Ingrid Bolshai Berdal - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Ingrid Bolshai Berdal - Norwegian actress of the theater and cinema, whose fame brought such well-known films as "stay alive" and "Forbidden zone", as well as the British television series "Naughty".

Ingrid Bolshai Berdal

She was born in a tiny town of Uta, and earlier childhood spent in the working commune of Inertely, located in Northern Tretellia. Then the Berdal family moved to the third largest city of Norway - Trondheim. By the way, the second name of the Boloxi actress should have been read in Russian as "Bolus", but because of the initial mistake, such a form of writing it was already adopted.

In the school years, Ingrid became interested in music and even engaged in a professional teacher, although the family was hard to afford the tutoring. Other girls hobbies were Eastern combat practices, the interest in which he originated because of the close communication with the elder brother Trigve and multiple viewing of movies with the participation of Jean-Claude Van Damma, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Little Berdal achieved very good success for the girl in the development of Taekwondo and kickboxing. By the way, with her family actress is friendly, and they often see and spend time together.

Ingrid Bolshai Berdal and her family

After school, Ingrid entered the University of Trondheim, where Jazz singing and improvisation studied, and then went to the capital of Norway and entered the National Academy of Dramatic Arts. Its teacher was the famous Irina Malochevskaya, who trained students under the legendary system of Konstantin Stanislavsky.

In parallel with studying in Oslo, Berdal settled in the Norwegian National Academic Theater and in the first season he won the honorary award "Debut of the Year" at the prestigious Scandinavian Theater Prize "Gedda". In addition, the actress did not forget his first hobbies - music. She developed as a singer not only solo, but also was a member of the Tronheim Hard Rock of the Crescent Moon group.


At first, Ingrid Bolshai Berdal was removed only in short tapes, such as "Limbo" and "Terre Vigen". In 2006, she had a role in the Norwegian Drama "Sons" and in the adolescent horror film "Stay alive." The last film was that popular that stepped far beyond the Scandinavian countries, and the main character that Berdal played, attracted the attention of teenagers all over the world.

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After a few years, the light saw the continuation of the painting - "stay alive 2: Resurrection." By the way, Ingrid received the main Norwegian film "Amanda" in the category "Actress of the Year".

In addition, she appeared in the psychological drama "Crazy House", the British fantasy series "Naughty", family drama "I am eating one", the militant "Captive. Escape "and the detective comedy" hellish fjord ". The first Hollywood experience of Ingrid Bolshai Berdal received, starring in a fantastic thriller "Forbidden zone".

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Later in America, she participated in the creation of plenty adventure action "Hercules" and a multi-sieuled futuristic western "Wild West World".

The actress did not forget about film studios from native Norway. It can be seen in the family painting for recreation "Grandma and 8 children", the second part of the Joint Norwegian-Thai humorous film "Kill Bulja" and the youth comedy "Women in men's shirts". Now for its country, Ingrid is one of the main stars who have achieved success in the international market.

Personal life

The private side of the life of Ingrid Bolshai Berdal is under the strictest secret, and no one, besides her closest surroundings, does not know whether the actress was married with whom she met and whether she has a favorite person who has conquered a talented woman's heart.

Ingrid Bolshai Berdal in 2017

Since 2008, the TRONHEYM newspaper "ADRESSEAVISEN" called several times ingrid the most attractive and sexual resident of the city in history. It is also worth noting that many fans believe that Bolshai baked a subtle feeling of taste. Its dresses on various ceremonies and festivals were repeatedly recognized by the public with the most beautiful, elegant and spectacular, and the actress manner holds up - professional and sophisticated.


  • 2006 - "stay alive"
  • 2008 - "Crazy House"
  • 2010 - "Naughty"
  • 2011 - "I'm going alone"
  • 2012 - "Forbidden zone"
  • 2012 - "Captive. The escape"
  • 2013 - "Grandma and 8 children"
  • 2013 - "Kill Bulla 2"
  • 2014 - "Hercules"
  • 2015 - "Women in men's shirts"
  • 2016 - "Wild West World"

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