Hugh Laurie - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, TV Series, Filmography, Stephen Fry, Wife 2021



Hugh Laurie is an actor who loved the public with his diverse workshop fine game. This Briton is organic both in comedy serials and serious, dramatic projects. The talent of the Contractor has not yet been honored with high estimates of film critics. But it does not exhaust the work of the artist - in parallel with the movie he is engaged in music and literature.

Childhood and youth

Hugh, the full name of which James Hugh Calam was born in the old British city of Oxford. His father Ren Laurie was a physician, as well as an amateur athlete. Patricia's mother was engaged in household and upbringing four children, of whom Hugh was the youngest.

Laurie went to private elementary school, and then studied in the most prestigious educational institution of Britain for boys - in ITon. In his youth, he, following his father, became interested in academic rowing, won domestic junior competitions and represented the UK at the World Championships, where the fourth place ranked in a double match.

Higher education The future actor received in the University of Cambridge, studying anthropology and archeology. He did not throw the sport, he was rowing hard, then received a serious injury that did not allow to continue training.

Then Hugh signed up in the theater circle and began to play amateur performances. In the student theater, Laurie got acquainted with Emma Thompson and Stephen Frem. Receiving a diploma of archaeologist, the young man already knew that he would not come in handy him in direct appointment. Professional acting biography Hugh Lori began suddenly. Together with friends, he put the comedy "base ribbons". And thanks to the fact that the production was broadcast on television and had a tremendous success, Lori Trinity, Fry and Thompson instantly became famous.


After the theatrical success of Hugh Laurie stepped into cinema. At first, he appeared in television series in small, but invariably comic roles. High (actor growth 189 cm) The actor enjoyed success in the humorous genre. Popularity came to Briton after filming the film "Black Vorkuk". His close friend Stephen also participated there, with whom Hugh in parallel organized a joint project "Show Frya and Lori", who made these people number one stars in the UK.

At the wave of success, the priests adapted to the shielding of stories and novels of the famous Classic Pelama Grenville Woodhaus. For three years, they released the television series "Dzhivs and Worcester" on the adventures of the unlucky aristocrat and his wise servant. Later, Lori tried himself and in the dramatic paintings "Mind and feelings" and "Man in the Iron Mask", where the main role was performed by Leonardo Di Caprio.

At the beginning of the career, the basis of his filmography was exactly comedy. But in 2004, the artist replaced the roles sharply and eventually received a new round of mad popularity. In the TV series "Dr. House" Laurie played a brilliant, but eternally a gloomy doctor diagnostic. Interestingly, to work on this role, Hugh specially hardly worked out American accent. And he managed to ensure that spectators who did not know the artist had never even guess that the Briton from the aristocratic genus was not even guessed.

Dr. House went on screens over long eight years. Later, in an interview with Lori admitted that all this time felt the guilt before his father - a doctor - for the fact that television "doctors" (in particular, the actor himself) received much greater fees for the work than the true rescuers of human lives.

The image of a harsh doctor is remembered not only by expressive facial expressions, but also with bright details. So, on the Gregory screen appeared in sneakers - this element came up with the role of Hugh, and 37 niker pairs purchased for the shooting wardrobe. The Misanthropy Hero does not apply to the smaller brothers. For Haus, they came up with a favorite - rat. An artist himself gave the chipper, calling that in honor of the beloved artist British - actor Steve McCain.

In 2016, Laori played a major role in the British mini-series "Night Administrator", based on the novel of John Le Carre. The main roles also performed Tom Hiddleston, Tom Hollander and Elizabeth Debics. Hugh embodied on the screen the image of the Merzense Richard Roper's arms. The project was called the best British TV series in the Radio Times ranking.

At the end of the year, the actor presented the central hero in the series "Chance", shot on the name of the novel by Kemna Nanna. Laurie again tried the image of a doctor, this time a court psychoneurologist. Eldon Chance for work faces severe cases of mental disorders and complex life situations. In particular, he suspects that his husband of his patient Jacqueline Blackstone is not only a tyrant in the family, but also a much more dangerous character.

Later, the actor appeared in the comedy American TV series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". Hugh embodied on the screen the image of Maikrofte Holmes, and Will Ferrell and John Si Rieli played the main roles of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. In 2018, the artist began to sound the cartoon Kim Berdon "Centrawille Bringing" on the Tale of Oscar Wilde, where the voice of the voice of the gangtsee "presented".

In 2019, the British filmography was replenished with two different work - the satirical mini-series "Podrovka-22" and the next screen release of the Roman Charles Dickens "The History of David Copperfield". The first project based on the essay of Joseph Heller, gathered a powerful cast. Together with House, George Clooney, Christopher Abbott and others appeared on the same platform.

