Alena Bondarchuk - biography, photos, personal life, movies, cause of death



Alena Bondarchuk - Soviet and Russian actress Theater and Cinema. With the participation of the actress, the greatest resonance received films "Quiet Don", "Poor Nastya" and "One Night of Love".

Childhood and youth

Alena was born in the famous family. Father - actor and director Sergey Bondarchuk, and Mama is an equally famous actress Irina Skobseva. The artist has a native younger brother Fyodor Bondarchuk, as well as the older Soviet sister Natalia, who also became an actress. Due to the permanent employment of parents, children were mainly on the care of her grandmother Yulia Nikolaevna Skobtseva.

Interestingly, Bondarchuk-Elder wanted to name the daughter of Olesya, but the female part of the family in the face of the mother and grandmother was purposefully inspired by the name of Elena. And when the girl has grown, it turned out that it does not perceive this name and demands to call himself Alena. The girl even wanted to redo the passport, but eventually resigned with existing documents.

No one from his relatives did not surprise the selection of Alena, when that after receiving maturity certificate entered the MCAT school studio. The fact that the girl will do in the footsteps of the parents was obvious. Moreover, in a new for Bondarchuk, a school girl came to the workshop of another film geek - the People's Artist of Evgeny Evstigneeva, who helped Alain honed congenital talent.

For his life, Alena changed several scenes. Immediately after graduating from the university, I became the actress of the theater named after A. S. Pushkin, where he played in the tale of the "Scarlet flower" in Sergey Aksakov, the production of "Jelsomino in the country of liars" on Gianni Rodari and the play "Observation" on Mauris Meterlinka. In the next team, the Theater named after the Mossovet actresses got the roles in the performances on the plays of Lyudmila Razumovskaya ("Dear Elena Sergeyevna"), Emille Braginsky ("Room"), Reddarda Kipling ("Cat, who walked in itself"). From 1987 to 1990, the artist was lucky to work under the leadership of Pavel Khomsky, Sergey Jurassic, Valeria Sarkisov.

At the end of the 90s, Alena Bondarchuk became the leading actress of the art academic theater named after A. M. Gorky, where he managed to light up in the "Brothers Karamazov" of Fyodor Dostoevsky ("Monk and Babeen") and on the play "Bear" Anton Chekhov ("All Your Antosha Chekhonte ").

In 2003, Bondarchuk moved to the scene of the Private Theater "Empire Stars", which became for the actress last refuge. Here Alena Bondarchuk embodied the image of Blanche Dubian in the immortal play of Tennessee Williams "Tram" desire. " With many performances, the artist was chosen on tour abroad and even performed on Broadway.

Personal life

The first husband of Alena Bondarchuk became Vitaly Kryukov, who had nothing to do with the cinema, but was engaged in scientific activities. Spouse Alena worked as a hemologist, and also a very successful business. In the family born the son of Konstantin Kryukov, a gifted young man. Now a young man - both actor, and artist, and a talented jeweler.

In the 90s, the family moved to a permanent residence in Switzerland. Alena change the situation first went advantage, but then the actress began to be painful: I missed my homeland, and even more - for my favorite work, from which it turned out to be cut off. In the end, the woman could not stand it, took the cost of and smile in Moscow. Hooks tried to return his wife and son, but before Vitaly, an ultimatum was raised: or together in Russia, or in Switzerland he is alone. The family broke up.

Much later, the personal life of the actress has improved. Alena met another man who also engaged in creative activity, so the mutual understanding of the beloved turned out to be on the verge of intuitive. In the second union, Alena had no children.


In the cinema Alena Bondarchuk made his debut at a young age: In 1978, the actress starred in the Military Drama "Velvet Season". In the film, the girl performed the role of Betty, the youngest daughter Richard Bradvesti, who was played by his father - Sergey Bondarchuk. Irina Skobseva appeared mother heroine.

Four years later, Alena reincarnated to the young mother of Misha's boy in the children's film "Live Rainbow" directed by Natalia Bondarchuk. The role of the baby's dad appeared a young actor Nikolay Burlyaev. The plot of the film was simple - the children learned to love and understand nature. Pupils of junior classes managed to grow in the incubator of the nine teeth, whose mom died under the wheels of the car.

