Elena Drepeco - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, State Duma Deputy, Husband, Daughter, Husband 2021



Elena Drepeco is a famous actress, whose popularity peak came on the times of the USSR. Now Elena Grigorievna is a politician and a deputy of the State Duma.

Childhood and youth

Elena Drepeco was born in Western Kazakhstan. Early childhood years have passed in the city of Uralsk, where the ancestors for the Father, Ukrainians, by nationality, people from the Chernihiv province moved. The ancestors over the mother's line belonged to the annexers and moved to the Urals in Petrovsky times.

The Drapeko family moved several times and, when Elena was still a baby, moved to Ufa, then in Pavlovsk. School Future actress finished in the Leningrad Region, in the city of Pushkin. In the family no one was associated with the world of the theater or movie. Father - Military, taught political economy in universities, Mom worked as a history teacher. In school years, the girl attended the lessons of playing the violin, went to a ballet studio.

Nevertheless, Drapeko chose cinema. It caused surprise, but not resistance to parents who were accustomed to respect the opinion of his daughter. Elena was easily enrolled in the Leningrad Institute of Culture, graduated from 1968 and received a diploma diploma. But she seemed not to their gained, and she continued his studies at the Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. The future star graduated from the university in 1972 and immediately received an invitation to the "Lenfilm" film studio.


Drepeco's cinematic biography began when the actress studied at the last year of the theater university. The artist entrusted the main role in the cultivated military film "A dawns here is quiet." The drama Stanislav Rostotsky received incredible success in the audience and critics. The picture was watched by millions of Soviet TV viewers.

Lisa Brichkina's role brought loud fame and recognition to the artist. The girl with a light braid, with a firmly tailored figure (height - 170 cm, the weight is 65 kg) possessed a light and calm character, while the inner rod was felt in Lisa.

The actress was able to convey the character of a real Russian woman, so the death of the heroine Drapeko was perceived so tragic. This scene was filmed 12 doubles. The performer had to dive into a real ice swamp - this last time was paid at a double rate as a trick. After each dive, it was necessary to warm up, rubbing vodka, - for these purposes a whole box was written. But, as Elena admitted in an interview, she got only half a cup.

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In subsequent years, the actress was removed regularly. Every year, 3-4 films came out in which Elena took part. She appeared in the "Laundered Atom" paintings, "Circle", "Eternal Call", "Your Guy", "Old Friends". But all these roles were small or completely episodic.

The main role got actress in 1976. She played Olga Muromsev in the melodraman "Want's", filmed by Vladimir Shamshur in the story of Anton Chekhov.

In the 1980s, Drepeco's successes in the kinocarier received confirmation at the state level: Elena was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

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The most striking projects in the filmography of actresses who loved the TV viewers of the Soviet Union in the 1980s were the paintings of the "wormwood - Gorky grass" and "lonely a hostel". In the last melodrame, which came to the screens in 1983, Elena Grigorievna got the role of Nina, whose difficult relationships with the hero Frunzik Mkrtchyan was settled by Vera Golubev (Natalia Gundarereva).

Perhaps it was the last star role in the cinematic biography of Drepeco. In the 90s, the difficult period for the life of the country and the cinema, the actress was shot by little. During this period, she was fascinated by public activities and began to make a career on a political front.

From the films of the 2000s, where Elena Grigorievna appeared, the most bright can be called criminal series "Gangster Petersburg", where the actress embodied the prosecutor Maria Sergeevna Plotkin, and "Sonya is a golden handle."


The aggravated sense of justice and the desire to help people were always the main features of Drepeco. In the dashing 90s, the need for protection arose from many, and Elena Grigorievna went to help people - first as a public figure, then as a professional politician.

In 1992, Drepeko was elected chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism at the St. Petersburg City Hall. A year later, it was appointed to the post of vice-president of the Russian guild of movie actors. Aven a year later, in 1994, Elena Grigorievna is already a professor of the Humanitarian University of the city of the city on the Neva. The actress successfully defended his candidate degree in sociological sciences.

In 1996, Drepeco became a member of the Presidium of the Public Movement "People's Patriotic Union of Russia", and after 3 years, he was elected by a deputy of the State Duma of the 3rd convocation from the Communist Party.

Elena Grigorievna acknowledges that Men-deputies did not perceive her seriously. But the artist was adopted by his many years of experience in teaching rhetoric at the university and tactics of psychological aikido and even represented Gennady Zyuganov on debates with the presidential candidate by Vladimir Zhirinovsky. According to Drepeco, it enjoys the fact that everyone is interesting to look at Lisa Brichkina.

