Kate Hudson - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kate Hudson is an American actress that has become famous after entering the screens of the film "Almost famous", and then confirmed the professional speech with roles in the pictures "How to get off from a guy in 10 days" and "My Best Friend".

Actress Kate Hudson

Kate was born in Los Angeles in the famous family. Father Bill Hudson was a musician of the legendary group The Hudson Brothers, and Mom Goldie Houne is an incredibly successful actress. The family was also brought up by the eldest Brother Kate, whose name was Oliver.

When the girl was fulfilled only a year and a half, the parents divorced. Mom and her new husband, actor Kurt Russell, were engaged in further education of children. Already in adulthood, Kate and Oliver will tell that since childhood they treated Russell as a native father, since Bill was not interested in the fate of children. By the way, Goldie and Kurt presented the daughters of another brother - Wihetta.

Hudson went to the private school Crossroads in the California suburb of Santa Monica, where the family lived. After receiving the certificate, the girl went to New York and entered the prestigious university. However, he learned Kate there quite long, as she decided to become like a mother, actress, and better education than experience in the set, Kate did not see.


The debut in the cinema for Kate Hudson was the small roles in the television series "Five" and the psychological drama "Sadness of the Desert". The popularity of actress brought a romantic music comedy "two hundred cigarettes", and the role of the Rock Fanniki Lane in the musical "almost famous" presented the first nomination for Oscar.

In 2002, Kate was approved on the main female role in the Spiderman blockbuster, but the girl ruined the contract to be filmed in the military-historical picture "Four Feather". After that, Kate's film agreed only on top roles.

A series followed perfectly proven romantic comedies: "Alex and Emma", "How to get off from a guy in 10 days", "Fashion Mommy", "Divorce", "He, I and His friends", "Girl of My Best Friend" and others .

Also in the repertoire of Hudson, a detective "key from all doors", the adventure thriller "Gold Fools", the political thriller "Fundamentalist inevitable", a fighter "Light money" and melodrama "I would like to be here." But romantic comedies in filmography actresses still prevail. It is impossible not to note the ribbon "War of Brides", where Kate works in a pair with Anne Hathaway, "the main thing is not to be afraid!" With Lucy Punch and the "Rent of Rent", in which the partner Hudson spoke to Jinnifer Goodwin.

In addition to the acting career, the tireless Hudson tries himself in the producer, director and writing scenarios. The first producer experience in the creative biography of Actress was introduced to show in 2005 on television, when the girl took responsibility for the promotion of the television film "14 hours."

In 2007, Kate has released a short-flower "Kutlass". In the comedy, we went about the dream of a young girl, the embodiment of which was an inaccessible expensive guitar. To work on the film Kate attracted Virginia Madsen, Dakota Fanning, Kristena Stewart and even the stepfather of Kurt Russell. Two years later, the actress performed by the producer and the executiver of the leading role in the comedy "War of Brides". The success of the film was confirmed by cash receipses that have reached a mark of $ 120 million.

Personal life

According to American standards, Kate Hudson married early, at 21 years old. The wife of the girl became Chris Robinson, the musician and vocalist of the Rock band The Black Croles, with whom Kate met on the Musical Playground "almost famous." Young lived together for seven years and managed to give life to his son Robinson Robinson.

Chris Robinson and Kate Hudson

Then Kate started a prolonged novel with the actor Owen Wilson, the film partner "He, I and his friends." But these relationships were rather aggressive. The couple often quarreled, and once Owen even tried to commit suicide because of the shock with the beloved. Make sure that the life of a man outside the danger, Hudson ruined with him a connection.

The following boyfriends actresses became the famous comedian Daks Shepard and the cyclist Lance Armstrong. But these novels left a fleeting trail in the personal life of Kate. But with a singer and musician Matthew Bellamy, the leader of the popular MUSE group, Kate had a serious relationship. Lovers lived in actual marriage and even became the parents of the boy Bingham Hawn Bellamy. But when the baby was three years old, his parents were divorced.

Kate Hudson, like Goldi Houn, adheres to the concepts of Eastern Religion Buddhism. The girl complies with spiritual practices and highlights a daily minimum of 20 minutes, which devotes meditation.

At the end of 2016, information appeared in the media that Kate is found with Brad Pitt. Complains also confirmed the younger brother of Oliver actress. The actors themselves abstain from comment.

But in the spring actress dispelled rumors with a new novel. In May 2017, the actress first openly appeared at the secular event with the new chosen one - Danny Fujikava, the musician and the owner of the recording studio of Lightwave Records. Lovers are familiar for 15 years and only now decided to close relations.

In the summer, the couple went on a journey: young wanted to know each other closer. At the end of the season, the actress announced an emergency wedding. Children actresses have already managed to love Danny and expect a solemn event at least than the bride and groom themselves.

In September, Kate Hudson surprised fans and the public, throwing her hair on her head. At such a step, the actress went for the sake of a new project, the details of which are not yet disclosed.

Kate Hudson now

The study of spiritual practices, commitment to a healthy lifestyle combined the actress on writing experience. In 2016, Kate shared with fans of accumulated knowledge in the field of proper nutrition, care and cleansing the body, writing a book "Just be happy: Change herself without changing yourself." The actress chose a relaxed light syllable of the story, which, combined with the topic, made a Bestseller's book in the circles of actress fans.

Kate Hudson and her book

On the wave of success, Kate Hudson decided to continue, released a book about traditions in the end of October 2017 on the traditions of festive events. Information about book novelties Artist places on its own page in Instagram, not forgetting along the way to upload personal photos.

New passion does not interfere with actress continue to improve acting. For 2016, three paintings came out with Hudson. In the comedy "Understanding Lady", Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts became partners in the working platform of the workplace. Three main characters are aimed at the struggle among themselves for the heart of a single father (Jason Sudjakis).

In September of the same year, the premiere of the film-catastrophe "deep-water horizon" on the accident on the floating oil station, which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.

In 2017, the actress pleased the fans to participate in the Marshall Biographical Drama on the emergence of the anti-Russian movement in the United States in the mid-50s of the 20th century. Now the actress is removed in the musical "sister", the premiere show of which is scheduled for 2018.

The demand of Hudson does not know the borders: the artist has already in the hands of the contracts for participation in two new projects - the biographical drama "Richard Praior: Did I say something?" And the filmcoming "born to be king."


  • 1996 - "Fi" us
  • 2000 - "Almost famous"
  • 2002 - "Four Pen"
  • 2003 - "How to get rid of a guy in 10 days"
  • 2003 - "Alex and Emma"
  • 2006 - "He, I and his friends"
  • 2008 - "The girl of my best friend"
  • 2010 - "Killer inside me"
  • 2011 - Rent for rent
  • 2014 - "Light money"
  • 2015 - "Rock in the East"
  • 2016 - "Unquest Lady"
  • 2016 - "Deep-water horizon"

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