Mike Monroe - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mike Monroe is an American athlete-kiteboard, the owner of the second place in the international RED Bull Big Air tournament (Dominican Republic). The film actress, which received the title "Queen Horrora", became famous for the works in the paintings "Labor Day", "It", "Guest".

Future actress Dillon Monroe Bakley was born in May 1993 in the California Santa Barbara. Later, the girl changed his own name and became Montro.

Actress Mike Monroe

In the family of Mike Monroe, no one is connected with the world of art. Father -stroytel, Mom - Survival, she teaches at school for deaf-and-dumb children.

The girl had a happy childhood. In the family reigned love and consent. Dad instilled daughter love for kiteboarding. Seriously girl began to study this sport at 11 years old. And at 13 I had already set off with my father in Puerto Rico, at the first kiteboard tour. Looking in advance, let's say that Mike Monroe achieved considerable results in this fascinating and beautiful sport. In 2013, the girl took 32 place in the world ranking of freestyle kiteboarders.

Mike Monroe

In childhood, a girl dreamed of several professions. At first, Mike wanted to become a veterinarian, because she adored animals. Then the desire has come to try himself in paramedicine, which changed acute interest in graphic design. In addition to kiteboarding, Mike engaged in dancing and with pleasure he participated in school theatrical productions. In the 5th grade, a young actress played Jack Sparrow in the play "Pirates of the Caribbean".

But the real interest in the cinema appeared when the girl was turned 13. In the dance studio, where Mike was engaged, the agents from the film studio came, who were looking for a girl-statistian for the painting "bad blood." The choice fell on Montro T-shirt. Seeing the shooting process from the inside, the girl received an unforgettable emotion. But I decided that it was unrealistic to become an actress.


A more real girl considered a sports career. For this 17-year-old Mike Monroe went to the Dominican Republic, to the city of Kabarete, where he began to professionally prepare for competitions in kiteboarding freestyle. Classes occupied the entire day and efforts of the young athlete soon crowned with success: the girl took 2nd place in the "Red Bull" competitions.

But at 13 years old, a small role in the movie was often remembered by T-shirt. During his stay in Dominican Republic, Monroe heard Casting for the role of the beloved girl of the chief character of the painting "at any cost". Mike risked and sent his own amateur video to producers. Soon the answer came: Blonde beauty from California was approved by the role. So in 2012 began the cinematic biography of Mike Monroe. The girl made his debut in the sensational melodrama, where he appeared in the lead role with the famous Bezcom Efron.

The first role brought Mike Monroe Fame. And the appearance of a hand in hand with Efron on the red carpet of a film festival in Venice attracted even greater interest to the young actress.

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In the spring of the same 2012, the beginner artist signed a contract for participation in the dramatic tape "Labor Day", which came out on the screens in the 2013th. T-shirt got the role of Mandy - the wife of a runaway prisoner, which he killed. Mandy is a killer in dreams and memories. In the drama, Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin played the main roles.

In 2014 - a new success. Mike Monroe played a major role in the Guest thriller. This is a painting in Gorror genre. Thriller, who began to shoot in the same year - "Echo of War". The picture revealed the history of the relationship between the participant of the Civil War and its new neighbors. In the film, Mike received the role of a second plan.

But the real glory fell on Montro T-shirt after the release of the horror movie "It". This picture of David Robert Mitchell immediately recognized the cult. Many film crimits called the movie the best in the Gorror genre from the output of the "Witch Blair" screens. The actress got the role of a typical blonde A la Alfred Hitchcock. After the "horror" exit T-shirt Monroe began to call the queen of modern horror.

In 2016, the talent fans of T-shirts Monroe got the opportunity to see the actress immediately in a number of projects. First of all, it is the sequel of the fantastic picture "Independence Day: Revival" on the development of a planetary scale, which are designed to protect the Earth from the invasion of space. But the newest technologies become a toy in the hands of aliens, and then a team of enthusiasts arises to protect the planet.

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In the Drama "5th wave" about the victory of human instincts over the voice of the mind after a large-scale catastrophe and appearance on Earth aliens, the actress was transformed into the heroine Ringer. The main character in the film was played by Chloe Grace Market, with which Mike Monroe is friends and in life.

Personal life

The actress and athlete actively engaged in charity. The girl participates in the "kiteboarding for children" charity tour, which takes place in Dominican Republic. This is the collection of money for programs to improve the quality of life of local children who have become for Mikey native after life in Kabaret. In the account actresses in "Instagram" posts regularly appear, devoted to the topic of charity.

Mike Monroe is a versatile man. In addition to sports and movies, the girl is interested in fashion and clothing design. Mike has developed its own line of youth clothing - tops and T-shirts of the Brenda AIRBOUND. T-shirt often participates in photo shoots for glossy magazines, for example, The Interview, Hunger, The Wrap.

Personal life of Mike Monroe while in the development process. Blonde Beauty is not married, although the girl is attributed to the novels with Hollywood stars by Efron, with whom Monroe met on the filming of the film "At Any Price", and Taylor Lautner.

Joe Kiri and Montro Mike

Recently, the queen of horror films is increasingly seeing accompanied by Joe Kiri, a musician and actor, the winner of the award guild of film actors for the role in the series "Very weird business". Lovers are not hiding from the chambers of the paparazzi, and the photo of T-shirts and Joe often come into open access.

Mike Monroe Now

In 2017, the painting "Watergate: Water Houses" was published with the actress. This is a drama about the FBI officer, who played an important role in the Watergate Scandal. T-shirt entrusted the role of Joan, the daughter of the main character Mark Felt (Liam Nison).

Then followed the premiere of the "bokeh films", which was shot along with Irish cinematographers, and "hot summer nights" about one summer of a teenager. In the detective western "smell of rain and zipper", the girl receives a major role. Heroine Monroe to deal with the case of the death of parents, and at the same time to feel the power of family bonds.

The main heroine medina experiencing problems with peers in a new school, the actress played in the Drama "Palos Verdez tribes". In order to embody the cinematic image on the screen, the girl had to study the elements of surfing: Medina, together with Brother Jim, was fond of this sport. Monroe quickly mastered surfing, as perfectly owns kiteboarding technique.

Now the Drama Michel Schumacher "I am not here" is preparing to release, where Mike Monroe will reappear in the main cast. The girl also works in the widow thriller. In the film, Mike is removed along with the girlfriend on the acting shop - Chloe Grace Marc. Heroes actresses will have to face a friendly at first glance an elderly woman who does not actually be the one who gives out.


  • 2012 - "at any cost"
  • 2013 - "Flying Monkeys"
  • 2013 - "Elite Society"
  • 2013 - "Labor Day"
  • 2014 - "Guest"
  • 2014 - "It"
  • 2016 - "5th wave"
  • 2016 - "Independence Day: Revival"
  • 2016 - "Palos Verdez tribes"
  • 2016 - "Boke"
  • 2016 - "Hot Summer Nights"
  • 2017 - "Watergate: White House Wreck"

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