Severia Janushaust - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, filmography, silver skates 2021



Severia Janushawskaite - Lithuanian actress, who acquired glory and in Russian cinema. She succeeded in the shortest possible time to overcome the language barrier and to become a sought-after artist on a foreign land. At the same time, it was so fully and could not adopt the features of mentality with its patriarchal installations.

Childhood and youth

Severia was born in the Lithuanian town of Schäuliy, and later moved to the capital of the country - to Vilnius. Parents of the future actress were not related to the art of art: the mother worked as a teacher, father - energy. The family had two children. The native sister of the artist chose a more "landed" profession of a lawyer. Yes, and I myself, in childhood, some specific aspirations to get into the world of cinema did not show.

The girl loved to draw and sing, so she was given to the art studio and music school. But in the general educational institution of Severia was boring. Not only did you not be interested in a single item, and with peers, it was difficult to find a common language. The schoolgirl escaped other children and preferred to spend their free time alone.

In addition to the musical and visual talent, the writer's gift also opened at Janushaust, so the mother hoped that the daughter would choose the profession of a journalist and enroll in the Faculty of Philology. But Severia filed documents to the Vilnius Academy of Theater and Music, the most prestigious university of the country, where they train acting.

Having received a diploma in 2005, the newly minted actress entered the troupe of the Lithuanian youth theater, and later he moved to the Oscar Kurshunas theater. Directors involve a talented performer often, in the short term Severia managed to participate in a huge number of performances. Among the theatrical works of the role of the role in the production of "Ivonna, Princess Burgundy", "Person", "Patriots", "Farm,".


The cinematic biography of the actress began in Lithuania in 2006, the artist starred in a short filter "outside the focus." The first experience in the big cinema Janushawkate fell to the mini-series "War and Peace", where she played a dancing young gypsy. Then Severia appeared in the detective melodrama "Anarchy in Zhirmunay". In the Norwegian criminal drama "Honey trap" she appeared in an episodic role.

Another 2 European projects of the artist - French film "Fall Wall" and the Swedish drama "Royal Jewels" with Alicia Vicander in the lead role. In 2012, the actress participated in the biographical picture of the "Letters of Sofia", filmed by the filmmakers of Lithuania and the UK together. In the film, we went about the life of Mikalusus Konstantinas Churlenis and Spouses Sofia. Severia embodied the image of charming Elena.

Great success in the Russian-speaking segment of the cinema Severia had in 2014. Then the romantic tape "Star" came to the screens, which brought her the main prize for the best female role at the Kinotavr Film Festival.

Interestingly, by the time of filming, the Lithuanian actress practically did not speak Russian, but he took up his development and soon began to communicate in Russian. However, in the "star", the heroine of Severia was announced another actress, since I could not get rid of you to get rid of the accent. The film also included Paul Tabakov, Tinatin Dalakishvili, Andrei Smolyakov.

Although Severia on education and initial experience refers to the dramatic artists, after working on the project "Star", she realized that much more interesting to be busy in the comedy genre.

After the success of the picture on Severia, new offers literally fell. But she decided to strictly approach the sequence of scripts. The actress agreed to participate in the Russian medical drama "Great", which described the scientific experiment on the birth of a child in a girl lying in a coma. An obstetrician-gynecologist Alekhin is invited to carry out an operation - a doctor who helped women during the conflict in Kosovo. Janushauskat appeared on the screen as a journalist Christine.

In 2015, Severia managed to work at home, starring in a comedy "In pursuit of consolation" about traveling on the Lithuanian American journalist and a local resident. He starred in the Russian comedy "Norweg" about the head of the Cyrylov's Cleaning Company (Yevgeny Mironov), in which Asian girls operate. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the bride is riding to the entrepreneur from Norway (Janushawskayte), which does not accept exploitation of emigrants. In the film also brilliantly played Ksenia Rappoport and Dmitry Marianan.

