Victor Pavlov - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News



The famous artist Viktor Pavlovich Pavlov was born in the capital in October 1940. He grew up in an intelligent Moscow family, where the head of the family was an engineer, and his mother's doctor. A year after the birth of the Son, the Great Patriotic War was killed, and his father went to the front. His return from the war remained the most vivid impression of Childhood Viktor Pavlova.

Full Victor Pavlov

Over time, Pavel Pavlov became an influential official - he took a prominent post in the agrarian ministry. Love for the theater Son instilled dad. He often visited the theater, and every time I took Victor with me. Father pleased that his son likes art. He hoped that it was how it would turn him into an intelligent young man with time, because in the young years the future artist was heard by the unfounded hooligan.

But Viktor Pavlov, although he loved the theater, but on his behavior it affected little. At first, he grieved the parents of the fights (the result of one of them was a damaged ear, and the remaining outstanding) and hooligan leavings in the lessons. But in the 8th grade, the teenager fell into an unpleasant story - he was caught as a partner of theft. And only a high post of Father saved Victor from the colony. But it was still excluded from school, and he went to work for the plant.

Victor Pavlov in youth

Viktor Pavlov completed secondary education in the evening school. At the same time, he first went on the stage of the theatrical mug at the Teacher's House. The circle was wonderful. They were led by Viktor Bogomolov, and among the visitors was Alla Pokrovskaya and Vladimir Vysotsky.

Bogomolov convinced a talented guy to enter the theater university. Victor Pavlov filed documents to all metropolitan institutions. Overall at once, I chose a Schepkinskaya school, where the famous artists Nikolai Annenkov and Vera Pashnyen gained their course. Together with Pavlov, Vitaly Solomin studied, Oleg Dahl, Mikhail Kononov and many others.


In 1963, Viktor Pavlov received a diploma diploma and was accepted into the Sovremennik's troupe. At that period, the artist of this theater was Oleg Dal. They have repeatedly met on the stage in the performances "forever alive", "Naked King", "older sister" and others.

But at some point, the actor seemed to be underestimated. In comparison with Dale, he trusted the roles of minor and colorless. Pavlov with a scandal was gone from the "contemporary" to theater Galina Yermolova. Here he was made benevolently and entrusted noticeable roles. One of the most successful bivers in the play "Time and Family Conway". But after 4 years, Viktor Pavlovich again changed the stage and switched to the theater V. Mayakovsky.

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The artist changed the scene more than once, which was explained by his difficult character and reluctance to make compromises. And yet, the most fruitful were the years of service in the Mayakovsky Theater, where Pavlov was lucky to work side by side with such stars, like Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Svetlana Nevolyaeva, Tatiana Doronin and Yevgeny Leonov.

The most wide range of roles has been played in Rayonic. In the "man from Lamanchi" Pavlov played Sancho Purse, yes, so that he eclipsed with his skill of all other actors. And there were also brilliant productions that collected several seasons in a row of the Achlag, "Rod", "Children Vanyushina", "Conversations with Socrates". The last years of his life, Viktor Pavlov served in the Small Theater.


The cinematic biography of Viktor Pavlova began episodes in several paintings. The first significant role of the young actor was pleased with 1961, when the tape "when the trees were big" came to the screens. It was a kind of springboard, after which the artist was filmed, without ceasing.

Victor Pavlov in the film

He perfectly managed comedy roles. The first in this genre was the image of a Balaguar soldier in the picture "On Seven Winds". But Leonid Gaidai could truly open in Pavlov the Comedian. After entering the screens of "operations s", where Viktor Pavlovich got the role of a two-street student with a transmitting radio device, a young actor woke up famous.

A few years later, he was considered the most sought-after film actor. Viktor Pavlova's filmography is one and a half hundred roles, many of which are the main. He has repeatedly appeared in the Comedy Guidai. There were serious roles in the paintings "Major Wihry", "Adjutant His Excellency", "Hello and Farewell", "Gardenaryarins, forward!", "Check on the roads" and "Fight in Purga".

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A truly star turned out to be a role in the cult series of Stanislav Govorukhin "The meeting point cannot be changed." The fans of the talent of this multifaceted and deep actor agree that Viktor Pavlov is a diverse artist. He is equally organic and in the tragic role of Levchenko in the criminal series of Govorukhin, and in loved ones by millions of comedies "Children of Monday" and "Do not go, girls marry".

The last movie in which the favorite actor - the comedy of Vladimir Zlatoust "Moscow smiles", which came out on the screens in 2008.

Personal life

With his first and only wife, the actor met in the theater Yermolova. At rehearsals, he did not assume the eyes of Tatiana speaking from the beauties. After persistent courtship, she responded to the sign of attention colleagues, and soon their wedding took place.

Viktor Pavlov and his wife Tatiana Govalov

With this wonderful woman, the entire personal life of Viktor Pavlova is connected. In marriage, their only daughter Alexander was born. She was born in 1967, when the Father had already managed to play "operations s" and his career gained momentum. Sasha did not go expensive parents. She graduated from the medical institute, but in the end, chose the work of the stewardess.

Viktor Pavlova's passion was postal pigeons. He always bred them, starting with young years. For many years, postal pigeons lived under the roof of the Small Theater, where the artist served. Another artist talent is drawing. Pencil notepad has always been at Victor Pavlovic. In the free minute he painted his beloved wife, daughter or colleagues in the workshop.


The actor did not become 65 years old. He survived not one heart attack and heavy stroke, after which he could still recover, re-learning to walk and speak. Victor Pavlov even managed to return to his beloved work. He was full of new ideas and creative plans.

Viktor Pavlova's grave

Cardiac attack happened on August 24, 2006 at home. As it turned out, it was another heart attack. The artist died on his wife's hands.


  • 1965 - "Operation s"
  • 1968 - "Major Vorthern"
  • 1969 - "Adjutant His Excellency"
  • 1971 - "Dauria"
  • 1971 - "Road Check"
  • 1972 - "Hello and Farewell"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1978 - "Fight in Purga"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, forward!"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1997 - "Sirota Kazan"
  • 1997 - "Monday Children"
  • 2000 - Turkish March
  • 2002 - "Brigade"

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