Then followed the series of major roles. In the criminal film "Paris Drama" Actress received the role of heroine Alex, which, instead of false murder, kill truly.

In the family saga "Time and Family of the Conway" of the actress performed the role of a mage heroine in his youth. Representatives of the acting dynasties of the Leonovy, Tobacco, Bass, Strenized, participated in the film. Heroine Alena Bondarchuk in a mature age performed Mom actress Irina Skobseva.

Soon the work of Alena in the historical and revolutionary film "Come free" about the Civil War in the North Caucasus, the opposition of the Red Army and Denikintsev.

In the 80s, the creative biography of actresses developed successfully. With the participation of Bondarchuk, the full-length paintings were published - the revolutionary Saga "Life and Immortion of Sergey Lazo", the film "Boris Godunova", on which not only Soviet, but also the Polish, German and Czechoslovak film studios worked, the Karodrama "Carousel in the Basar Square".

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In 1992, Bondarchuk starred in the biographical drama "Sukhovo-Koblin case". In the acting ensemble, the film was also entered Yuri Belyaev, Elena Yakovleva, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Alexander Kalyagin, Alexander Abdulov.

In 1992, the actress participated in the screening of the novel "Quiet Don", over which the father and brother worked. Spectators were able to see this work only after 14 years. The reason for the delay with the show has become financial problems.

Almost 10 years old Bondarchuk fell out of cinema. It was associated with both personal life and due to attachment to the theater. But later the fans of Alena were able to re-enjoy the game of the artist on the big screen. The first work of Bondarchuk in the new century was the role in the British picture "Express St. Petersburg - Cannes", where the story of the revolution and the Civil War again went.

In 2003, Alena Bondarchuk starred in the dramatic thriller "Amber Wings", in the melodraman "Poor Nastya" appeared as Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. Two years later, the actress took an invitation from the creators of the Sitkom about the life of the supermodel "Dear Masha Berezina," where she appeared in the role of Nina, the eldest sister of the main heroine.

The actress also included work in the adventure film "Gaishniki" and the historical romantic ribbon "One Night of Love", in which the actress again recreated the image of Nikolay I spouses.

The last work of Alena Bondarchuk, the melodrama "Classmates", came out after the death of the actress. In this film, the artist performed the mother of the main character named Fedor, which Son Konstantin Kryukov played.


For quite a long time Alena Bondarchuk suffered from oncological disease. But a courageous woman hid a disease from the public, until the last opportunity continued to work. Alena was treated in the Israeli clinic, but despite all the efforts of doctors, no disassembly. Realizing that Cancer won, Bondarchuk did not wait for the end of a foreign country. Alena gathered and returned to Moscow, to his relatives.

The last day of the life of Alena was November 7, 2009. Since the wide circles of fans have not been aware of the disease, the tragedy in the family of Bondarchuk produced the effect of a broken bomb. Many people did not believe the news until the latter, hoped that the news of the death of the actress was "duck", whose cruel joke. But, unfortunately, the information was true.

At the funeral, relatives, friends and colleagues actresses were present. In addition to close relatives, Love Tolkalina, Olga Drozdova, Designer Igor Chapurin, businessman Ruslan Baisarov, producer Igor Galnikov, Actor Leonid Yarmolnik and others, arrived at the farewell ceremony.

After the funeral in Sretensky Monastery, Alena Sergeyevna was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, next to the grave of the father.

Three and a half years, Konstantin Kryukov with his wife Alina Alekseeva arrived at the grave of his mother after the wedding. With the sincerity of a loving son, a young man spent a few minutes on his knees in front of a mother's monument, about something quietly talking to her. During a visit to the graveyard, the groom refused to escort personal photographers who were present at the wedding. Konstantin did not want to capture in the photo.

On October 2020, another tragedy has happened in the Bondarchov family: there was no mother of Alena, Irina Schetseva.


  • 1982 - "Live Rainbow"
  • 1984 - "Time and family of Conway"
  • 1984 - "Come Free"
  • 1986 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1991 - "The case of Sukhovo-Koblin"
  • 1992 - "Quiet Don"
  • 2003 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2003 - "Amber Wings"
  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2005 - "Spare Instinct"
  • 2007 - "I stay"
  • 2007 - "One Night of Love"
  • 2010 - "Odnoklassniki"

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