Vasily Brovko - biography, photo, personal life, news, Tina Kandelaki 2021



Vasily Brovko is a Russian entrepreneur, the founder of the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle" and the Director of Communications, Analytics and Strategic Research of the Rostex Corporation.

The future businessman was born on February 6, 1987 in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. Boy's parents were engaged in science. Vasily grew up with a street boy, loved to drive the ball with the guys and even consisted in a professional junior football team. Thanks to the sport, the boy realized that such a team and responsibility, and also brought up leadership qualities.

Businessman Vasily Brovko

Brovko studied in a lying bowl with a mathematical bias, at the end of which submitted documents to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Initially, the young man planned to enter the Economic Faculty, but the choice of specialty in the end influenced the atmosphere in the family. The fact is that the parents of Vasily Houses burly discussed political problems in the country and abroad. Yes, and the young man himself read a lot of literature, in which the heroes were political technologists and PR.

Vasily Brod graduated from the department of political science of the Faculty of Philosophy. By the way, in the second year, the young man created the first project - the youth Internet magazine SRADA.ORG. And after the university, the young man plunged into television.


At the initial stage of the professional biography, Vasily Brod became the producer of political and entertainment programs "Talk without rules", "Black and White", "Political League". Later, Vasily was headed by Prime Time Broadcasting Radio Program GRK "Mayak", and then created the Center for Strategic Communications "Apostle Media", which is engaged in the promotion of projects in the Russian and international market.

Vasily Brovko

Quick Vasily realized that the Internet segment could not be ignored. Therefore, the POST TV channel and the transmission of "unreal policy" with Tina Kandelaki, "old men are not a place here" with Zakhar Prilepin, "Fantastic Breakfast" with Dmitry Glukhovsky, " video believe" with Irene Ponaroshka, "Real Sport" with Victoria Lopereva, "Men's Games" with Oleg Taktarov and others. In addition, Brisko was engaged in promoting the popular video channel "+100500" Maxim Holopolosov's blogger.

Vasily belongs to the idea of ​​gaining momentum of the National Educational Project "Smart School", which is based on the format of the Park School. An individual approach to each student is promoted at school, the training uses project activities as close as possible to reality. The educational program consists of a number of main components, which includes an in-depth study of foreign languages, labor activity, school sports.

Tina Kandelaki and Vasily Brovko

The project includes annual educational forums, a visit to regional educational institutions, the development of an Internet resource "Smart-School. RF", through which direct communication with representatives of the Public Chamber, State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out. Tina Kandelaki also participated in the creation of the concept of "smart school". Later, the "smart school" was transformed into an educational project that has no analogues in Russia. For the implementation of the project, private investors were involved.

Also, together with TV host, Vasily Brovko participated in the creation of "AM-Invest", a company that is engaged in investments in the development of Internet startups and computer software for secondary schools.

Vasily Brovko, Rostech

At the end of 2013, the businessman entered the director of the corporation "Rostech" and managed to achieve large results on this post. After a year, Rostech entered the top three leaders among the State Corporations of Russia on the rating of Medialogia. And in 2015, the value of the brand reached a mark of 31.2 billion rubles, which allowed Rostech to get among the first 15 expensive brands of Russia.

The result of the company's fruitful work was the approved plan for the nearest decade, according to the calculations of which the annual revenue should reach 17% per annum and increase corporate profits to 6 billion rubles. It is also intended to increase the share of civil products up to 50%.

Vasily Brovko

In addition to Rostech, the young entrepreneur is included in the Board of Directors of the Mail.Ru Group and a number of other enterprises, including "Electronics", "RT-Inform".

Personal life

The personal life of the entrepreneur until recently was hidden from strangers. With his wife, Tina Kandelaki Vasily Brovko met for the work, because young people have been engaged in joint projects for several years. Romantic star relations for a long time from the public hid. Even the information about the wedding, which took place back in 2015, was distributed only in June 2016.

The parents brow and candelacks are still not in a hurry, but along with the spouses they live Kandelaki from the first marriage - the daughter of Melania and the son of Leonati.

Vasily Brovko and Tina Kandelaki

Browing remained from childhood faithful to his beloved game - football. The entrepreneur is an ardent fan of St. Petersburg "Zenith" and the Russian national team. As a professional piercer Vasily worked on the "Development Concept of Children's and Youth Football in Dagestan", intended for the "Anji" football club. Also, the young entrepreneur was engaged in the organization Presentation of the Star Player of the Makhachkala Samuel Team Eto'o.

Vasily Brovko now

In mid-2017, an enthusiastic post dedicated to the work of her husband appeared on the page of Tina Kandelaki. In the comments to the joint photo, which the spouses did on the CIPR Conference - the largest in Eastern Europe of the IT forum industry, the TV presenter was pleased with the success of the spouse that united the talented young people around them. According to Tina, Vasily gives them a chance that the ideas of young specialists in the field of IT technologies will be perceived by society.

Vasily Brovko and Tina Kandelaki on CIPR Conference

Now Rostech, the director of the special instructions of which is Vasily Brovko, has entered the number of companies dealing with the digital transformation of the sectors of the Russian economy and individual actors according to the plan developed by the Government of Russia.

Vasily Brod continues to develop a smart school project. The next general educational institution will open in Irkutsk in 2018. The school will take 1000 students, of which 150 are orphans. The architectural appearance of the building will recreate specialists from Cebra (Denmark).


  • 2009-2012 - "Info"
  • 2010 - Transfer "+100500" Maxim Holopolosov
  • 2010-2011 - "Right Choice"
  • 2010-2011 - "Food for strength"
  • 2010-2011 - "Russia in numbers"
  • 2011 - "Moscow 24/7"
  • 2012 - Political Talk Show "Flying with Kamikadze"
  • Daily and weekly show for the Russian Lottery "Gosloto"

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