Inna Zhirkova - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Inna Zhirkova - World Champion spouse, Football player Yuri Zhirkova, Miss Kaliningrad, Mrs. Russia 2012.

Inna Zhirkova, to the marriage, wearing the name of Grachev, was born in May 1989 near Kazan. Unfortunately, find the name of the city, where Inna was born, difficult. In the family, besides the daughter, the eldest son Dmitry was adjusted.

The head of the Grachev family worked in the construction business and led the firm. Mom was engaged in children and a homely hearth.

Inna Zhirkova model

Inna did not differ from the peerec. The girl was fond of dancing and attended the choreographic circle. And Inna loved to sing and learned to sew. In school, the girl could independently make himself a new dress.

When Inna Zhirkova has grown, everyone marked the bright appearance of the girl. I noticed her and model agencies. At that time, the family replaced the place of residence and moved to Kaliningrad. Here Zhirkov made the first steps in the model career.

When the girl was a high school man, she decided to participate in the model contest and received the title "Miss Kaliningrad". Soon, the young beauty supported by Mom went to Moscow, where he planned to appear among the contestants of Miss Russia competition. But along the way, the girl fell ill and could not participate in the casting.

Inna Zhirkova

There is information that Inna Zhirkova received a higher education in the International Humanitarian Institute. She has a specialty "Socio-cultural service and tourism."

Personal life

In 2007, Inna Zhirkovka's biography changed. The model moved to the capital, where she was going to continue his career. Random meeting in the cafe turned the life of beauties. Inna's girlfriend introduced a girl with a football player Yuri Zhirkov. Young people immediately liked each other. Roman developed rapidly.

Inna and Yuri Zhirkov

In February 2008, Inna and Yuri were signed. But due to the urgent fees of the Football Team Zhirkova, the celebration turned out to be crumpled. But on returning from Turkey, the young married and loudly celebrated the wedding in the metropolitan restaurant.

For the sake of a calm family life, Zhirkov refused the following model career. In September 2008, the Spouses had a firstborn - son Dmitry. And after 2 years, Milan's daughter was born. At the time of the girl's appearance, Irina Zhirkova, together with her husband, Chelsea defender, was in London. There Milan made the first steps.

In 2012, Inna Zhirkova briefly returned to the model career, especially since the parameters of the appearance (with a height of 173 cm, the weight of Inna was 60 kg) allowed the girl it. Zhirkov participated in the competition for successful and beautiful mothers Missis Russia-2012, which was held in Malta. 23 young moms represented their own cities. Zhirkov spoke from Kaliningrad and won. The girl was awarded the crown made in the United States and the stones of Swarovski.

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In 2013, Inna Zhirkova decided to bring a diversity to his own life and became a member of the television show of the NTV channel called "Island". For several weeks, the girl spent on the ocean in the ocean in extreme conditions along with the Russian show business stars, among whom were Vlad Topalov, Prokhor Shalyapin, Alena Sviridov. Sergey Safronov became the winner of the program.

In 2015, it became known that the third child and the second son appeared in the family of Zhirkovy. The wife of the Moscow Dynamo football player gave birth to a boy in the metropolitan clinic.

Inna Zhirkova with her husband and children

Shortly after the birth of the third child, Inna Zhirkov introduced a debut collection of family clothes, sewn in the personal studio of Milomilo by Inna Zhirkova. On the podium, Zhirkova's clothes were represented by Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Julia Baranovskaya, Nadia Pen with Children.


In the spring of 2013, in the life of Inna Zhirkovka, there was a loud scandal, after which the owner of the title "Mrs. Russia-2012" decided to abandon the crown.

Correspondent VGTRK Boris Sobolev took the model and young mother interviews for his own author's transfer "Crowned Oracle." The meaning of the plot of the transmission is the sales and corruption of beauty contests, where titles are sold for money. At the same time, the declarations that the winners of the competition are becoming beautiful, as well as erudite and socially active women, with closer examination, are empty words.

In such a context, Inna Zhirkova was interviewed. The woman could not answer the questions as something: the Earth rotates around the Sun or on the contrary (the woman bent to the second option), who wrote "Polonaise Ohinsky" and who such Agnia Barto and Samuel Marshak.

The video interview with Boris Sobolev was posted on Youtube and caused great interest. The roller looked at millions of users. Many left unlucky reviews, read which spouses Zhirkov turned out to be hard. Yuri even suggested Inn to throw off the crown from the balcony.

To put a point in the scandal and stop the disputes that Zhirkov is unworthyed by the title, Inna refused the crown. The statement girl did on the air program "Let them talk." Inna suggested a crown and all regalia to convey the rival for the competition of Mary Padiana, the mother of six children, whose family lives in a studio apartment in Cheboksary. But Maria refused the prize, as she considered such a victory unworthy.

Irina Zhirkova now

In 2016, Yuri Zhirkov concluded a contract with St. Petersburg Zenit and moved to the northern capital of Russia. Together with the athlete in St. Petersburg, the family arrived. In his own interviews, Inna Zhirkov admits that he often quarrels with her husband on trifles, but on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the husband's collaboration, the spouses became truly native to each other. Inna assures that he could not forgive betrayal and betrayal, but for the sake of the well-being of families and children would try to cross over their own feelings. But before the dramatic moments in the life of the football player and his wife did not affect. Zhirkova argues that he trusts Yuri and calmly refers to the managing husband.

Now Inna Zhirkova continues its own clothing business Milomilo by Inna Zhirkova. Inna products sells in Native Kaliningrad, as well as in Moscow. Things from the brand spouse football player are in the wardrobe of the singer Alsu, the model Victoria Lopierva.

Inna Zhirkova

Often, the designer itself appears in its own outfits in the pictures on the personal page in "Instagram". Recently, the occasion of the appearance of photos depicting dresses from Inna Zhirkovka on official sites of clothing stores not related to the brand. At the same time, the price of outfits is set 8 times lower than that of the designer. Inna Zhirkov turned to lawyers about the violation of copyright.

In December 2017, in Kaliningrad in the club "Euphoria", which belongs to the spouses Zhirkov, passed the presentation of the New Year's collection of Brand Inna Zhirkovka, which included 20 evening outfits. At the festive event, in addition to the relatives of the girls, the customers of the designer, girlfriend and the star guest were attended - Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. Yuri Zhirkov also arrived at the event.

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