Alexander Dedyushko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography, Death



Alexander Dedyushko - Russian actor theater and cinema, executor of the main roles in the TV shows "Albanese", "Doll", "Operational pseudonym".

Alexander Dedyushko was born in May 1962 in the Belarusian city of Volkovysk, in the family of Engineer Viktor Petrovich Dedyushko. The name of the boy in the Belarusian language sounded Alyaxandra Vіktaravіch Dziadazyushka.

About the fact that the artist grows, the relatives understood early. The boy with pleasure danced, participated in school cabins and recited poems. Therefore, parents supported the Son when he decided to enter the theater university. For this, Alexander Dedyushko went to Moscow, but it turned out that the exams were already over. I didn't want to return home with anything, and the young man got an automatic car at one of the maintenance stations.

Full Alexander Dedyushko

From here Sasha was called into the army. After the service, Dedyushko again went to act in theatrical, and again not fate: the exams ended and "the train went". This time Alexander settled in Fizorg to the plant. They took a young man without unnecessary words, because from school Dedyushko was distinguished by excellent physical fitness and was successful in all sports.

Next year, Alexander Dedyushko was advised to act in the capital theatrical, but to go to Nizhny Novgorod, whose theater school was not less famous. The future actor easily entered the theater school. After 3 years, he received a diploma and went to make the first steps in the profession to his native Belarus. Here, the artist for half a year went to the stage of the Minsk Theater, but then moved to Vladimir.


In the Vladimir theater, the career of the Belarusian actor has developed rapidly. Dedyushko began to trust the main roles. But Alexander dreamed of conquering Moscow, which rejected the actor twice.

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At 33, Dedyushko settled in Mkhat Oleg Efremova. But, unlike Vladimir, here the career stalled: the artist trusted tiny roles. Therefore, Alexander decided to make his way to the movies.

The cinematic biography of Alexander Dedyushko began in 1990 by the episode in the screening of Gleb Panfilov "Mother", where Inna Churikova was fulfilled the main role. Dedyushko lit up in the image of the working and revolutionary. Only seven years later, the artist appeared on the big screen again, now in the projects "Thief", "Siberian Barber", "D.D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky. " In addition to working in the cinema and theater, the artist did not be laughed in advertising.

The first serious work went to the actor in the late 1990s, when the "gangster" serials entered the fashion. Dedyushko entrusted a key role in the painting "Death Directory". This tape has become a turning point in the artist's career. The directors finally saw the talent and began to fall asleep suggestions, each of which turned out to be more significant than the previous one.

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In the sensational comedy "DBM", the artist has already received the role of the second plan. Spectators first saw Dedyushko in the image of the head of the patrol. Then followed the role in the rating criminal films "Marsh Turkish", "At the corner of Patriarch-2". The roles of the artist got a few, most often it was bandits, bodyguards, operatives or military. In a cult blockbuster of 2002, the Brigade artist tried the image of an employee of the special services.

In the same year, work was followed in the criminal militant "Doll", where Dedyushko got the main role of a private detective Joker, who is conducting his own investigation into the registered killing of Kozlov's journalist (Oleg Zamyatin). The reporter paid for the fact that in his own articles exposed criminal schemes of oligarchs and politicians. In the film, the artist performed on equal footing with other performers, the stars of Russian cinema Sergei Shakurov and Igor Barochny.

In the same year, Dedyushko starred in the "Protection Line" series, "Men's work 2", "Special Forces". In the film "Black Ball", Alexander appeared in a new role to himself the role of a children's football team.

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In 2003, a starry hour has come for the Belarusian actor. In the filmography of Dedyushko there was a sign of the main role in the painting "Operational pseudonym". Alexander reincarnated in Sergey Lapina, who after an accident from a semi-first character turns into a unique specialist in security systems. At the same time, unknowns begin to hunt for the main character.

At the same time, the actor is filmed in the children's adventure film "Mystery of the Blue Valley" in the company of young artists Anna Ardova, Anna Tsukanova-Cott, Makara Zaporizhia. A year later, work in the militants "attempt" and "Sarmat", adding People's Glory to Alexander.

