Keith Harington - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Rose Leslie, Films, Height, Child 2021



Keith Harington is the British actor and cinema actor, the star of the popular fantasy television series, thanks to which his person was recognizable by a long 8 years. However, without this saga, he did not cease to be a sought-after artist. Today, Keith pleases fans with roles in a switched cinema, as well as visiting cartoons.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born on December 26, 1986 in London. In addition to whale, parents brought up his younger brother Jack.

The theater's passion appeared in childhood. This is explained by the fact that the mother of China is a playwright. Harington can be proud of his family and relatives: Father is a successful businessman, and uncle - a baronet belonging to aristocrats.

In 1992, Keith went to primary school in Southfield. After 6 years, his family moved from London to Worcester. There he graduated from high school, and during the training he participated in school performances. Harington liked to go to the scene. In the graduation class, he knew exactly what would become an actor.

After school, the young man studied at the school of scenic speech and dramatic art - one of the most prestigious institutions of London.


Whale Harington was 22 years old when he received a diploma of the Higher School and began working at the Royal Theater. Simultaneously with the main work, the artist participated in performances of the new London theater. The actor debuted in the formulation of the "Combat Horse" in 2008. The role was one of the central, and he coped brilliantly with her. The spectacular appearance and talent of the whale liked and remembered the audience, the theatrical critics were also killed.

In 2010, Harington received the role of Ed Montgomery in Posh. The actor dreams of playing King Heinrich and believes that his dream will come true. Theater he considers his work, and shooting in movies - hobby.


Harington is often called John Snow - the hero, whom he played in the "Game of Thrones". The actor came to the casting and easily bypassed hundreds of other applicants. In 2011, the audience saw the 1st season, after which Kit woke up famous. Among other performers of the main heroes of the film - Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clark, Sophie Turner, Jason Momoa, Nikolai Koster-Waldau and others.

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True, the actor had to be filmed in the wig, because her own hair was short. Gothic image of John, his black color is close to celebrities. But fans, on the contrary, are confident that Keith is a more cheerful and positive person than his character. Proof of this is funny photos and videos made during breaks. For example, Harington's colleague Emilia Clark posted a video in "Instagram" as Kit in John Snow's suit depicts a dragon, waving a cloak. For the first day, the roller scored 11 million views.

John Snow gradually became one of the main heroes of Fantasy Saga. The audience was looking forward to the new details of the character's biography, watched the formation of the hero.

"The game of Thrones" is the largest project in the life of China Harington, but far from the only one. He also starred in the paintings of the Seventh Son, playing William Bradley, and Pompeii. In the last whale, the image of the slave Milo, who because of love became an invincible gladiator. For this role, the actor had to pump muscles. According to journalists, he is fond of fast food, and in his youth and was completely complete, so the new figure demanded great efforts from China. But today, the celebrity can boast relief muscles, as well as weighing 72 kg with an increase of 173 cm.

In 2012, the artist was invited to voicing the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon - 2", which received recognition of critics and was called commercially successful. Harington's voice was talked by Eret and his son. As the best animated film, the picture was nominated for Oscar, and also awarded the Golden Globe Prize.

In 2015, a fighter "Ghosts: Best Fate" was released on the screens, in which Harington was played. In 2016, he starred in the Thriller "Underworld". The film is distinguished by an unusual composition. The picture is divided into four novels, three of which go in an indifferent order.

In 2017, the actor continued to be filmed in the "Game of Thrones". The events of the series lead to a large-scale war with others, in which John Snow is assigned to the main role. After the completion of the broadcast of the season, there was news about the following shooting. And if the seventh relied on the unfinished book of George R. R. Martin "Wind Winter", which was released in 2018, then only the work of the planned, but not yet begun the book "Dream of Spring" added the eighth to the original plot.

In the same 2017, the actor starred in the main role in the mini-serial "powder", which is devoted to a failed powder conspiracy that occurred in 1605. For the British, this is a landmark event, moreover, in the UK every year there is an anniversary of a conspiracy, which today know how night Guy Fox.

In 2018, a new Canadian drama of the director Xavier Dolan "Death and Life John F. Donovan appeared in Harington filmography. In addition to him, Natalie Portman, Jacob Drop, Bela Torn, Katie Bates, Susan Sarandon, appeared in the foreground of the picture.

Keith appeared in the image of the main character - the American actor John Donovan, who became a star of the teenage series. For the sake of career, he has to hide his unconventional orientation. Therefore, it is completely given to correspondence with a fan, a boy from America. But suddenly, their reports become public, which leads to irreparable consequences and completely changes the life of both.

