Andrei Torubeev - biography, personal life, death, photos, filmography, rumors and latest news



To become an artist Andrei Yuryevich Tolubeyev was written on the nature. His parents - Yuri Tollauyev and Tamara Aleshina were actors and served in the Leningrad Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin (today Alexandrinsky). As it often happens, the parents did not want the Son to go their feet. And at first Andrei Yuryevich pleased them: he dreamed of space and at a young age became a member of the club of young cosmonauts.

Actor Andrei Tolubeev

But the fate itself pushed Andrei Tolubeev to theatrical stage. Having received a school certificate in 1963, the guy passed the medical commission, where it turned out that he could not be a cosmonaut: he brought his eyesight. But so just to refuse the youthful dream of Tolubeev. He entered the Military Medical Academy, where they prepared doctors for aviators and astronauts.

In 1969, Andrei Yuryevich settled by a doctor in the military unit. But soon he appeared again at the Department of Space Medicine, where he continued his studies on psychophysiology courses. Here then the turning event was happening, which was asked the direction of all Tolubeev's life. On the courses, he hit the university theater. Probably, the parent genes took over: the theater's passion turned into real love.

Andrei Tolubeev

After the end of the medical courses, Andrei Tolubeev entered the famous Ligitmik. In 1975, after his end, George Tovstonogov invited her young artist to him in BDT. Here, in the Large Drama Theater named after M. Gorky, Andrei Yuryevich served all his life.


Like all novice actors, Andrei Toleubayev started with the merits. It was not easy to breed up and prove its worthwhile, because in the troupe they shone such stars as Kirill Lavrov, Efim Copelian, Oleg Basilashvili and Alis Freindlich. But Tolubeev managed to become one of the leading theater artists. Among the regular visitors there were many those who went to a large dramatic exactly "on Tol. Tol."

Andrei Torubeev on stage

On the stage of BDT Andrei Yuryevich played in more than half the performances. Theater workers have forever remembered the best productions in which he played the main roles. Today, Pickwick Club, "Wolves and Sheep", "Optimistic Tragedy", "Marriage Balzaminov", "Cherry Garden" and many other productions, where Tollauyev brightened, inscribed in the best Pages of the History of BDT.

Critics wrote about Yuri Tollauyev that the last 20 years without Tovstonogov, he held his talent with a high image of BDT, becoming a solid bridge between the old and new.


The debut of the artist in the movie took place when he was a student of the theater university. It was the role of the Glory of Carasev in the socio-dramatic tape of Ilya Gurina "you can still have time." After this picture, the cinematic biography of Yuri Tolubeeva developed rapidly. In the 1970s, the actor was filmed in a variety of films, but they did not bring him the broad fame that came in the 1980s.

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But in this decade, Yuri Tollajev managed to fully realize his talent and become truly popular. He played engineers and aircraft designers, prosecutors and investigators. All his heroes are endowed with internal intelligence and power. As an example is an uncompromising Stepan Shelagin, who cannot find support neither at home or at work. This is the main character of the picture "Stepan Sergeich", whose character Andrei Tolubeyev brilliantly conveyed on the screen.

The best films with the participation of the artist in the 80s can be called melodrama "Rib Adam", the detective "two long beeps in the fog", the Drama "Commandant hour", the criminal tape "Right of Bles of Bloom ..." and the drama "Cold Mart".

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In the new century, Andrei Tolubeyev was also not lost. Unlike most colleagues, he had no downtime even in the "dashing 90s". Millions of viewers looked wonderful tapes "My best friend is General Vasily, the son of Joseph," "Education of cruelty in women and dogs" and "fatal eggs".

And from the beginning of the 2000s, when criminal serials entered the fashion, Andrei Yuryevich does not come off the screens. Everyone fell in love with his colonel Ivan Ivanovich Tarasov in the National Security Agent. Then there were bright roles in the "gangster Petersburg", the "empire under the blow", "Captive children" and "Sonya Golden handle".

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But the artist himself was not proud of the artist himself. He considered them a means of existence. Nevertheless, Yuri Tollauyev and in these multiserious tapes "laid out" in full, because he did not know any other way.

His last work on the screen - Vice-Admiral Nikolai Ottovich Essen in the TV series "Admiral".

Personal life

And in life, and in the work, the actor remained an intelligent of the old hardening. He chose one theater - BDT - and served in it all his life. In his youth chose a single woman - and lived with her until the death of death.

Andrey Torubeev and Ekaterina Marusyak

The personal life of Andrei Tolubeeva is the actress BDT Ekaterina Maruska and two daughters. Elder, Elizabeth, did not follow the feet of parents. She graduated from a legal admission. But the youngest - Nadezhda Tolubeeva - became an artist.


Andrei Tolubeeva did not become April 7, 2008. He died in his native St. Petersburg in the early morning. For a long time, the actor courageously fought with a terrible disease - pancreatic cancer.

Tomb Andrei Tolubeev

Colleagues helped him to collect the necessary means for treating in an expensive Israeli clinic, where Alexander Abdulov at the time tried to cure. But the disease was stronger. The artist was buried in the necropolis "Literature Mostki", which is on the Volkovsky cemetery. Nearby his father is resting.


  • 1974 - "You can still have time"
  • 1981 - "December 20th"
  • 1983 - "Echo of a long explosion"
  • 1987 - "Cold March"
  • 1995 - "Fat Eggs"
  • 1998-2004 - "National Security Agent"
  • 2000-2003 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2006 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2008 - "Gogol: Portrait of a mysterious genius"
  • 2009 - "I'll be back"

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