Artyom Semakin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Artem Semakin is the Russian actor and cinema actor, who has managed to pull out a happy ticket from the first years. By the time of the end of the theater university, there were already several bright roles in his repertoire, and the interest of the directorists allowed not to stop on one role, but to realize his talent to the fullest. Today, the artist is also known for its directing and produce experience.

Childhood and youth

Artem was born in July 1980 in Chelyabinsk under the sign of the zodiac cancer. The boy grew in an incomplete family. Parents of the future artist won early. Artem and younger sister Dasha brought up the mother Natalia Mikhailovna without his father.

She had to work hard and hard to drive ends meet and independently put on the feet of two children. Natalia Mikhailovna, having a musical education, worked everywhere where he could get a job. Later, Daria, Sister Artem, also went on a creative path - she made a career in the model business.

Artem from childhood diagnosed a rare bone disease, which leads to frequent fractures. But the disease developed in Semaakina in a light form, which allowed the young man to subsequently lead a full-fledged lifestyle. From childhood, the boy sang well and felt music. At the insistence of the mother, the Son entered the Music and Pedagogical College, where he studied only 2 years.

Artem did not complain about school: he threw his studies after the 9th grade. The guy had a dream - to enter the theater university of the capital. To accumulate money for an expensive trip, Semaakin worked a lot. The young man worked by a courier, endured bulky theatrical scenery. When I collected the right amount, I went to conquer Moscow. I went for the company with a friend who had a similar dream.

They did both. Artem Semakin - in the Schukin theater School, friend - to the school-studio MCAT. In Schukinsky, Semaakin came to the course for a talented teacher Yuri Sllykov. In 2001, the young actor was adopted by Oleg Tabakov.

Personal life

In the life of Semakina, two unsuccessful marriage. The first wife of the actor became a colleague, beauty Anastasia Milyaev, with whom Artem studied together on one course. The spouses were born daughter Sophia, after which Anastasia decided to completely devote himself to the family. Sonya turned out to be a talented child, at school age she was fascinated by the music, mastered the game on the violin.

But this union could not stand the treason of Artem. At the set "Fair to the beautiful", the actor met another beauty - Maria Mashkova, the daughter of People's Artist Vladimir Mashkova, and gave a divorce.

But the marriage with Masha lasted only 3 years, although it all started riddling and in an interview with Mashkova recognized that he had a lot of happiness from what Artem was with her. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on a trip to Paris, where they lived in a hotel opposite the Louvre. After returning to Moscow, the couple took off a three-room apartment where four-legged pets settled with them - Yorkshira Gandhi and Zinaida.

Artists not only enjoyed a family life, but also worked in the same projects. Together, Semakin and Mashkov starred in the films "Closed spaces" Igor Lebedev, "Legacy", "Hot News".

In the same period, Mashka's husband began to think about other cinematographic professions: he tried himself in producing. The artist dreamed of a new project in which he planned to use his wife.

But the second family broke up for the same reason, on which it was created.

Artem again twisted the novel, this time with the actress Sofia Chestnut, on the set of the film "Moon-Moon", which took place in early autumn in Yalta. The romance of coastal nature affected the relationship between actors. The artist could not hide new feelings from the spouse and honestly admitted Mary in treason. Now the former spouses do not communicate.

Artem's personal life soon turned out to be heard. Semaakina has a new beloved - the French sewn of Cecil Planj. According to rumors, the actor planned to marry and adopt the child of Cecil from the previous marriage. Rare joint photos of young people appeared in the media. The performer does not use social networks for its own promotion, including "Instagram", the artist is fully immersed in work. But the account in the network "VKontakte" he has.

Artem is a big fan of experiments with appearance. At the same time, he appeared in public with the densely abandoned beard, because of which not all viewers and journalists could understand who is in front of them. Interestingly, the artist will rarely see without glasses, although he is not the testimony, but for solidity.


In the Oleg Tabakov Theater, Semakin went to the scene for 2 seasons. He was involved in the formulation of Dmitry Petrunya "Soldiers" in the role of Novikov. After care, cooperation with other teams began: in the center of drama and director, P / R A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchina played in the play "Not about the said", in "practice" - in the play "three actions in four pictures" and "Red Cup "

For work in the production "Dad goes, Mom lying, grandmother dies" center to them. V. Meyerhold was nominated for the Golden Mask Prize. There are Artem and theatrical international experience in the film: he appeared in the image of Tuzenbach in the play of Anton Chekhov "Three Sisters", which was delivered by CEK by Joul troupe under the leadership of Declan Donovan.


Artem Semaakina's cinematic biography began in student years. The actor starred in a small role in the series "Simple Truths". The novice actor received the first experience of filming a movie and earned money that was not superfluous in Moscow. For the "simple truths", episodes were followed in the "Down House" and "Joker".

The first significant role in Artem Semakin in 2002, when the young man studied at the last year of the university. The famous director Nikolai Lebedev invited a young man to one of the main roles in the Military Drama "Star". The artist played the scout Sparobushka (Private Sparrow). A thin high young man (Semaakina's growth - 178 cm) is forced on a par with experienced combat comrades to fight against the enemy.

In the image of the ordinary sparroweva, the tragedy of generation soldiers who went to the war with young, who have not even started living.

