Nikolay Koster Waldau - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Nikolai Kosher-Waldau - Danish actor, star of popular fantasy series "Game of Thrones". In addition, the actor is filmed in full-length Hollywood blockbusters, and also regularly appears in European, especially Scandinavian films and TV shows.

The actor Nikolai Koster Valdau was born on July 27, 1970 in the small Danish village of Rudkobing (not all Danes are aware of the existence of such). Soon his parents moved to Copenhagen, where the childhood and the youth of the future actor passed.

Actor Nikolai Koster Valdau

In adolescence, Nikolai was engaged in athletics and achieved good results. According to him, sport gave self-confidence, which he was so lacked. Nikolai Kosher-Waldau secretly dreamed of all the acting career, but aloud it was embarrassed out loud about his dream. In sports competitions, he got used to the audience and cameras - configured to future speeches on stage. In high school, began to prepare for admission to Copenhagen theatrical school.

In 1989, Nikolai Kosher-Waldau became a student, and in 1993 he received an acting diploma. In his student years, he was not playing at the Betty Nansen Theater, was one of the leading actors troupe. After the end of the theater school was going to continue his career in the theater, but the case intervened.


Danish producers saw the game Bonfire Waldau in one of the performances and invited him to the casting painting "Night Watchman". Nobody promised novice actor, but he decided to go to the samples. Intuition did not fail - contrary to the rules existing in the cinema environment, an unknown actor approved on a major role. Thriller "Night Watchman" starred with a small budget: how was the director and producers and producers were surprised when he collected a decent income in the box office.

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Then there were shooting in the Drama "Temployment", telling about how sexual minorities survived in German concentration camps. At the site Nikolai Kosher-Waldau met and made friends with Mick Jagger. This picture received the prize of the Cannes Festival.

In 2001, the Danish actor invited the famous Hollywood director Ridley Scott on the shooting. In his picture "Black Hawk" Nikolai played Gary Gordon. Four years later, Ridley Scott offered the actor the role of a sheriff in the film "The Kingdom of Heaven." The role is small, but memorable. From 2005 to 2010, Nikolai actively starred in Denmark and Hollywood. But critics appreciated only one role - a 400-year-old detective in the TV series "Immortal".

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The next significant work of the actor was the Project "Game of Thrones", a serial screening of fantasy blockbuster - a series of books George Martin "Song of Ice and Fire", in which the actor played Knight Jame Lannerner. His hero is a high blond (actor's height of 188 cm) with an attractive appearance, but at the same time endowed with unpleasant features and a dark biography. This did not make Lanner by the main villain, as the main feature of popular book saga is the absence of absolutely positive heroes.

At the beginning of the series, the highest interaction with the character was with Serney Lannister (Lina Hidi), with which Jame tied a difficult relationship. This connection has become the basis of the plot and the reason for the struggle for the Royal Throne - the main storyline of the Games of the Thrones. Also, the character appears some dynamics with the warriper shaved tart (Gvedolin Christi).

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At first, the audience perceived the character skeptical, but with each season he had more and more fans. This was also facilitated by the development of a character, which fell a lot of tests, which turned the narcissistic knight, living in the capital at the king, in the exile. At the same time, the fan love did not prevent the fact that in the plot the character deprives hands and is forced to walk with a metal prosthesis.

For this role, Nikolai Koster Walda has repeatedly received a premium from the guild of actors.

In 2013, the audience saw three films at once with his participation: "1000 times good night", "Mom" and "Oblivion". "Oblivion", in which the actor played the guy of Sayx, gathered $ 250 million at the rental.

In 2014, Nikolai Koster-Waldau played a major role in the Danish Thriller "Second Chance".

The beginning of 2016 became for the bonfire-Walda Yate: the actor appeared in the sixth season of the "Game of Thrones" project, as well as the actor played God the Mountain in the painting "The Gods of Egypt". This picture was supposed to become a fantasy blockbuster, but failed and received a negative criticism of both professionals and ordinary spectators. The picture was criticized for excessive simplification of Egyptian mythology, an overabundance of special effects and castes, not corresponding to the geography of the artistic world of the film.

Personal life

Actor - Happy spouse and father of two children. He has been married since 1998 on actress and models from Greenland Nukak Motsefeldt and many years faithful to his spouse. They and today remember the day of their dating up to minutes - this happened on March 17, 1997 at 9.30. Nikolai was sitting in recording studios in anticipation of a girl who will voice the role. The partner was late, which took the actor out of themselves. But he forgot about annoying as soon as a luxurious blonde with brown eyes crossed the threshold of the studio.

He does not hide what fell in love with first glance. Soon Nukak and Nikolay got married. In marriage they had two daughters. The eldest decided to become an actress and already starred in a short film. The younger has not yet decided on a future profession.

Nikolai Bonfire Waldau with his wife and children

After filming in the "Game of Thrones", Nikolai Kosher-Waldau spent the fee to restore the generic mansion, built in the 19th century. Now their friendly family and two dogs live in this cozy estate.

Nikolai Kosher-Waldau leads an account in "Instagram", where the casual photos lay out. More than a million subscribers subscribed to the actor account.

Nikolai Koster Waldau now

In 2019, Nikolai Koster-Waldau appeared in the final, eighth, season of the Games of the Thrones. With each new season, the character was revealed, which contributes to the replenishment of the army of fans of this who seemed negative hero.

Nikolai Koster-Waldau

The seventh season of the cult series does not contain well-known fans of plot lines. The season is removed from the original scenario, and the story of George R.R. is based on the plot at the time of the release of the series Martin "Wind of Winter" and part of only the planned book "Dream of Spring". This fact attracted to the project and fans of an exclusively book series.

The eighth season is also based on the original plot of the scenarios and the final part of the "dream of spring".

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In parallel with the work on the "Game of Thrones", Koster-Waldau starred in other projects. In 2017, the actor played a major role in a dramatic thriller "Shot to Empty". Nikolai fulfilled the role of an honest entrepreneur who tries to live by law, but one day he gets in a car accident, where a person dies in his fault. The character receives a criminal period and the film tells about the attempts of an ordinary law-abiding person to survive in cruel conditions of prison.

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Also in 2017, the actor appeared in the paintings "Three Conditions" and "Small Crimes". In addition, rumors appeared that Nikolai Kosher-Waldau will play the main role of Geralta in the film screening of the Books of Angeja Sapkovsky "Witcher". However, the role of Henry Cavilus went later.


  • 2001 - "Black Hawk"
  • 2002 - "24 hours from the life of a woman"
  • 2004 - "Two cars and four mafia"
  • 2006 - "Fire Wall"
  • 2006 - "Supervice"
  • 2007 - "Rebells in Kautokino"
  • 2008 - "Immortal"
  • 2011 - Present - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2011 - "head hunters"
  • 2009 - "Virtuality"
  • 2009-2010 - "Bloking Street"
  • 2013 - "Oblivion"
  • 2014 - "Second Chance"
  • 2016 - "Gods of Egypt"
  • 2017 - "Shot to Empty"

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