Macy Williams - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



She came to the set at the age of 13 and lived with his heroine a long way, an adult and transforming into a frame. Macy Williams - Actress, which is already the eight seasons pleased the fans of the "Games of Thrones".

Maisi was born on April 15, 1997 in England. The first years of her life passed in Bristol. She is the youngest daughter, in their family four children. Mother girls worked at the University of Mother University.

Macy was small when her parents divorced. Soon the mother married again and moved to County Somerset, where he lived with stepfather of the future actress. There girl graduated from elementary school, then studied at Norton Hill and College School. In college studied choreography and theatrical art.

Actress Macy Williams

She was keen from childhood with scenic art, and the dances were worried so much that Mamu was persuaded to give it to her profile school Norton Hill. Teachers of the educational institution propheted Margaret Williams a big dance future, because she had talent. By the way, Margaret is a real name of the actress given to her at birth, and Maisi is a creative pseudonym that she borrowed from popular comic.

Studying in a dance school has become her "happy ticket" in a big movie. She participated in the talent contest held in Paris. There she was noticed, soon a teenager girl had an apparent agent, she began to actively attend castings.


The first test for Macy Williams was the casting of the second season "My terrible nanny". The girl was brilliantly selected for the selection, reached the final. No one expected such an apprentice without scenic education, but in the final she still lost to Lil Woods, whom he got a role.

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Losing a step to victory did not break the beginning actress, on the contrary, stimulated it to come to the casting "Games of Thrones". Maisi tried to the role of Aria. Arya Stark is one of five children of a noble family, brothers and sisters of heroine played Richard Madden, Isaac Hamped-Wright, Sophie Turner and Art Parkinson. The role of the consolidated brother-bastard performed by Keith Harington.

Sophie Turner, Isaac Hempsted-Wright, Keith Harington, Macy Williams

The actress was to pass five selection stages. The girl was so convincing and conquered the producers so much that she was approved immediately. Arya Stark performed by the actress turned out to be alive and convincing, conquered millions of viewers. For this role, Mysi Williams received several prestigious premiums.

Popularity did not spoil the character of the girl and did not affect her ability to work. The actress was laid out on the set, lived the lives of his heroine and enhanced with her, honed the acting skills. At the same time, despite the fact that the actress gradually began to be ahead of the on-screen age of his own heroine, the parameters of Maisi allow actress and continue to play the role of a teenager. Macy Williams is 152 cm, and the weight of fans and the press is definitely not known, the activity of 40 to 51 kg is indicated in different sources.

Over time, the heroine Maisi was becoming more and more versatile. The image of Aria Stark began with the character of the girl-the kid, but then the tragic events of the series were forced to be an army to become a runwell out of law, a master of battle, a professional killer and even part of an ancient Order. These difficulties in the embodiment of the image of Aria Stark did not end.

In the plot, the girl is blinded, because of what actresses had to wear Belma lenses. Macy Williams admitted that 22 mm lenses hurt to wear, but these lenses look very reliably. Also, actress almost did not see anything in these lenses, which, however, only Macy was helped to play blind.

The nature of the first heroine in the acting biography of Misi helped and the establishment of the actress itself. Arya Stark - by the nature of the rebar, a girl with boyish habits. For several seasons "Games of Thrones" Maisi became the same. These character traits helped actress convincingly play a difficult teenager in the paintings "Gold" and "Heat Strong".

Macy Williams also starred in the films "Mystery of Kricley Hall", "Fall", "Cyber ​​Terror". In 2015, the ninth season of the "Doctor Who" series was released on the screens, in which Macy Williams played Eschild. This is a returning character.

Eschilde appeared as a simple girl from the Viking village in the "Girl who died" the era of the Twelfth Doctor. As a result of the alien intervention, Viking girl became immortal, which allowed the scripts to create a storyline intersection of this heroine with the Temporary line of the doctor.

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The plot arch-diptych ended the series "Woman who survived", where the life of Eschildy is already in medieval England. The main problem of the Immortal Eschilde was that the girl's human memory could not accommodate the endless life of the heroine.

But the role of Macy Williams is not limited to these two series. Eschilde, who took a new name - Lady, appeared both in the plots associated with historical moments and in the modern world and even in the future, the heroine of Maisi also became the one who met the end of times.

The story turn was provided by Eschilde and Clara (Jenna Coleman) his own time car, and this fact a number of fans gave hope for shooting Spin-off to "Dr. Who will be devoted to the adventures of these two heroines.

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The girl passes on the screen different characters, every time proving himself and spectators, that she is an actress not the same role.

Personal life

Personal life of a young actress is the project "Game of Thrones," where she spent most of the time. The tight schedule did not allow her to graduate from school - I had to receive an external certificate.

Once Maisi Williams mentioned that she had a friend. But she does not think about a serious novel. Even hacked Maisi Williams accounts in 2016, hackers could not shed light on personal life actresses. Hackers posted on the Internet photo, on which Maisi and two girlfriends actresses bathe in the lake in alone melting. The actress did not comment on the merged photo.

Macy Williams

The rare free minutes of the actress spends the sewage and thinks about the career of the fashion designer in the future. In addition, Macy Williams, like most peers actresses, posts photos in "Instagram" and develops its own account on this platform. For today, the actress seven and a half million subscribers.

Also, the young actress is concerned about ecology. In December 2016, the actress was a participant in protest actions, where he made against dolphins and organizing a show with these animals. As an activist of the Dolphin organization, Mysi Williams arrived at Tyji Island in Japan, where dolphin fishery is developed, and called on to leave animals in their natural habitat.

Macy Williams now

Today Macy Williams is removed in the new project of another popular franchise. The young actress played in fantastic horror "New Mutants", the action of which occurs in the famous film dealer "X-Man." In this universe, the film "New Mutants" will become the eleventh picture of the series. The premiere of the film was held April 12, 2018.

The actress heroine is included in the group of children with superposableness, which hold on the secret base against their will just because of their features. Macy Williams will play the role of Rhine Sinclair, who is also a mutant named Wolf. Other major roles will perform Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Hiton and Alyci Braga. This film introduces five new characters mutant in the film franc.

The Russian-speaking trailer of the new painting was released in October 2017 on the YouTube channel 20th Century Fox Russia.


  • 2011-2017 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2012 - "Scalper of Olympic Tickets"
  • 2012 - "Mystery of Crylic Hall"
  • 2013 - "Cover"
  • 2013 - "Few"
  • 2014 - "Vranified"
  • 2014 - "Gold"
  • 2014 - Robotzype
  • 2014 - "Fall"
  • 2015 - "Cyber ​​Terror"
  • 2015 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2016 - "Devil Bocochesineeher"
  • 2017 - "I."
  • 2017 - Mary Shelly

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