Artem Bystrov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Film, Photo, Actor, Filmography 2021



Artem Bystrov's biography, according to his own recognition, is an union of accidents and luck. An actor becomes and did not think, the basics of the profession fastened 8 years, twice as long as it was accepted. In the theater, it happened to play one and a half hundreds of performances per season, just managed to follow new works in the cinema. But the fastest believes that his favorite thing is still abstract, frivolous.

Childhood and youth

Artem was born in the spring of 1985 in the family, far from art. Dad drove the bigges, Mom from the secretary-Tamatinists retraced into a housewife and educators of children - the artist has a younger sister Nelly. To school where artistic and aesthetic disciplines were in-depth, he got just because the institution was close to the house, across the road. There were still class games for the piano and the karate section.

Like most boys, the fastests dreamed of officer's chains, wanted to enter the Military University in Vladivostok or to the Institute of Airborne Forces in Ryazan.

Parents initially did not approve the Son's decision: too unstable situation in the world, worried that the guy would go hotpoint. Then they humble it, the father even found acquaintances to help Artem. But in the 9th grade, he received the Council to go to theatrical, because with the exact sciences did not make up in any way.

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According to the actor, at the end of the school he was given a certificate with two fives, the remaining estimates are the top three. Then I remembered the punctagogs, and in 2006 the young man graduated from the acting faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod School.

The Alma Mater gave a mentality and understanding of the essence of the hyseridism, but the fast knew that high-class professionals in Moscow. In the Studio School, MCAT Artem "I received vaccination from Konstantin Raikina." The teacher taught to keep a blow in any circumstances, not to be removed with failures and refine 200%, because when leaving the viewer, half is lost.

With the work of the graduate lucky. Matters of the MHT named after A. Chekhov Oleg Tabakov and Adolf Shapiro came to view the diploma performance. The latter immediately said that she takes Nizhny Novgorod to the "opening". Since then, cheaps playing where you like it: "Do not part with your loved ones", "Master and Margarita", "White Guard", "Venetian merchant". Although it happened to give a tribute to the theater in the crowd and episodes in the "River with a rapid flow", "twelve paintings from the life of the artist", "Amade", "noble nest".


Directors believe that everything you can do with the faster. It is able to play a person mentally unbalanced, smart, cunning, selfless. The actor is the same road of cinema and theater.

Artem debuted into the cinema at 24 in a small role in the TV series "Defali". Then the military drama Nikita Mikhalkov appeared in the filmography "Burnt by the Sun - 2: Citadel", the comedy "Mommiks", where Elena Yakovlev, Nelli Uvarova and Anna Bigovy played the main characters.

And after some time, more significant roles came. The actor appeared in the image of Sniper Bulatov in the project "Life and Fate", Ivan Ivanchuk in the "Stanice", Vovan in "Sea. The mountains. Keramzit. " The role of a small bandit on nicknamed Castet Fastrov fulfilled in the criminal film "Alien among his" about the inhabitants of the proletarian town. The atmosphere of the series turned out to be close to Artem, which grew up in a dysfunctional area.

Since 2013, for five years, the artist participated in the shooting of the comedy series of CTC TV channel "Two Father and two Sons", where they played a representative of the profession.

Alexey teacher provided serious support in the career growth of Artem. At first, the director invited a young man on shooting in the Eight Crime Tape, then recommended his Yuri Bykov, who was going to shoot the film "Fool". And in the "eight", and in the "fool" actor received major roles. In the first hero of the faster, the brave officer of the special forces was, who opposed the bandits with friends.

"Fool" wondered as a social drama. Fast reincarnated in Plumbing Dima, who does not remain indifferent to someone else's grief. The man constantly has to face bureaucracy, arrogance of officials, misunderstanding of residents and other obstacles. Artem coped with the role brilliantly - at the International Festival, held in Locarno, received a prize for the best male role. Daria Moroz, Boris Nevzorov, Natalia Surkov, are also involved in the film.

Now the director feared to offer a triumfator with light, uncomplicated stories. Yes, and for the quickness, the quality of the scenario came to the fore, he is still trying to remove only where it is interesting. However, the actor with both hands for a variety of cinema, because art helps to distract from the routine, constantly hearing about global problems. So "Christmas trees 1914" appeared.

With the participation of Artem, the film "Corporate", where Nicholas Naumov played the main character. A year later, the director Yuri Bykov again called the artist to his own project. In the psychological thriller "Method" on the ways of investigating crimes by a tandem from Konstantin Khabensky and Paulina, Andreva Fastrov lit up as a provincial lieutenant Sergey Mokrushin.