In 2016, Severia starred only in a full-length film "Fish-Dream", but in 2017 he concluded contracts with the creators of 5 projects. Janushawskaete executed Soviet Svetlana Sorokin in the German thriller "Babylon Berlin". Also, the artist starred in the Lithuanian filmmakers in the films "Emilia with the Alley of Freedom" and "Isaac"

Fascinating for Severia were shooting in the TV series "Optimists", telling about the work of the staff of the Soviet Ministry in the era of Nikita Khrushchev. In addition to the Lithuanian actress, Vladimir Vdovichekov, Evgenia Bric, Anatoly White, Victoria Isakov attended the picture.

In 2018, the historical drama "Bloody Baryna", the Mystic "Selfie", the spy thriller "Sleeping-2", Fantasy "Chernovik" and the short-lived "Uncompaired" spy triller came out with the participation of Janushawskay.

The 16-serial drama "Bloody Baryn" was removed based on the biography of the Darya Saltykova's landowners or, as she was called, Saltychihi. The infamous Russian landowner (Julia Snigir) was one of the most cruel killers. Having lost her husband, she disrupted evil on the random servants in the near Moscow estate of Trinity, for which it was subsequently devoid of nobility. The plot unfolds in the XVIII century during the beginning of the reign of Catherine II, the image of which embodied Janushaw with long hair.

In the film "Chernovik" on the novel Sergey Lukyanenko talks about the young man Kirill (Nikita Volkov), who overnight forgot others, and instead of him in his apartment lives Renata Ivanova (Janushaust). Normal life has expanded for a young man to space-scale: Cyril was among the selected customs officers between the parallel worlds.

In the mystical film "Selfie" the plot tells about the careerist Bogdanov (Konstantin Khabensky), which was replaced by a twin. In the tape, in addition to Severia, Yulia Hlynina, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Anna Mikhalkov, was also starred.

In 2020, the Drama "Isaac", fantasy "Silver skates" and the thriller "What Kihea Gerd knows" is published.

The plot of the adventure fantasy "Silver skates" tells the story of Matthew, who due to the delay loses work on the eve of 1900. Alex, the leader of the St. Petersburg pocket, takes a guy in its ranks. The young man is undergoing training both to the wisdom of thieves' craft and skating tricks. Fate is confronted by the thief and daughter of Alice's sovereign - this meeting will forever change their lives. Fedor Fedotov, Alexey Guskov and Yuri Kolokolnikov became the colleagues.

Personal life

Personal life actresses is settled, it is a happy marriage with a compatriot. The chief of the artist was the director of the puppet theater in Vilnius. He considers his own choice conscious and important, since all spheres of art have already entered in the 21st century, and dolls in the old manner tell the small audiences completely irrelevant stories.

Yanushauskite has a schoolboy son from previous relations. But the boy perceives the current wife of Mother as a native father and friendly with him. Severia - workaholic. The actress played on stage even on the 7th month of pregnancy, and after giving birth returned to work already at the 3rd week. It is also worth noting that the actress does not use meat at all, as it became vegetarian.

In the network "Instagram" often appear the working photos of the actress - however, on other people's accounts, since the private page Severia has not yet started.

Severia Janushaust now

At the beginning of the 2021, the premiere of the series "Optimists. Caribbean season. Severia continued to develop his character, and new actors appeared on the screen - Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Sergey Bezrukov. Initially, the project creators did not plan to continue, but later they had an interesting idea, and they decided to risk, despite the average ratings of the 1st season.

In June, Janushaust appeared in the Russian action "Ghost" with Paulil in the lead role. In the film, she played a secondary role. And was also involved in the series "Chernovik" in the already recognizable image of Renata Ivanova.


  • 2007 - "War and Peace"
  • 2008 - "Honey Trap"
  • 2010 - "Anarchy in Zhirmunay"
  • 2011 - "Royal Treasures"
  • 2012 - "Letters to Sofia"
  • 2014 - "Great"
  • 2014 - "Star"
  • 2015 - Norweg
  • 2016 - "Fish-Dream"
  • 2017 - "Selfie"
  • 2017 - "Optimists"
  • 2017 - "Babylon Berlin"
  • 2018 - "Uncurrent"
  • 2018 - "Sleeping-2"
  • 2018 - "Chernovik"
  • 2019 - "Isaac"
  • 2019 - "Polina"
  • 2019 - "Motherland"
  • 2020 - "Silver skates"
  • 2021 - "Optimists. Caribbean season »

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