Armando Iannucci was the director of the second, who received fame after the sensational comedy "death of Stalin". In the new picture, the creator tried to recreate the spirit of old good England - the movie The Angel Hotel even was shown in the film, in which the Dickens himself had once stopped. However, the casting caused ambiguous opinions from the audience. So, for the role of the mother of the main character, Afrikanka chosen, David himself plays Indian's Indian Patel, famous for the "Million from the slums". Lori himself made a charming duet with Tildon Suinton on the screen.

In 2020, the cooperation of Hugh from Janucci in the comedy-fantastic series "Avenue 5" continued. The Briton got the main role - he played Ryan Clark, Captain of the Space Ship. The action carries the audience to the future, when popularity is gaining traveling to distant planets. But something goes wrong, and Clark's ship instead of several weeks should spend 3 years in space. However, this is not the only "surprise" that awaits passengers.

In the same year, Laurie also played the central hero - the policy of Peter Lawrence - in the thriller "slippery path." The character has to face "benevolers", able to spoil the impeccable reputation of the head.


When Hugh Laurie was still a little boy, he himself asked his parents to teach him a game on the piano. Now he owns not only keyboards, but also shock tools, playing a saxophone and lip-harmonica. In many of his paintings, the actor showed skill. So, for example, the soundtrack in the execution of the British sounds in "Jeeves and Worker", and the actor himself sings in the frame. Later, in "Doctor House" Hero Laurie after a shift in the hospital relaxed, playing on the piano.

The performer has repeatedly organized charitable concerts of the precast ensemble of artists of American television serials Band from TV. The authorship of Hugh owns several songs from the repertoire of different fatal and blues teams, including the Big Hit IF I CAN't Have You by the performance of Meat Loaf. As a musician, the artist spoke with Poor White Trash and Copper Bottom Band and even made several studio records.

Lori recorded his own solo album Let Them Talk. The plate fell into the top ten in Britain, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France. You don't Know My Mind, Winin 'Boy Blues and St. are considered the most popular compositions from there. James' infirmary. In support of this album, the musician gave a grandiose concert in the Blues's homeland, in New Orleans.

The second disc Didn't IT Rain was more modest success and hit the top ten only in the UK and Canada, although the level and geography of cash charges seriously contradicted the charts. Wild Honey's penetrated song of this album became the best Wild Honey song.


Hugh Laurie achieved success not only as an actor, musician and singer. In the mid-1990s, he saw the light of his first novel "Merchant Pushki". The work received favorable reviews of critics, and later the right to the shielding of the novel were bought by the famous film company United Artists. In 2009, the second book "Paper Soldier" was ready to leave, but the author suspended the publication indefinitely.

Personal life

In student years and several years after the release of Hugh Laurie consisted in a romantic relationship with the actress Emma Thompson, but the actress did not become Lori's wife. Despite the fact that their novel ended, they still remain very close friends. Also, the actor was attributed to the relationship with Liza Edelstein, the Laurie colleague on the TV series "Dr. House". In real life, the artists did not confirm the novel. Hugh Laurie attributed a love relationship with director of Audrey Cook during filming in Africa.

In the summer of 1989, the actor found happiness in his personal life - he married the theater administrator Joe Green, who in the following years gave birth to a spouse three children. They have two sons - Charles Archibald and William Albert, as well as the daughter of Rebecca Augustus. Interestingly, the godfather of all three was the best friend of his father, Stephen Fry.

Now the actor collects motorcycle. Its garage has both ultra-modern Porsche, Harley-Davidson and BMW models and vintage retro factors. Hugh Laurie also conducts popular accounts on social networks. In "Instagram" there is no his personal page, but often laid photos and video with an artist. For merits to the UK in 2007, Laurie received the rank of officer of the Order of the British Empire on the personal order of the Queen Elizabeth second.

Hugh Lori now

In 2021, Laurie continued creative activities. In April, it became known that Briton began shooting the mini-series "Why not Evans?" According to the name of the novel "Queen Detective" Agaty Christie. In the center of the plot - the random "find" of the son of Vicari Bobby Jones. Together with the friend Frankie Dervunt, a young man begins to investigate, opening the amazing mysteries of people close to him.

Hugh also spoke in the project as a script writer. This picture is the second in the director's career of the British. Earlier, the artist presented to the audience Sitka "a little over forty", where he played himself, as well as Benedict Cumberbatch, Anna Chansellor and others.


  • 1986-1999 - "Black Watch"
  • 1989-1995 - "Fry and Lori Show"
  • 1990-1993 - "Jeeves and Worcester"
  • 1996 - "101 Dalmatian"
  • 1999 - Stuart Little
  • 2000 - "Everything is possible baby"
  • 2001 - "Girl from Rio"
  • 2003 - "Little forty"
  • 2004-2012 - "Dr. House"
  • 2012 - "Mr. PIP"
  • 2016 - "Night Administrator"
  • 2016 - "Chance"
  • 2019 - "History of David Copperfield"
  • 2020 - "Avenue 5"
  • 2020 - "Sliply Path"

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