On April 1, a picture of the leading and stars "Games of Thrones" appeared on social networks of the "Evening Urgant" program, so many decided that this is a joke in honor of the day of laughter. But after 5 days, Harington really appeared on the air of the First Channel and gave an interesting interview to Ivan Urgant.

A couple of weeks later, the premiere of the final season of the Games of Thrones started. It is known that after filming, China's health deteriorated very much, his main disease was then called depression and alcoholism. The actor was difficult to say goodbye to the team with which he spent 8 years.

It was rumored that Harington first turned to a psychotherapist, and then went to treatment at the rehabilitation center. The artist for details of this part of life decided not to comment, but his colleagues were told: in reality, Kit is just tired and now needs psychological assistance.

And indeed, a little rest, he returned to work again, voiced in 2019th 3 part of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon".

Personal life

Keith Harington does not talk about personal life. After the "Game of the Thrones", the fans attributed a novel with Emily Clark. The reason for conversations became frequent appearance of young people in the public. Also, the actors together starred in the advertising of the Dolce & Gabbana brand spirits. But Kit stated that they were just good friends with Emily, no more.

Soon, the celebrity began to notice in the company Rose Leslie, who played ibritt everything in the same "game of thrones." In the spring of 2016, they officially announced that they became a pair.

The rest of the novels that were attributed to the actor and remained fruits of fantasies of journalists.

Frank scenes in which Keith and Rose had to be filmed, turned into a serious relationship and in life. Lovers have a lot in love: they are peers, born and rose in the UK, are engaged in one thing.

On July 21, 2017, journalists learned that the pair is engaged. In parallel with this, part of the publications called rumors about engaging with ordinary gossip, arguing that the actors albeit in relationships, but do not plan a wedding yet. However, Kit and Rose have already committed another responsible joint act - bought a common real estate, a house in England worth $ 2 million.

In October of the same year, the relationship of China and Rose again attracted the attention of fans. Harington became a guest to the guest of the Jonathan Ross Show, where he told about the draw, who made a girl. The actor put a bouton head in the refrigerator with a face looking at his own face. The show was shown the record of a hidden camera, on which it can be seen how the girl falls on his knees, shouts and crying, seeing it.

Charnington's joke received contradictory fans reviews. Many considered such an act with cruel and irresponsible.

On January 6, 2018, another news appeared from the life of the actor, and again negative. He arranged a drunken debacio at the bar, prevented unfamiliar people to play billiards and provoked a fight. As a result, the guards brought a drunken whale into the street and did not give a starring a star to establish again.

In the middle of the summer of the same year, a wedding of Harington and Rose Leslie took place. The ceremony took place in the Scottish Castle, among the guest guests were colleagues of actors in the shooting, as well as close friends and relatives.

Despite the working life, the scandals around the whale name did not stop. Russian Olga Vlasova, who previously participated in the project "Dom-2", told that he spent the night with a celebrity. According to the girl, it happened during her trip to Luxembourg, she provided in the proof of the words the photo on which a man sleeping in bed is outwardly similar to the actor.

Probably, after a while, these rumors got to the artist himself. But if the star of the "Games of the Thrones" refused the situation, his manager answered that whale was not in Luxembourg at that time and never met with any Olga Vlasov.

Autumn 2020 has become known that Kit and Rose are waiting for a child. In February next year, the couple became parents: they had a son.

Keith Harington now

Harington and now continues to delight fans with new films. At November 2020, the release of the Eternal Art Film, the filmms of the Comic of the Universe "Marvel" was planned, however, due to the Pandemic of coronavirus infection, the premiere was transferred to autumn 2021.

Harington, along with Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumale Nanjiani and other artists, performed a major role. Immortal - this is a race of people who, after the events in the "Avengers: Final", are reunited to protect humanity from evil fellow fellow girls. Keith played black knight Dane Vitman.

In addition to this project, the actor was involved in the shooting of a special issue of "friends" along with other star guests of the long-awaited project Lady Gaga, Justin Biberom, Kari Melievin, BTS Group, James Corden and other celebrities.


  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2012 - "Silent Hill - 2"
  • 2014 - "Pompeii"
  • 2014 - "Seventh Son"
  • 2014 - "Memories of the Future"
  • 2015 - "Ghosts: the best fate"
  • 2015 - "7 days in hell"
  • 2016 - "Underworld"
  • 2017 - "powder"
  • 2018 - "Death and Life of John F. Donovan"
  • 2019-2020 - "Criminal: United Kingdom"
  • 2021 - "Friends"
  • 2021 - "Eternal"

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