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In 2016, Artem followed the image of a crane film in the Drama "Earthquake", in which we were talking about a catastrophe that occurred in Armenia in 1988. Spouse of Bystrov like her husband's work in T-34.

The Short Master "Tupik" about the Bulchik who escaped from the house - the graduation work of the student Alexei Popogrebsky. In the role of Father Anton Sazonov saw not at all Artem, but the artist liked his energy. Fasts along with a colleague from the DramaTheater named after A. Pushkin Anastasia Lebedeva play spouses, who because of conflicts forgot about the Son.

Popogrebsky Fasts starred in the exciting spy series "Optimists" on the secrets of diplomatic battles of times of the 60s. The film was awarded the Golden Eagle Prize.

Connoisseurs of the military ribbons were able to enjoy the game of the actor in the series "Unless Cupina". The scenario was based on the story of Boris Vasilyeva. Artem is a fictional character, the truck driver in the original source is not. But the director, apparently, decided that the presence of another hero would emphasize the drama of the position of the front-line, seeking a place in a peaceful life.

On the topic of war and the picture "Creek silence", in which the main role has the main role. The creators joined the chronicle of the blockade Leningrad with the staged scenes, the retouches were also tried without computer graphics. The premiere took place in January 2019, on the day of removal of the blockade. The film did not come out into a wide range, limited themselves to the show at Russia-1, festivals and in the cinemas of several regions.

The series "Overtaking Time" provided an actor with the opportunity to visit the Schurd of Countryman, the designer of the atomic submarine and ships on the air wings of Rostislav Alekseeva. This name during the USSR did not know anyone. And Artem at the end of the shooting appeared the idea of ​​creating a fund, which supported previously classified inventors, scientists and other talented people who contributed to the greatness of the country.

Personal life

In the personal life of Artem happy with the "goddess" - so he calls his wife Ksenia Teplov. The couple met at the Studio School. Fast Roblast in front of a bright beauty, which crowds were surrounded by more prominent fans, now the stars of the screen, and their ways broke up for 6 years. Ksenia during this time managed to marry and divorce.

And once the girl Artem dreamed, and he decided that it was a good sign. Teplova also became a colleague on the theater. In 2015, the lovers were born daughter Marusya, in the same year the girls' parents registered marriage. Fatherhood for artist - "Solid Magic and Infinite Euphoria."

The traditional wedding celebration of the spouse did not suit, after the painting in the registry office, champagne drank in the company in the company, and then left in Sochi to Kinotavr.

Among the hobbies of the fast - gaming consoles and football. In the student, he even set the record - spent 36 hours before the screen. But, becoming a family person and having bought an apartment in Moscow to the mortgage in Moscow, the man took the Azart and gave toys a friend.

The fan of "Krasnodar" and "Rostov" on the weekend comes out on the field to drive the ball. Rose and strong man (height 182 cm) is entrusted to the position of the defender.

Internet users note the similarity of the Russian actor with the star Hollywood hit Ledger. Artem believes that his appearance is not for Superman, but rather for the hero of social dram.

There are no favorite roles at Quistrov, "even the Hamlet is not the limit of dreams," but what I want, so it is to try the forces in the director, experiment in animation and plastic, so that adrenaline shook on the set on the set. And also to participate in the statement of the European Theater. So far there are no news in this direction. Artem is joking that he will take the English language, only when the wife, the main educator and incentive in life, "give acceleration".

Ksenia is not the only one in the family who pays attention to social networks and publishes new photos. Bystrov has a fan community in VKontakte, he also leads a personal page in "Instagram".

Artem Bystrov Now

In the spring of 2021, Artem pleased both theater fans, and movie lovers with bright premieres. In May, Alexander Rumartovikov, Alexander Milkonov, took place in May. By the way, this project not only opened the program of the Moscow International Film Festival, but also became the only among Russian paintings celebrated at the SIFF festival in Seattle.

Fasts performed the difficult role of the father of Little Sasha, who became a barrier coin in the relationships of the parents. Interestingly, the film scenario was written for three years, and shooting was carried out in Russia and in the United States.

Fans of living action saw quickly in the play "In the trenches of Stalingrad." The production started in May in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov was timed to the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.


  • 2009 - "Defallet"
  • 2011 - "Burnt by the Sun - 2: Citadel"
  • 2012 - "everything is simple"
  • 2013 - "Stanny"
  • 2014 - "Corporate"
  • 2014 - "Fool"
  • 2014 - "Christmas Trees 1914"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2016 - "Earthquake"
  • 2017 - "Trotsky"
  • 2018 - "T-34"
  • 2018 - "Unseal Kupina"
  • 2019 - "Step"
  • 2021 - "Optimists-2"
  • 2021 - "Tell her"
  • 2021 - "Container"

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