Ilya Lagutenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, group "Mummy Troll", wife, Vladivostok 2021



Ilya Lagutenko is a Russian rock musician, founder and leader of the rock band "Mumiy Troll". The artist has charisma, memorable voice and a unique style that did not leave indifferent numerous listeners. The peak of the popularity of his team fell on the 90s, but their music remains relevant now.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born in Moscow at the architect Igor Vitalevich Lagutenko and his wife Elena Borisovna, who was a fashion designer. Ilya is not the only celebrity in the family. His grandfather Vitaly Pavlovich was the author of the project of residential buildings, which in the people called Khrushchev. He was in the genus of the artist and artist Konstantin Lagutanok.

The future singer was not and year when the tragedy happened in the family - father died. This happened as a result of an unsuccessful operation to remove appendicitis. His mother did not stay in Moscow and returned to his homeland, in Vladivostok. There were early years of the biographies of the artist.

Soon Elena Borisovna married the captain of Fedor Kibitkin's long-range swimming, which was replaced by the father of his father. In 1984, the daughter of Maria was born in the family.

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In adolescence, Lagutenko became interested in rock music. He listened to the plates of Pink Floyd, Alice Cooper, Kiss and then dreamed of becoming a famous performer. To take a step towards a dream, a neighbor was helped by a footpath, together with whom he founded the Boni Pi group. Soon other young artists joined them. They played songs in English, who was taught listening to the BBC radio. Later, the team was renamed "shock", and Russian-speaking tracks appeared in the repertoire. But before recognizing the musician was still far away.

Ilya graduated from school with an in-depth study of Chinese, but, according to his memories, managed to master a pair of phrases, since the level of teaching was low. There were much better things in the Far Eastern State University, where the artist entered the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Teachers of the university he even remembers the years later with warmth.

His school had to interrupt when the celebrity was taken to the army. He served as part of the Municipal Pacific Fleet Air Force. Having gave the debt homeland, Lagutenko graduated from the Far Eastern University, and then learned in China.

In serious for Russia, the 90th artist moved to London, where he worked as a translator at the invitation of acquaintances. Later he tried himself in different professions, not related to creativity, but in the end he returned to his native land.

"Mummy Troll"

October 1983 was marked by the emergence of the Mumina Troll group. The name was refusing to the children's fairy tale of the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson. The participants recorded the album "New Moon of April", the song of the same name with which did not pass censorship, because of which the team was recognized as socially dangerous.

Soon the name was changed. It is associated with the fact that the group for a long time could not succeed and once Ilya exclaimed in the hearts: "We are not mumy, we are real mummies!". So the team was renamed "Mumiy Troll".

The artists managed to release the album "Do Yu-Yu", after which a long break was followed related to the departure of the leader. The activity of the group was renewed only in the late 90s. During this period, the outlet of the Marine plate was coming out, which produced a furor. She became the most sold in 1997, and the team's hits sounded hardly from each window.

On the wave of success, the musicians hurried to release the second album - "Icra", which was not less successful. Clips on the tracks "Ranetka" and "Dolphins were broadcast on MTV, and the artists became frequent guests of musical awards. Soon they presented a collection of "Shamor", which consisted of old tracks in the new processing.

According to the leader of the team, the reaction to their next release is "exactly mercury aloe" - was not so enthusiastic. Some listeners perceived the record ambiguously, calling it too heavy on sound. Despite this, the album presented the public 4 new hits, but the main decoration was the song "Bride?".

In 2001, the "Mumiy Troll" participants were honored to represent Russia at the Eurovision contest. According to the results of the vote, they occupied the 12th place. It brought even more attention to Laguthenko, which became an example for imitation not only in music, but also in style marked by Glamor and GQ magazines.

In the future, the artist continued to do together with the team. The release of the 8th album became symbolic, because he was timed to the 25th anniversary of the Mumi Troll project. A clip was created on the song "Smuggling", which is considered to be a new word in the history of creating musical videos. Swedish director Bjorn Taghemos recreated the illusion of double movement using the projection. The reception later entered the practice of clipmakers and cinematographers.