In these ribbons, the talented Belarusian played heroes, who immediately conquer the hearts of the audience - bold, noble and brave. After working in the series "Officers" with Vasily Lanov, the actor came to the rating fighter "Albanian's pseudonym" about the Soviet killer Victor Albanians, who, after the country's collapse, decides to tie with the past and start a peaceful life, but new owners of life decide to attract major on His side.

Alexander Dedyushko in the film "Alban's pseudonym"

Alexander Dedyushko becomes a star of Russian cinema, the artist was willingly invited to various rating television shows and projects. In 2006, Dedyushko participated in the show "Dancing with the stars", where she conquered the hearts of the audience, stalking in a pair with Lian Shakurova. In the same year, the artist tried himself as a TV presenter: Alexander was entrusted to lead the transfer of "Your Fate Street", which described the fate of unknown heroes in need of help.

Personal life

Alexander's first marriage turned out to be fragile. Dedyushko married a student to theatrical university Lyudmila Tomilina. In January 1991, the pair had a daughter of Ksenia. But the distance - and the spouses worked in different cities - cooled the feelings of young. The marriage stopped existence.

Alexander Dedyushko with his wife and son

In 1996, the personal life of Alexander Dedyushko made a new round: in Vladimir, the actor met a 20-year-old artist Svetlana Chernyshkova Theater. Svetlana was in a completely alien city for her after the end of the Krasnoyarsk university. New Year's Eve of Light celebrated girlfriends in the acting hostel and guess the desire to find a soul mate. After the battle, the girls went to visit the neighboring room to the actors colleagues. There is light and met Alexander.

Love broke out at first sight. Soon the young got married. In the summer of 1999, the son of Dmitry was born. Together, the family lived 8 happy years. In the suburbs, Dedyushko built his own house in which they dreamed happily live a long life.


The tragedy happened on November 3, 2007. Alexander Dedyushko, together with his family, returned from guests home on the highway Moscow-Ufa. The actor was in a hurry to have time to meet the spouses, who drove the parents.

Photo from the crash

In the Vladimir region, not far from the village of New Omutici (Petushinsky district) "Toyota" actor unexpectedly flew to the oncoming lane, where there was a collision with a "Skania" truck. The truck faced the car's car for himself, while the ignition of Toyota immediately began. The reason for which the actor did not cope with the control, is still not known. It is assumed that the driver did not have time to rest before the flight and fell asleep behind the wheel.

The death of spouse and son came instantly. Rescuers stated that Alexander a few minutes after the accident was alive. The personalities of the dead could not establish, since all documents burned. Having found the phone of the artist, called relatives.

Funeral Family Alexander Dedyushko

The funeral was held with closed coffins, since the bodies of the dead were strongly worn. Senior daughter Ksenia came to farewell to Alexander Dedyushko. The girl for many years did not communicate with his father because of the resentment.

The grave of the Dedyushko family is located on the Trocerovsk cemetery in Moscow. A photo of Alexander, Svetlana and Dmitry Dedyushko engraved on the common granite cross.

Colleagues actor claimed that the day before Alexander was a warning. On the set of the second part "Albanian's pseudonym" during the execution of the trick, Dedyushko almost fell under the car. The second stage, with whom Dedyushko participated in the scene, was taken to the hospital with a skull injury. The shooting took place the day before the tragedy.

Metage family Alexander Dedyushko

In memory of the actor after his death, several documentary belts were published: "Alexander Dedyushko. Excess speed "," Secret signs. Alexander Dedyushko. The last trick of the actor, "" And hello again. Happiness and pain Alexander Dedyushko. " In 2009, the premiere of the drama "Taras Bulba" was held, where the actor had the role of Ataman Stepan Guski.


  • 1989 - "Mother"
  • 1999 - "Death Directory"
  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2002 - "Doll"
  • 2002 - "Protection Line"
  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2003 - "Operational pseudonym"
  • 2003 - "Black Ball"
  • 2004 - "The Mystery of the Blue Valley"
  • 2004 - "Steel Guys"
  • 2004 - Sarmat
  • 2005 - "Attempt"
  • 2006 - "Alban's pseudonym"
  • 2006 - "Officers"
  • 2007 - "I am a detective"
  • 2009 - Taras Bulba

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