Gerard Butler - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Gerard Butler - Scottish film acter, whose way to recognize and glory was heavy. Despite problems and failures, he was still able to become not only a successful artist, but also a pet of the audience. Gerard has repeatedly called one of the most beautiful men, and Charisma helps him receive new roles.

Childhood and youth

Gerard Butler was born on November 13, 1969 in Scotland, on the sign of Zodiac Scorpio. He is the third, the youngest child in a Catholic family. He has a sister Lynn and Brother Brian. The boy was not fulfilled and six months when his parents moved to Canada, in Montreal. Father, who was a bookmaker, dreamed of to establish her own business there. True, all attempts ended in failure, in their trouble a man vinyl wife and children. In the end, Gerard's mother filed for divorce. In 1971, she and children returned to Scotland and soon married the second time. From the moment to 16 years old, the boy did not see his native father.

As a child, Butler was fond of oriental martial arts, adored karate, showed good sports results. The family lived next to the cinema, the boy liked to go there with mom. It imperceptibly for himself he carried the cinema and persuaded the close to drive him on listening. Gerard got into two of them, but never got a job.

The boy accepted into the youth theater, in 12 years he played a small role in the play. The mother was not delighted with the passion of his son, considered the scenic skill of the poles. The guy went well at school, and after her ending did not upset his mother and entered the law college. Having received a lawyer's diploma, Batler went to Los Angeles: he did not refuse acting dreams. True, the capital of the world cinema met him cool - the guy received only the role of a statist in the picture "Bodyguard" six months later.

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In the same period, Gerard found out that his father had cancer. They have not seen 14 years old, but the guy threw things and went to his father to Canada. There he was until the death of a man who died in his hands at Butler. Then, immediately after the funeral, the young man returned to Scotland.

Frustrated Gerard settled on an internship to the largest law firm. He applied hope as a lawyer, but the work did not give pleasure. In his youth, the Batler began depressed, alcoholism was gradually manifested itself, the boyfriend tried to commit suicide more than once, fought in drunken hysterics. From the abyss, he separated one step - he drank with everyone without parsing. Then the young man played in the Speed ​​group, but even music and creativity did not raise him the mood. Work from 9 am to 5 pm, the same type of orders, hopelessness and routine was strongly pressed on Gerard. Because of the addiction to alcohol drinks, it was without work. But it seems that it only opened new opportunities.

Then Butler went to London in the hope of even here to get to the theater or to act in the movie - it did not work out. He worked as a waiter, was a demonstrator of children's toys. After a few months, he was taken to the theater an assistant to the casting manager. Once the guy got courage and asked the director to look at him, he agreed. After listening, he received the first role.

It took a little time, and Gerard appeared in the play "On the game", which was always admired, sitting in the hall. From that moment on, the Batler began a career flourishing.

Personal life

Periodically, the press appears information about celebrity novels. Two years he met with an assistant tone and officially confirmed that she was his girlfriend. Roman ended with parting.

Then Gerard had a relationship with the Madalina Genea model, but also they ended with a gap. He was attributed to the novels with Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Bill, Merry Prierli and others. In 2014, the actor had a new love - Interior Designer Morgan Brown. For a couple of years, they have repeatedly parted and converged. In 2016, after another break, the battler noticed in the company singer Rita Ore, which under Gerard for 21 years. According to journalists, the artists were on a date in West Hollywood. Already in 2017, the actor resumed relations with Morgan, and today it is reluctant to share the details of personal life. The man has no children, none of his beloved has become his wife.

Butler does not suffer from star disease, it trembles to fans, willingly makes photos with them and distribute autographs. For the friendliness and patientity, he is called the most benevolent actor in Hollywood. He also regularly replenishes "Instagram" with pictures. More often, the artist covers working moments, not a personal life.

In 2008, Gerard opened his own restaurant in Los Angeles called "Shin".

In 2018, the Men's House suffered greatly from California fires, which he told on social networks. Butler published a photo of a burnt car and destroyed housing.


The acting biography of Batler began with the painting "Mrs. Brown" in 1997. The role was small - his hero was bought in ice water and fell into a hospital with a hypothermation. In the same year he received two more small roles. Then the comedy series "Lucy Sullivan coming out married" with the participation of Gerard Batler. The new century began with secondary roles in the "arrows" and "Colors of Harrison", which replenished his filmography.

The actor received the first major role in the paintings "Dracula-2000" and "Attila - the Conqueror". He had to get rid of Scottish accent for a long time. These works brought the battleer popularity, and soon he signed a contract with a new agency. In 2000-2003, he starred in the TV series "Jury", films "Power of Fire" and "In Time Trap", and then - in Lara Croft with Angelina Jolie.

The Music "Ghost Opera" became the iconic in his career, in which the artist played in 2004 together with Emmy Rossum. Cash fees exceeded $ 150 million, the film was nominated three times to Oscar, received a dozen prestigious premiums. All solo songs Actor performed himself, without additional sounding. True, shooting was difficult, but Gerard Butler coped.

Among other cult roles are the Tsar Leonid in the "300 Spartans". For her, Batler 6 months was engaged in the gym, gained muscle mass and mastered the art of fights on swords, good, growth for the epic hero from the actor is suitable (188 cm). Later, the man admitted that it was a personal "fitness hedge", and the workouts squeezed all the juices. He was doing so hard that the doctors recommended the artist to relax 8 months. But it was worth it, because MTV Movie Awards recognized him with the best fighter.

