Ella Pamfilova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Chairman of the CEC RF, Politician 2021



Ella Pamfilova is an influential Russian politician, the founder of the movement "For Healthy Russia", the first female candidate for the presidency of the country. She is one of the few of the so-called "Yeltsin team," who caused sincere confidence in most citizens. Pamfilova considers himself a rich man, because I am sure that the main wealth is love for people.

Childhood and youth

Ella was born and grew up in Uzbekistan, the city of Almalyk. This fact still raises the question of its nationality. There is no unambiguous answer, and individual sites write that the statesman - the Jewish, but does not lead the evidence.

Polina's parents and Alexander Lekomtsev were workers, the burden of the girl's upbringing fell on the shoulders of the grandfather, the degraded peasant, exiled to Central Asia. Ella adored climbing the trees and read books in the house, which grandfather made it for her in the garden, and his father spent there electricity.

The certificate of maturity Pamfilova got along with the gold medal and went to the capital of the Soviet Union to act in Moscow State Union. But she did not hit the university, since the Komsomol contributions did not pay on time. Then the purposeful girl became a student of the Energy Institute.

The first place of work of the future policy was a repair and mechanical plant. Here Ella Dorosal to the technologist and ranked Chairman of the trade union committee. With this, its political biography began.


In 1989, trade unions nominated Pamphilov to the Supreme Council of the USSR, where she was engaged in issues of ecology and natural resources. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Boris Yeltsin entered the Cabinet of Ministers and solved the problems of social protection of citizens. Among the merit Ella is the computerization of the Pension Fund. At the same time, the woman founded and headed the development of education, science and health care "for healthy Russia", subsequently renamed "civil dignity". The organization has access to the multi-million funds of the federal budget, since by agreement with President Vladimir Putin distributes this money between human rights, social, charitable structures.

The chair of the Minister of Society Pamfilov retained under Egor Gaidar and Victor Chernomyrdine, in the mid-90s he was elected to the State Duma deputy, in 2002 he became Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations "Civil Society - Children's Children" and the Head of Commission on Human Rights under the President of Russia. Later, the deliberative body received the name of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to promote the development of civil society institutions and human rights.

True, in 2010, Ella Alexandrovna, not consonant with the decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, voluntarily resigned. However, as an experienced professional, EE was asked to return, appointed the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and a year later a year recognized the most effective politician of the country.

Since 2016, Pamfilova has been working in the Central Election Commission as a manager. In the elections of the chairman of the CEC, its candidacy was supported by 14 out of 15 votes.

Personal life

With her husband, Nikita Pamfilov Ella met at the Institute. Young people learned together and consisted of a folk friend of law enforcement. After 3 years got married, Tatyana's daughter was born. While the girl was small, the mother was exclusively EE by upbringing, as it is confident that the care of a native person cannot replace even the most causing nanny.

When the spouse from the reserve was called to the army, Ella went after him on the Taman Peninsula, to the place of service. The family returned to Moscow in 1980.

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The only marriage of Ella Aleksandrovna lasted 17 years. Personal life ruined politics, but after a divorce, the spouses retained friendly relations.

"When I began to live alone, suddenly felt extraordinary freedom, a second breathing was opened. I suddenly realized that, more than ever in my youth, I could feel the taste of life, to appreciate every moment. I am happy with my inner life. And I do not feel lonely. Because it is impossible to confuse two serious things - loneliness and solitude. "

Now the family Pamfilova is a daughter, the son-in-law Igor and the favorite granddaughter Irina. Tatiana, in marriage Kesina, according to rumors, worked on television, then went to advertise, rearranged to the post of strategic director of the agency. Close chapters of the CEC do not indulge with the placement of coarse photos in free access.

Ella Pamfilova now

In the fall of 2019, Ella Alexandrovna was attacked in his own home. The media wrote that she accidentally found a person in a mask's corridor, when I went to let out, or release a cat to the street. Pamfilova received a blow to the electric shock, which did not approve of health damage. The woman philosophically noticed that in life anything happened, survived and that.

Law enforcement agencies initially did not associate an attack with the political activities of the Chairman of the Central Election Committee. But the case passed under the control of the investigative committee of Russia. Just a couple of days, the unemployed native of Kazakhstan was detained, which confessed in a crime. Having learned about the difficult position of a man, Ella noticed that if he had just asked, he would have been going, and perhaps work.

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Pamphilova has cares of hard. The fight against corruption of Alexei Navalny is conducting "sensational investigations" against its colleagues. For example, Rospil published information on real estate owned by one of the CEC members. Allegedly an apartment in hundreds of millions of rubles "bought" his 4-year-old grandson. The Foundation is responsible for the removal of independent candidates from the elections to the Moscow City Duma, which led to numerous protests.

Ella Alexandrovna is confident that targeted injury is underway against the election commission, the negative background is created artificially. Moreover, the official knows who, who, and how much for it paid. According to Pamphilova, the centralism is able to guarantee the legality of the election of all levels. Not in vain, because the punishment for falsification and conspirass of candidates, mayors, deputy heads of regions and even governors are dismissed for administrative pressure.

"We have a process of cleansing and improving the entire electoral system, and I know that I can promote it to a greater extent than anyone else. Without drawing fantastic pictures about the sudden universal benefit. "


  • 1998 - Order of the ROC of the Holy Martyr Trifon
  • 2003 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2006 - the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" I degree
  • 2006 - Kavaler of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France
  • 2010 - Order of Honor
  • 2011 - Prize of Dr. F. P. Gaaza
  • 2014 - Order of Friendship

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