getting blood on the illegal channel in hospitals. But the death of a friend breaks the supply channel, and the hungry bloodsows overlook the streets of the city. In Ribe Mia played the younger sister of the main character - the unbridled vampire Ava.

At the same time, Mia starred in the twiller "Double", where he reincarnated in the girl of the main character - the loser of Simon (Jesse Aisenberg), whose life is gradually moving to the twin James, a successful manager.

A year later, work was followed in the comedy "Star card", where Vasikovskaya got the role of a young adventurer who dreams of conquering Hollywood. For the sake of this heroine, got acquainted with the aging star Havana Segrand (Julianna Moore) and penetrated the kinodiv to the house under an incredible pretext. The premiere of the picture took place in Cannes.

The mystical thriller "Criminal Peak", the comedy "Star card" and the screening of the classical novel "Mrs. Bovari" are especially popular among the viewers.

Few fans actresses know that Mia is enjoying writing scripts and formulation of kinocartin. In 2013, she participated in the creation of a moviealman "10 moments of fate," which was filmed in Australia. The motherland was nominated for a number of national awards. After 3 years, the artist repeated such an experience, submitting to the court of viewers of Kinononellu in International Almanae "Madly".

Vasikovsk is not chasing the number of roles played and carefully approaches the choice of produced material. In 2017, the actress pleased fans by the appearance in the rating international project - the biographical thriller "Brain Himmler is called by Heydrich", in which Heroine Anna Novak played, the beloved of the resistance of Yana Kubish (Jack O'Connell). The tape is based on the assassination of the group of Czech saboteurs at the political leader of the fascist Germany Rainhard Heydrich (Jason Clark), which was engaged in a Jewish question.

In 2018, Mia, together with Robert Pattinson, appeared in the comedy western "Maiden", in which the bride and groom played.

In the same year, the premiere of the scandalous film release of the same name of Ryu Murakami "Pierced" took place. In the erotic thriller, the actress embodied the image of Jackie, call girls. Her Colleagues on the set became Christopher Abbott, Marin Ayrend, Wendell Pierce.

In January 2019, the Artist's filmography was replenished with a black comedy "Judy and Panch". Family couple of puppeteers, which Vasikovsk and Damon Herriman embodied, perform with ideas throughout the country. Family business holds on the talent of his wife, while all the glory goes to her drinking husband. A man, putting up once again, beats the spouse and accidentally kills their child. Deciding that the wife is also dead, he hides the body in the forest, but the woman survived and intends to revenge.

Another premiere of 2019 is the drama "Black Drozd" about the last desire of a deadly sick woman (Susan Sarandon). Relatives, gathered to meet Christmas together for the last time, recognize family secrets and secrets. Vasikovsk, Kate Winslet, Lindsay Duncan, Rain Wilson were invited to the roles in this drama.

Mia Vasikovsk now

In 2020, a psychological thriller "The Devil is always here" came out, which was the basis of the disposable novel Donald Ray Pollock. The plot covers a large period of time from the end of the Second World War before the start of the Vietnam War.

One of the main characters is Willard Russell (Bill Scarsgard), who returned from the war, created a family, but can not get rid of the consequences of psychological injury received in the war. His son Arvina (Tom Holland) and the whole new generation is a "devil" - this is a corrupt police, serial killers, priests-rapists and the US invasion of Vietnam. Vasikovsk played the role of Helen Hatton, the wife of the preacher Roy Laferty (Harry Melling).

In production was the tape "Bergman Island". The plot talks about a pair of American filmmakers who went for the summer to the island of fory. He is known as a place where the famous Swedish director Ingmar Bergman lived and worked. Spouses begin to write a scenario, but gradually the line between reality and fiction begins to emit. Colleagues Vasikovskaya on the set of Tim Mouth and Wiki Kryps.


  • 2006 - "Lawlessness on the outskirts"
  • 2009 - "Amelia"
  • 2010 - "Alice in Wonderland"
  • 2011 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 2011 - "Do not give up"
  • 2012 - "The most drunken district in the world"
  • 2013 - "Only lovers will survive"
  • 2013 - "Double"
  • 2014 - "Star Map"
  • 2014 - "Mrs. Bovarie"
  • 2015 - "Brief Peak"
  • 2016 - "Alice in the Looking Gallery"
  • 2017 - "Gimmler's brain is called by Heydrich"
  • 2018 - "Maiden"
  • 2018 - "Piercing"
  • 2019 - "Black Drozd"
  • 2020 - "The Devil is always here"

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