Maria Pirogova - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, actress, TV series, "Instagram" 2021



Maria Pirogova is the Russian actress of the theater and cinema, famous for the role in the comedy TV series "Interns". About the talent of the artists to reincarnate in different, right opposite heroines, says her rich filmography.

Childhood and youth

Masha was born in Moscow in early 1990. Girl's parents broke up, she does not remember their father. Familiarity with his father took place in adulthood. The girl early began to demonstrate acting qualities. Maria grew up a creative person and constantly turned out to be the focus of attention, no matter where it appears. Already in the 5th grade Maria Pirogov announced that it would become an artist, and from the moment he stubbornly went to this purpose.

After graduating from school, Pirogova went to the Schukinsky Theater School and from the first attempt came. Actress was lucky to get to the course to a talented mentor and the famous artist Yury Nifontov. He just prepared the special courses of actors for the turssines and puppet theaters. Maria turned out to be the best student of Nifontova. The girl on the summer grabbed the secrets of skill, which opened teachers to students.

In 2011, Maria Pirogov graduated from "Pike" and, having received a diploma, went to build a career.

With a height of 173 cm, the weight of the actress fluctuates in the area of ​​60 kg.


Cinematographic biography of Maria Pirogova started in student years. The beginner artist "lit up" in the episode of the popular series "Law and Order". And already in the next, 2009 on the screens came the Sitter "University", where Masha got a bright role of Samasi's girlfriend - Asi.

In 2010, the shooting of the famous project "Interns" started. Proposal to play Vary Chernoux first received by Maria Pirogova. But it turned out to be the penultimate year of study in "Pike", conjugate with work in theses of theses, and Masha refused. The role was proposed by Christine Asmus. Perhaps the young actress came correctly, because shy and naive cooking Christine succeeded in glory. But the image of the withdrawal and self-adolescent daughter Dr. Bykov Alice as if specifically created under Maria Pogogo.

The offer to play Alice Bykov came Masha in 2011, when studying in Schukinsky remained behind. At first, the actress refused to take off, but, fortunately, the director of the project along with Ivan Okhlobystin persuaded Maria.Ch

Maria Pirogova - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, actress, TV series,

Young artist after the release of the "Interns" season, where Alice appeared for the first time, woken up famous. As Pirogova later admitted, work with Ivan Okhlobystin and other stars of this rating sitcom was very informative and brought actressive pleasure from the game. Behind the heroine heroine, Alice, the Bovkov spectators were observed in the 15th series "Interns". About the actor playing her father, Maria said that he is energetically strong, she was not easy to fit him.

Immediately after the Sitkom about the life of the physicians, the artist began to be filmed in the police series, which was called - "Comrades Police". Here, the actress has already received the main role and a large number of screen time, which has allowed to show the audience talent pie. The role of Lieutenant Remisova succeeded in Masha to Glory. This work demonstrated to the audience and critics that Pirogov - the actress is diverse and easily fits into different roles. Her heroines of Alice Bykov and Ksenia Remizov differ dramatically in character and temperament.

The actress not only was successfully filmed in films - she regularly went on the scene of the doll theater named after Sergei Exodzov. The most bright in its performance is considered to produce "Cinderella" and "Divine Comedy". In the last Masha played two heroines at once - Eve and Lilith. Having worked in the year, Maria left because of great employment in the shooting.

2012 brought the cake at once two main roles in the projects of "Balabol" (third season) and "Night swallows". But another wave of fame covered the Muscovite in 2013, when the audience saw a wonderful project "Dark World: Equilibrium". Pirogova got one of the main roles - Dasha Students. And her lover according to the script of the film was the hero of Paulil.

Mystical and dramatic project with elements of Fantasy had a huge success in the audience. The plot of the film talks about mystical creatures - shadows that steal emotions and strength in humanity, and about gifted people who return the shadows back into the dark world, thereby protecting the world and maintaining the equilibrium.

From the same year, Maria was invited to filmed into the TV series "Molodezhka", where Vlad Canopka and Ivan Muline became partners on the site around the court. The actress is minor, but the role attracting the attention is the wife of one of the main heroes of Antipov. Olga, who gives birth to a child, becomes a homely, caring woman. Pirogov this change in the ambitious journalist did not understand, but with the director they agreed that the heroine was simply matured.

The actress said about her relationship with children, which is afraid, "when there are more than two." But in general, the children of Maria love, and the role of his daughter played a cute girl with whom no problems arose. With Vlad Pirogova previously met on the filming of the criminal series "Balabol".