Since the actor stopped training hard too sharply, he quickly fused and lost his shape. Fans noted that in combination with addiction to alcohol, a man became similar to homeless.

In 2007, together with Hilary Swank, the Artist starred in the film "P.S. I love you". At the same time, the premiere of "redemption" was held, where the Pierce Brosnan became a colleague.

The audience was successfully met with Tom Hardy, which the Empire magazine called the best British film of the year. In 2010, the screens came out the picture "Naked True", in which Butler showed himself as a comedian actor, and Catherine Hayeigl became his partner. In the same year, the "head hunter" was represented. Another noticeable project of this period is the "preacher with a machine gun." In 2011, the premiere of the film "Corioloan" took place, in which Gerard worked with Brian Coke, Jessica Chestain, Rail Fains and Vanessa Redgrave. To better show the image of the colonel Tulla Avfidiy, there were temporary tattoos on the body. In combination with a beard and hairstyle, it looked very courageously. Critics noted that Butler perfectly fell into the character.

In 2013, the actor played a major role in the Olympnia Military Mitigation "Fall Olympus". Gerard's hero Mike Banning is a temporarily suspended US secret service agent. Mike worked as a guard of the president when his tuple fell into an accident. He had the opportunity to save only one passenger, and Banning saved the life of the president. The bodyguard accused the death of the first lady and translated into paper work, removing from operations. 18 months after the incident, a delegation from South Korea arrives in the White House, which was secretly introduced by North Korean terrorists. Only Mike is familiar with the presidential security system and can save the head of state.

In 2016, the sequel film "Fall Olympus" was released on the screens - "Fall of London". The actor told about him in the show "Evening Urgant", where with Aaron Eckhart gave an interview. Gerard Butler continues to play the main role of Mike Banning, who after the events of the previous picture becomes an agent of the Secret Service of the US President. The action of the sequel unfolds in the UK. The chapters of different countries fly to London on the funeral of the Prime Minister. Such a number of state leaders in one place became the desired goal of terrorists. Mike again has to save the world from falling and crisis.

In the same year, the actor appeared in the adventure film based on the ancient Egyptian mythology of the "Gods of Egypt" as the main antagonist set. As in the original myth, he kills Osiris's own brother to usurp the power. At the same time, the film was removed in the genre of fiction, and not epic or fantasy: it is filled with new technologies, as the gods wear biomechanical armor.

Critics did not appreciate this approach. The film was accused of excessive abundance of computer graphics, simplifying the mythology of Egypt in order to have it in the template plots, as well as in the unsuccessful selection of actors in terms of skin color. The Creator of the Picture of Alex Pouars sharply answered this and accused the film critics in the miscarriage and absence of his own opinion. According to the director, the "gods of Egypt" scold not due to the quality, but for the sake of compliance with trends and general mood.

In the same year, Butler performed a major role in the US-Canadian Drama "Hunter with Wall Street", a classic film about choosing between a career and family. The actor's hero, the Blackridge recruitment agency, received a promise of an increase, if a rival colleague is held. But at the same time the recruiter learns that his son is sick with cancer and needs permanent help and care.

At the end of October 2017, another kinocartine with Gerard was released on the screens - a fantastic disaster film "Geoshtorm". In 2018, he starred in the "thieves hunt", "disappearance" and "Hunter Killer", where he fulfilled the role of Captain submarine. The 2019 was less productive, but still an artist became a significant figure in the film "The Fall of Angel", where he played with Morgan Freaman and Danny Houston.

A man tries to be filmed in different films not to become a hostage. Therefore, it can be seen both in comedies and melodramas or militants.

Gerard Butler now

In 2020, the actor came to the Oscar awards ceremony. Butler rarely pleases fans by appearances in secular events, so all the attention was riveted to it. Spectators noticed that now Gerard looks strongly aged. They counted that he had or some kind of illness, or it was a hangover. Fans celebrate: age takes its own.

In 2020, Gerard flew to Sparta to run by the Olympic Fire relay, which took place on March 13. When a man fowered to the destination, he cried out the phrase: "This is Sparta!" Despite the requests of the authorities, Leonid's monument (the role of which Batler was fulfilled), the crowd of fans was formed in the city for a meeting with the actor. After that, politicians decided to suspend the relay for security purposes.

In April, the artist heavily lost weight, which was associated with the use of drugs and alcoholic beverages. Butler himself denied speculation, explaining the change in the desire to return.


  • 2003 - "Lara Croft: Crowders of Tomb 2 - Life Cradle"
  • 2004 - "Ghost Opera"
  • 2005 - "Beowulf and Grendel"
  • 2007 - "300 Spartans"
  • 2007 - "P.S. I love you"
  • 2008 - "Rock-n-roller"
  • 2009 - "Gamer"
  • 2009 - "Naked True"
  • 2009 - "law-abiding citizen"
  • 2010 - "Hunter for heads"
  • 2012 - "Movie 43"
  • 2012 - "Male Cracked"
  • 2012 - "Wave Conquerors"
  • 2013 - "Fall Olympus"
  • 2015 - "Fall of London"
  • 2016 - "Gods of Egypt"
  • 2016 - "Wall Street Hunter"
  • 2017 - "Geoshtorm"
  • 2018 - "Disappearance"
  • 2018 - "Thief Hunt"
  • 2018 - "Hunter Killer"
  • 2019 - "Drop Angel"
  • 2020 - "Greenland"

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