Elena Grigorievna became a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation from the Party of Fair Russia. At the same time, Drapeko turned out to be the only deputy whose no housing in Moscow. Together with a minor daughter, she lived in the hotel for a long time.

In subsequent years, Drepeco became a deputy of the State Duma of the 6th and 7th convocation. The politician is now a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Fair Russia party, it consists in the Standing Commission of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of States in Culture, Information, Tourism and Sports, as well as in the International Slavic Academy of Sciences. An influential woman has a personal profile on the site "Fair Russia" party.

In the summer of 2017, a dispute on the adoption of amendments to the law on free importation and export of cultural values ​​was broken in the Council of Federation. The voices of the senators were divided. Many, including officials from the Ministry of Culture, Rosarhiva, Mightian, FSB, as well as the deputy chairman of the State Duma on Drepeco culture, opposed the amendment. Elena Grigorievna called the adoption of the amendment "hacking system of protection of the national culture." After fierce debates, the bill received a delay until autumn. As a result, at the end of the year, the amendment gained the necessary number of senators votes.

Personal life

About the personal life of Elena Drepeko says Skupo. The State Duma's deputy is not to share details that concern only her and loved ones.

From different sources it is known that in the life of Elena Grigorievna there were 3 husbands. The first marriage happened in his youth when the girl was a student. She agreed to marry a dispute if her young man could agree that they were painted on Tuesday - on this day of the week, the registry office did not register. The student managed to persuade the registrar, and the wedding took place. According to Drepeco, she was married for 3 days, and then half a year divorced.

The second time the actress married Colleague Oleg Belov. Elena Grigorievna claims that it was a marriage of genuine love. In 1983, daughter Nastya was born. The girl was born when mom was 35 years old. The collaborative life of the couple lasted 13 years, but in the end broke up. Drapeko began a political career. According to the artist, the husband treated jealously to the success of his wife. Belov in turn argues that the negative impact on the union was the passion for his wife reading the books of Vladimir Lenin, 55 volumes of which the actress constantly studied.

The third marriage Elena Grigorievna concluded with Yuri Tretyakov. The actress says that the spouse "was a professional boss" with all the attributes of power. Drapeko, according to her, turned out to be in the opaire, opposed Boris Yeltsin after the shot of a white house. In order not to break the spouse a career, the actress was submitted for divorce. So the third alliance broke up.

The daughter of the actress Anastasia Drepeko (Belova) did not go in the footsteps of the parents, but became a journalist. She graduated from the St. Petersburg University with a red diploma and led the author's programs on radio stations Maximum and Radio Lighthouse. Later, Anastasia got into the editorial group of Talk Show Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk," and since 2016, the Velvet Music Production Center has passed since 2016. In the family, the journalist will grow up the daughter of Varvara, the long-awaited granddaughter of Elena Grigorievna.

Artists have accounts in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where the photos from events and from a personal archive are laid out.

Elena Drepeko now

Elena Grigorievna almost does not appear on television screens. According to Drepeko, it rarely offer roles - young directors, probably, are afraid of her because of the status and image.

In March 2021, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture negatively spoken of a candidate from Russia to Eurovision Songin. Drapeko described the contestant from the first channel as "unknown that singing" and demanded "to remove from it" all state symbols. The Competition itself called the discredit, politicized and literal. According to Elena Grigorievna, the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 should be sent a Little Big group.

In May, in an interview with media representatives, the deputy commented on one-time veterans to the 76th anniversary of the victory, whose value was 10,000 rubles, which are at times less than in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Drapeko referred to a difficult economic situation, a large number of veterans and other social obligations that are paid from one budget. The official believes that our veterans are needed not money, and the services that, according to politics, the state will provide in sufficient quantities - this is the help of social workers, free medicines, exemption from many payments and others.

In June, Elena Grigorievna became the guest of the program "Secret by Million," where he told Lere Kudryavtseva, for which the cinema had trained in politics.


  • 1972 - "And dawns here are quiet"
  • 1972 - "Laundered Atom"
  • 1973 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1974 - "The Hotst month"
  • 1976 - "Wanting"
  • 1977 - "And we had silence ..."
  • 1982 - "Wormwood - Grass Gorky"
  • 1983 - "Lonely a hostel is provided"
  • 1993 - "Window in Paris"
  • 1998 - "Gorky!"
  • 2006 - "Sonya - Golden Handle"
  • 2013 - "Women's Day"
  • 2014 - "Shamananka"
  • 2018 - "Linshui Song"
  • 2019 - "I'm not like that. I am not like this"

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