Maria Pirogova - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, actress, TV series,

In 2014, Maria starred in the film "Trail Tiger", where the daughter of Hierage played.

In early 2017, the actress appeared in the Breakfast in the Breakfast in the form of Regina, Secretary of Irina. The series shows the classic story about a disguised prince, but in modern entourage. The main character (Marina Konyashkin) does not recognize the young millionaire (Alexey Demidov) and takes it for a new employee. The heroine will not ceremony with a young man than and attracts the attention of men. Millionaire, tired of constant bowl and fake smiles, decides to continue this game.

Another picture of this year also becomes the "Queen Margo" melodrama, where the action unfolds in the beauty salon and shows the struggle of the stylist and the new manager. Under the law of the genre, this confrontation smoothly goes into the novel.

Also in 2017, the actress appeared in the Drama "Good Intention", the adaptation of the famous "foresight" authorship of John Golsuorussi. The series tells about the family of foursames, whose, like in literary prototypes, has money, business, "royal" the power of a district scale, but no love, and marriages are concluded only by calculation.

In the fall of 2017, Maria Pirogova played in mystical melodrama "Black Blood". The actress got the role of the main heroine of Olga, but Maria Pirogova appeared in a small fragment of the paintings, as he played this heroine in his youth, and the main action of the series unfolds when Olga already grow children.

The series tells about two sisters who fell in love with the same young man. To beat off the guy from sister, Olga goes to the fortuneteller and buys the potion under the frightening name "Black Blood". The fortune teller warns the loving girl that this potion could curse the family of his person who used his man, and only the death of loved ones could remove the curse. The prophecy of the fortune tank comes true: close sisters die, and the children of women cannot find their own happiness and love.

In 2018, the actress appeared in the form of the Chief Hero's daughter in the continuation of the series "Balabol" (second season). Next followed the melodrama "Aunt Masha", where Maria reincarnated in Masha Korotkov (Nanny), which is mentally ill and sincerely believes that the pupil is her daughter. In the "lawyers" Pirogova played Katya. The series about the events of lawyers with their victories and failures, intriguing plot lines received a high rating from the audience.

In 2019, Maria starred in the role of Masha (Sani's daughter) in the 4th season "Balabola". Ironic detective again collected a large number of positive feedback.

Personal life

Masha extremely reluctantly speaks of events in his personal life. Such a bright and charismatic girl has no deficiency of fans, but it is very picky in their connections. Maria perfectly disassembled people and many consider it a subtle psychologist.

On the set of Sitkom "Molodechka" Maria Pirogova met with a colleague by Danila Yakushev, familiar to the audience on the sensational comedy "Gorky!". The broken romance did not end after the films of filming and abrasion into a long relationship. Young people often appeared together at secular events and acting parties. After a few years, Pirogova broke up with his civil husband, the reason was the irrepressible jealousy of Yakushev.

Now about the personal life of Mary is known only that the artist has many friends. After filming in the "Interns", their number has increased significantly. And "FRENDS" on the Internet at the actress even more. For example, the number of subscribers in Instagram-Account Maria Pirogovaya passed for a hundred thousand and continues to grow.

Maria Pirogova now

In the 2020th, the shooting of the series "Idealist: love for the top five" started. The girl plays the main role - Sophia Kovalev, which is experiencing a difficult period in life. At that moment, former classmate Maxim performed by Dmitry Ratatsky arises in her life. As Mary confessed in an interview, she had to play drunk for the first time. In working with the chief partner of the actress immediately felt comfortable.

Maria is also involved in the filming of the fifth season "Balabola".

And on the 2021th, the premiere of the film "Perfect Choice" is appointed, where the actress again got the main role.


  • 2008 - "Law and Order. Criminal intent - 3 "
  • 2008-2011 - "University"
  • 2010-2011 - "Interns"
  • 2011-2012 - "Comrades Police"
  • 2012 - "Night swallows"
  • 2013 - "Balabol"
  • 2013 - "The right to love"
  • 2013 - "Dark World: Equilibrium"
  • 2014 - "Tiger Trail"
  • 2013-2017 - "Molodezhka-3"
  • 2016 - "Pearl Wedding"
  • 2017 - "Breakfast in bed"
  • 2017 - "Good Intent"
  • 2017 - "Queen Margo"
  • 2017 - "Black Blood"
  • 2018 - "Balabol-2"
  • 2018 - "Aunt Masha"
  • 2018 - "Lawyers"
  • 2021 - "idealist"
  • 2021 - "Perfect Choice"

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