Georgy Guryanov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, group "Cinema", orientation, paintings, drummer



Georgy Gustav Guryanov was a diversified person. He became famous as an artist, actor, dj and musician. Periods of fruitful cooperation with the rock group "Cinema" created by Viktor Tsoem, and then with a cultural worker Timur Novikov, contributed to the achievement of the peak of glory and the natural talent was revealed as much as possible.

Childhood and youth

Biography Georgy Konstantinovich Guryanova began in the winter of 1961 in Leningrad, subsequently became St. Petersburg. The boy was lucky to be born in an intelligent, educated family.

Father Konstantin Fedorovich and Mother Margarita Vikentyev were specialists in geology. Wanting the Son to develop harmoniously, the parents did not refuse him and welcomed the desire to visit the circles and sections.

From an early age, before the start of study, Georgy's secondary school attended the musical studio, which operated at the N. G. Kozitsky DC. There, the child mastered the piano, as well as a series of string instruments: guitar, balalaika and domra.

Thanks to communicating with teachers, a collection of cassettes and vinyl records appeared in the house. For the future of the musician more than others affected the British rock band Led Zeppelin, the albums of which listened to representatives of the older generation.

Dreaming to achieve Robert Plant's popularity and Jimmy Page, Guryanov engaged at 8 o'clock a day. In rare moments of rest, he read or painted.

In the early 1970s, Dad and Mom advised the Son to go to the School of Fine Arts to work on appliances. George almost simultaneously received the certificate of maturity and the testimony, which was allowed to enter the Leningrad Art School named after V. A. Serov. However, in the first year it became clear what to write on the canons - grave and boring work.

Throwing his studies, Guryanov went to the capital of the Soviet Union, so that together with the peers to engage in creativity. The foundation of the Mayakovsky Friends Club was the case of his hands.


The musical career of the taught artist began in the late 1970s. The son of geologists made his debut on stage as a team bassist Sergei Semenov "Uncle Sam". Then he became interested in an alternative and joined panks from "automatic satisfactors." Experimenting with different tools, the young man did not experience problems.

In the early 1980s, in the Leningrad rock club, based on Rubinstein Street, Gureanov, who had managed to work with "games" and "folk militia," found like-minded people represented by the participants of the "Cinema" group. Viktor Tsoi invited him to the team after Peter Trochnko helped in the records was given to the full work in the Aquarium Boris Grebenshchikov. For the first time, a photograph of a musician, who turned out to be a good drummer, appeared on the cover of the album "Head of Kamchatka".

During the period of work on the songs, which included in the Golden Fund of the Russian Underground, the nickname Gusta was glued to George, which imposed certain obligations. Fashionable prech and stylish hairstyle began to distinguish it from the rest. The circle of hobbies also went beyond the traditions. Guryanov became one of the founders of the "New Composers" duet, which opened electronic music for roca lovers and a new wave.

As a drummer, vocalist and percussionist, Guryanov appeared as part of the Orchestra "pop mechanics", headed by Sergey Kurekhin. A portion of a bright guy with an average growth influenced foreign music, some believed that he copacing the behavior of the soloist of the Duran Duran Symon Le Bon.

In the late 1980s, Gustav became famous as an organizer of the Rave Parties. Styles techno and house were incomprehensible to people born in the Soviet Union. "Pati", held in the Northern Capital with the participation of George, became events full of chic and original novelty.

The creation of the group "Cinema" also experienced the influence of Guryanov's tastes. The "black album" in the root differed from everything that was recorded before him. Unfortunately, during the recording of release, Viktor Tsoi died in a car accident. Gustav did not recover from what happened, so spreading with colleagues in the workshop and grieved the devotees of fans, leaving the musical world forever.


After leaving the art school, Guryanov continued to engage in painting. He was supported by Timur Novikov, the founder of the new Academy of Fine Arts.

In the late 1980s, George became a member of the creative group participating in various exhibitions and shows. The paintings of the former drummer could be seen in open events held in Leningrad and a number of other Russian cities.

Being a supporter of neoacademism, Gustav became famous as the author of the canvase on the theme of sports. His works earned approving reviews after the demonstration on the span of the palace bridge. The main thing for the artist was to convey life in her brightest manifestations, with simplicity and dynamism, the sophisticated beauty was adjacent.

Personal life

In the youth of Georgy, like all creative people, easily converged with the representatives of the beautiful sex, but he was not lucky in his personal life, none of his friends became a legitimate wife. The parents did not die, he enjoyed their society. The lack of female influence helped remain.

In St. Petersburg Music Tusovka Gustav called the styles. The appearance and manner of the man's behavior pushed people to the idea that he is gay. Critic Artemy Troitsky in an interview with journalists said that Guryanov did not hide an unconventional orientation and therefore he had no favorite spouse in maturity or children.


In early 2010, Guryanov put two terrible diagnosis at once: hepatitis C and oncology. The course of chemotherapy in the German clinic did not translate the disease in the Stage of remission, and the cause of death in 2013 was a liver cancer.

At the funeral of Gustav, like-minded people and loved ones were present at the cemetery in St. Petersburg. Fans of creativity still worn on the grave of fresh flowers.


With the group "People's Militia":
  • 1985 - "New Year"

With a group "Games":

  • 1986 - Les Fleur du Papier ("Paper Flowers")

With a group "New Composers":

  • 1987 - "Start" (published in 2015)

With a group "Cinema":

  • 1984 - "Head of Kamchatka"
  • 1985 - "This is not love"
  • 1986 - "Night"
  • 1988 - "Blood Group"
  • 1989 - "Star named Sun"
  • 1990 - "Black Album"
  • 1992 - "Unknown Songs"


  • 1991 - "Boxers"
  • 1991 - "Kerelle"
  • 1991 - "Give a goal!"
  • 1994 - "Girl with a spear"
  • 1994 - "Strict young man"
  • 1998 - "Red October"
  • 1998-2000 - "rowers"
  • 1998-2003 - Kronstadt
  • 1999 - Aviator
  • 2002 - "Torturers"
  • 2003 - "Gymnast"
  • 2006 - "Springboard"

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