Alexander Popov (actor) - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, rumors and last news 2021



Alexander Popov is a Ukrainian actor who received recognition after entering the screens of such television serials as "Rock Lyalya", "Witch" and "Mistress". In addition, recently, he began to lead the morning show "Breakfast. Weekend "on the Ukrainian TV channel" 1 + 1 ".

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in the city of Komsomolsk, but soon his family moved to the capital of Ukraine. As a childhood, Sasha was a very sporty boy. He was at a serious level in football, and was also fond of extreme sports. But with a dream, to become a football player Popov had to spread in high schools due to a serious injury that put the cross on prospects to succeed in great sport.

Full Alexander Popov

Gradually, the young man switched to the game KVN, and then signed up in the drama. And when Alexander Popov played Hamlet in the Shakespearean stage of the same name, he realized that he would like to be a real artist. At home, his choice was supported, as the mother herself was fond of loved by amateur performances, and the older sister studied in a pop-up-circus school.

The young man graduated from the Kyiv National University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpenka-Karoi, after which several years performed on the stage of the Kiev Theater of the Young Spectator "On Lipki". Work on television, he began with filming in commercials of such brands such as Biola juices, McDonalds Fast Food network and Life mobile operator.

Alexander Popov

Later, Alexander on one of the popular Ukrainian channels began to lead the Morning Ether of the Breakfast. Day off". This experience for the artist is very useful, as it is very different from acting. As Popov says, although in the program you also need to improvise a lot, but it was much more difficult for him to get used to the television studio than to the set. And the main reason is the need to look at the camera, while in the movies from this we were studied for years.


Alexander Popov's film player began in 2007 with small roles in the TV shows, the "ex-" and "heart will not order." Then he starred in the melodrama "native people", a family saga "Prodigal children" and several series of detective "Return of Mukhtar". The first major work of the actor fell on the female drama "Two sides of one Anna."

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Gradually, Popov gained momentum. Together with Alexander Bukharov, he participated in the romantic tape "Truthful History of Scarlet Sails", with Valery Zolotukhin in the Eposine Drama, with Sergey Strelnikov in the historical and biographical picture of Passion for Chapaj.

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The actor's detective television series "OSA" and a multi-sieuled melodrama "Rock Lyalya", which had somewhat no less popular continuations. A large role went to Alexander and in melodrama "Anyway, you will be mine." It can also be seen in the mystical picture of the "Witch", the women's history "when the past ahead", the drama "Mistress" and the sports film "I am with you".

Personal life

Alexander Popov is not yet officially married, but he has a beloved. The girl is called Anna Antonova, she works in the embassy. Together with the actor lives a small hyperactive dog nicknamed Benjamin.

Alexander Popov and Anna Antonova

The actor retained his children's addiction to extreme sports. In winter, he regularly rides on a snowboard, and in the summer, at the first opportunity, opens the surf season on the Dnieper River. In addition, Alexander is fond of motor sports.

The main hobby Popova is the photo. He holds a professional apparatus and makes many actually professional pictures, specializing mainly on people's portraits.


  • 2009 - "Two sides of one Anna"
  • 2010 - "Truthful story about scarlet sails"
  • 2010-2013 - Efrosinya
  • 2013-2014 - OSA
  • 2014 - "Rock Lyalya"
  • 2015 - "Anyway, you will be mine"
  • 2016 - "Witch"
  • 2016 - "When the past is ahead"
  • 2016 - "Mistress"
  • 2016 - "I'm with you"
  • 2017 - "I can not forget you"
  • 2017 - "Dance Motilla"
  • 2018 - "What was she"

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