Vasilisa Volodina - biography, personal life, photo, news, horoscopes, age, "let's get married", official site 2021



Vasilisa Volodina is an astrologer, an astropsychologist and a chiromerant. For many years, television viewers listened to her advice, and today the smiling Muscovite conquers Internet space. Consultations are not suiced, but a good-natured predictor shares generalized forecasts with fans in social networks.

Childhood and youth

Vasilisa Volodina, or Oksana Vladimirovna Naumova - so the real name of the popular compiler of horoscopes - was born in Moscow in April 1974. As a child, Naumova managed to visit the usual middle and music school.

In the adolescence, Oksana began to be interested in the mysterious world of esoteric, ghostas on maps and chiromantia. The celebrity shared a guest of the Yutiub-Channel "Sagittarius Well done" that the skill of foresight helped to find girlfriends - classmates wanted to know about the hidden feelings of the surrounding boys.

Later an interest in astrology came. Father Vladimir Naumov was a military. Once the daughter took the father's binoculars and first looked at the black sky. Acquaintance with new mysters happened on the balcony of the family apartment in Odintsovo.

Since then, the starry sky began to interest Vasilis more than the rest. At first, the girl looked out for the UFO sky (in the 80s the theme of alien aliens was heard). Humanoids on the "plate" a curious schoolgirl did not see, but he studied the location and names of the shone. Then, a number of books on astrology came into the hands of Volodya, which opened a lot of interesting things.

After graduation, he went to receive higher education. Vasilisa entered the prestigious capital university, choosing the Faculty of Economics. But the prospect of becoming an economist-cybernetic did not like Volodyina.

Mother convinced the daughter that if Vasilis is going to devote to the life of stellar forecasts, it is necessary to get a profile education. Naumova entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology, where he studied at the popular Russian specialist in this industry, Mikhail Borisovich Levina.

Astrology and television

The first professional forecasts of Vasilisa gave pressure already at 20 years of age. At first, girls and classmates became clients. But after receiving a diploma of the Academy, the circle of those wishing expanded: now Volodina helped businessmen.

Vasilisa was personal astrological maps that enjoyed great demand, because the percentage of accuracy was high. Already in the youth of Volodin, considered a recognizable figure and a popular person among the Moscow Beauumda.

It is believed that the biography of Vasilisa as an astrologer began in 1992. From this year, the celebrity worked as an astropsychologist officially. At consultation and forecasts to the young Muscovite, as one of the best specialists in the region, a person with loud surnames was built. Among visitors to Volodyina - Millionaire businessmen, representatives of Russian show business and cinema, politicians.

In 2006, Vasilis was invited to television to lead the program "Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodyina" on the Capital Channel. After 2 years, the popular astrologer and the chiromant called for the first channel as the co-supporting project "Let's get married." Volodina performed as an expert specialist, predicting compatibility of couples on zodiac signs and star cards. The transfer that, except Vasilisa, Larisa Guzeyev and Rosa Syabitova became more exciting.

A participant was invited to the show daily in the show, who chose the second half of three applicants. The grooms and the brides are traditionally present accompanied by loved ones or friends. Larisa Guseyev, the main TV host, was the Swellee - Rosa Syabitova, and in the task of Wolodine it was to properly compile a map of the compatibility of heroes and look at the potential union from the point of view of heavenly bodies.

Since 2008, the program has published on weekdays in Prime Time, as the ratings were at a high level. After the appearance on the TV project, Vasilis woke up by the famous, since the audience of the transmission multimillion.

In 2012, Volodina became the participant and the creator of the cycle of the film "Signs of the Zodiac", which was broadcast on TV channel TNT. In the account of Vasilisa - 40 publications, among which the book "Astrology of seduction brought the greatest popularity. Keys to the heart of a man. Encyclopedia of relations. " At the Bookinistic Competition "Electronic Letter" Edition has become a laureate in the category "Opening of the Year".

Later Volodin issued 2 series of 12 books: "Love Forecast - 2014" and "Love Forecast - 2015". In 2016, the release of collections "Lunar calendar followed. Diary "and" Change your destiny. Coloring book for adults. "

Vasilisa is confident that the use of astrological cards helps in making important decisions. The reliability of Volodyina's predictions is high, therefore, Vasilisa customers become permanent over time.

Often by the name of Volodya, fraudsters abuse. From the face of Vasilisa has already been sold red threads, telephone subscriptions, coins, bringing good luck, and other amulets. Astrologer complains that such deception come across, as a rule, the elderly trusting people who give the fraudsters the last savings.

Personal life

Vasilisa claims that personal life has developed happily in many respects thanks to the stars and professions. Astrocarte for the future husband Sergei Volodin was in the distant 90s. To the girl, then Oksana Naumova, a friend turned, asked to make an individual forecast for a familiar. Even then it was struck by a compiled map. Sergey perfectly approached the role of a satellite of life.

But Naumova met and Volodin did not immediately, but after a while. Random meeting on a friendly party received a continuation. Since then, young people together. For the creative pseudonym Oksana-Vasilisa took the surname of her husband.

In the family of 2 children. In 2001, Victoria daughter appeared, and only then the couple went to the nearest registry office and signed quietly. Since that time, the spouses live and work in a strong alliance. Sergey, who worked by the logistics, began to make a working schedule of his wife, becoming the director of the joint venture. In early 2015, another child was born - Son Vyacheslav, whom the astrologer also foresaw and calculated, calculates on the stars.

Vasilisa Volodina now

Fans of the transfer "Let's get married" were upset when I learned that after Quarantine in 2020, Vasilisa left the show. TV presenter explained the decision to misunderstand the producers. Volodina argues that at some point felt a serious threat to health and asked the authorities to allow 2 weeks to work remotely, but received a refusal.

Subsequently, in an interview, the astrologer said that in the cold room there were shooting and another project - "Fashion sentence". Make-uproinstalling Vasilisa Delila with Alexander Vasilyev, which was then hospitalized with pneumonia and suspicion of coronavirus. Volodina believes that if he had not listened to intuition and stars, could suffer greatly.

Now Vasilisa is the highest paid predictor of Russia. Consultation can be recorded through the official website of Volodyina. Women profiles are present at such venues like "Youtyub" and "Instagram". In the social network, an astropsychologist lay out, as a rule, professional photos. On the page, do not find pictures without makeup. Do not like a modest star to demonstrate and taut body in a swimsuit.

But in the Volodin network gives recommendations in accordance with the movement of the planets. So, the celebrity warned that at the beginning of 2021, humanity will fall under the influence of Saturn and Uranus square, which will last until the end of the 20222. The sky foreshadows the economic crisis. Moreover, the period is marked by the opposition of conservative forces with global changes.


  • The program "Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodyina"
  • Program "Let's get married"
  • The cycle of films "Zodiac signs"

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