A year later, the first foreign release of the group was held - the album Comrade Ambassador in Russian. In honor of this, they held a tour in North America by visiting 60 cities. The experience was successful, and in subsequent years, the musicians have repeatedly arranged tour of the continent. The record in English for the first time came out in 2012 and was called Vladivostok.

I did not stop replenishing and discography for a Russian-speaking audience. In 2018, the participants presented the VostokhSeverozapad record, after which they went to a large tour of the cities of Russia and North America with the program "Sea x North Moragus". Next year, they were welcome guests at the festivals, visited "wild mint" and "invasion".

Coronavirus pandemic period was not easy for the performer, because I had to move all the work in the online mode. Shortly before the introduction of quarantine restrictions, Lagutenko and his team managed to write tracks for the new plate, the design of which was distant. The release was called "after evil" and was presented in December 2020. Shortly before this discography group was replenished with a mini-album "Ghosts tomorrow" with the participation of scriptonite and T-FEST.

Other projects

Although the main activity of Lagutenko is connected with the Mumi Troll group, he has time to participate in the development of other projects. Ilya cooperates with popular performers, among which Zemfira, Aeronautica, Svoy.

The brainchild of the artist is the "Mornosty" supergroup, which unites musicians of different styles and genres. In 2011, the team presented the Debut Studio Album "Air of Freedom".

Soon after, a plate of "drying" recorded as part of the "Keta" project was released. His Laguthenko created with Andrei Antonson's electronics.

No less significant for the star is the V-ROX festival, which thanks to him is held annually in Vladivostok. The event took place even at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, but in the online format.

Personal life

The musician has always been successful at the opposite sex, but, according to him, did not allow himself intrigues with fans. In an interview for Viva! Laguthenko said that due to the rigid graph and tedious concerts, it does not even have forces.

For the first time, Ilya married his youth when he lived in Vladivostok. Elena Troyovskaya, scholar-ichthyologist became his wife. In this marriage, the son of Igor was born, named so in honor of the early deceased father of the musician. Later, the young man carried away the game in rugby and became a coach. The music of his interest also includes music - he took up with producing.

The relationship of spouses lasted until 2003. The cause of separation, according to the press, became the novel of the singer with the metropolitan secular lioness and the fashionable designer of the Nadi Fairy Tale. Subsequently, the musician was attributed to fleeting hobbies with representatives of the feshene-industry.

To find happiness in personal life the star succeed only in 2007. He met a gymnast and a fashion model Anna Zhukova, who became his wife. Two children were born in marriage - the daughters of Valentina Veronika, who parents abbreviated by Vivi, and Leticia. The girls managed to play in the video on the song "From Pure Sheet."

The family lives at once in several countries, having apartments both in Russia and abroad. According to the star, he has no place that could be called the house, because he likes to travel.

Ilya Lagutenko now

Now Ilya is actively engaged in creativity and performs together with the group. Photos and news about concerts appear in the team's instagram account. The artist visits secular events. He became the owner of the Mus-TV award in the category "For contribution to the development of the music industry."

Laguthenko has time and interact with journalists. In the summer of 2021, he gave an interview for the show "And to talk?" Irina Shikman. In him, Ilya admitted that the era of "Mumiy Troll" was held at the turn of the centuries. Users praised the star for courage, but supported the words that his work remains a favorite one generation.


  • 1985 - "New Moon April"
  • 1990 - "Do Yu Yu"
  • 1997 - "Marine"
  • 1998 - Shamor
  • 2000 - "accurate mercury aloe"
  • 2002 - "Meamura"
  • 2005 - "Merge and Absorption"
  • 2007 - "Amba"
  • 2008 - "8"
  • 2012 - vladivostok
  • 2013 - "SOS Sailor"
  • 2016 - Malibu Alibi
  • 2018 - "East X Northwest"
  • 2020 - "Ghosts Tomorrow"
  • 2020 - "After evil"

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