On the set of the film, Semakin first realized what acts of acting craft is. Kinokartina was filmed in Alabino near Moscow in a 40-degree heat. Three months, the group lived in army barracks. After exhausting surveys, the artists fell into a local river right in the outfit.

Actors who are not familiar with army life, the military, who passed the Chechen campaign were taught on voluntary principles. During such training, performers of major roles really felt the meaning of what was happening in the frame.

After the release of the film Artem Semakin woke up famous. The actor played the role of the scout, who tragically died that the State Duma deputies who were present at the premiere, the scene of death, Varobushka looked standing. It was a success.

In 2003, Semaakin played an episodic role in the rating series Kamenskaya. The artist appeared in the 3rd season, in the "Stylist" series. And in 2004 again, luck is a prominent role in the picture of Karen Shahnazarov "Rider named death." The young actor reincarnated brilliantly in the terrorist Ivan Kalyaev. It was a difficult job, because Kalyaev argues that he is deeply believed, and at the same time throws a bomb.

The star role that made Artem Semaakina is widely known, came to him in 2005, together with the TV series "Do not be born beautiful." The loser Kolya brought an incredible success to the young actor. Later, the artist confessed that in many ways it looks like his own hero.

Artem also had to wear things from Second-hand and look, to put it mildly, a provincial spacecraft. The only thing that distinguishes Artem from Nicholas - glasses. Kohl they save from myopia, and the artist Semaakin wears an accessory "for the image".

The next major role has not slowed down with the appearance. Just ended the shooting of Sitkom, as Semaakin offered to play in the picture with elements of fantasy called "Wolfhounds from the genus of gray pieces." Film reached the screens in 2007 and received loud and conflicting reviews.

Artem seeks to expand his creative opportunities. In 2012, he acted as directed by Novella "Verney My Love" for Almanaha "Lovers in Kiev". In addition, Semaakin presented his film Transichn in Cannes.

In 2015, Artem's talent fans saw the actor in the new play by the play of Alexander Vampilov "Duck hunting", which Alexander Peshkin and Alexander Rodionov did. The drama was called "Paradise Bush". Zilova's role went to Evgeny Tsyganov, and Semaakin played Kuzakov.

Artyom Semakin in the series

With the participation of the artist in 2016, the shooting of three projects was completed: the film-catastrophe "Crew", where Artem appeared as a volcanologist, the biographical series "HARMS", in which Semaakin reincarnated in the writer Nikolay Zabolotsky, and the detective "Death Traam".

In the last series, the artist tried on the image of the genius of IT-technologies of Egor Potapchuk, which helps a consequence in search of criminals, severely dealt with random victims on the Moscow track. The film is built on real events. Sergey Makovetsky, Andrei Merzlikin and Agnia Kuznetsova were performed by the main characters.

In 2017, the actor filmography was replenished with a role in the film "Salyut-7" about the docking in the orbit of the worker, where there were two cosmonauts, and the space station came to the emergency state. Soviet pilots Vladimir Janibekov and Victor Savinov (in the film, Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Paul Derevyankov played in the film) held in 1985 the most difficult flight in the history of world cosmonautics. Semaakin received the role of Assistant Schubin in a film.

In addition, the repertoire of the artist was replenished with a new role in the long-running series "Three in One". In a detective, Ilya Khotinenko, the artist appeared along with Natalia Ryrkkova and Alexander Kratnikov. For 2 years, 8 parts of the film were released.

Artem Semakin now

In 2020, a new 8-serial thriller "Pass Dyatlov" started on the TNT channel, in which Semaakin performed one of the episodic roles. In the film, we went about the campaign of Sverdlovsk students, who ended with death for them. The series was created on the basis of the information that the director and producers Evgeny Nikashov, Valery Fedorovich and the scenario Ilya Kulikov managed to learn from closed materials.

The tape is built on two storylines: the climbing of the Dyatlov group on the mountain is separated and investigating the tragedy by Major KGB Oleg Kostin in the performance of Peter Fedorova. Maria Lugovaya, Egor Beroev, Alexey Kirsanov, Azamat Nigmen and others took part in the project. Not only Russian services are interested in historical reconstruction. The film was interesting to the Western viewer: on Berlinle, the series was purchased for the international show by Beta Films.


  • 1999-2000 - "Simple truths"
  • 2001 - "FM and guys"
  • 2002 - "Star"
  • 2004 - "Horseman named death"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2006 - "Peter FM"
  • 2007 - "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova"
  • 2011 - "Swallow Nest"
  • 2015 - "Freud-2 method"
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2017 - "Death Rate"
  • 2017 - "Life ahead"
  • 2017 - "Sleeping"
  • 2017 - "Three in One"
  • 2017 - "Three in One-2"
  • 2018 - "Call Dicaprio!"
  • 2018 - "Three in One-3"
  • 2018 - "Three in one-4"
  • 2019 - "Sky is measured by miles"
  • 2019 - "Three in one-5"
  • 2019 - "Three in one-6"
  • 2019 - "Three in One-7"
  • 2019 - "Three in one-8"
  • 2019 - "Difficulties of Survival"
  • 2020 - "Dyatlov Pass"

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