Victoria Bogatyreva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Victoria Bogatyreva is an actress, which takes off mostly in the Russian TV shows, but sometimes emerging in the full-length movie. Bright beauty was remembered by the public not only by secondary images, but also several main roles in rating projects.

Childhood and youth

Victoria was born in the Georgian capital - Tbilisi, where immediately after the Second World War moved her grandfather. But since the Father Bogatyreva was a military personnel, she managed to change the place of residence for their childhood. The longest family lived in a small military town near Volga, and in high school, the girl moved to the capital of Russia.

After graduating from school, Victoria entered the Moscow Pedagogical University, and in parallel began to work as a fashion model. This profession brought her popularity, especially after the spectacular girl participated in a photo shoot for the erotic male journal Playboy. Bogatyreva and today looks spectacular: with growth 177 cm its weight is 61 kg.

Victoria Bogatyreva's creative activity began in 2000, when she was invited to the role of Freilin in the musical comedy "Bremen Musicians and CO".

Vika was called on the samples rather as a model than an actress, because on the episodic roles Freinin, the director was needed simply cute, well-rooted girls. This short role showed Victoria Bogatyreva than she exactly wants to do in life.

Nevertheless, one time the girl tried to work by profession. She got a teacher to school, but soon realized that this was not her way. Special acting education she went to receive in VGIK, to the course to Emmanuel Vitorgan. After graduating from the institute, the girl could not get into any theater of the capital, but Victoria was not desperate, but decided to completely devote himself to the film.

Personal life

At the shooting of the Melodrama "First Attempt", Victoria Bogatyreva met actor Alexey Makarov, the son of Lyubov Polishchuk. At that time, Vika just broke up with his previous boyfriend and was not going to make a new relationship in the near future. But Alexey, literally, as Typhoon flew into a girl: he wandered out with gifts, wrote romantic messages, constantly invited on dates. The heart of the boys surrendered.

After some time, Makarov presented to Victoria to friends and relatives as his bride, although in the end before the wedding did not come. They lived in a civil marriage, and in 2010, Victoria and her civil husband had a daughter of Varvara.

When the baby turned the year, her parents broke up. Fans could not move away from shock for a long time, because the actor dreamed of a family, traveled to paternity to the temple in India, and in an interview regularly told how his daughter and his wife loved.

However, the initiator of parting was the Bogatyreva itself, which today never decided to associate his personal life with another man. But Makarov has since been able to marry Maria Mironova, daughter Andrei Mironov, and divorce with her.

Bogatyreva admitted the press that Alexey is terribly authoritated. The man immediately began to call the Victoria wife, and on refusal to enter into marriage expressed surprise and anger that she broke the beautiful plan and destroyed the picture of a family life in which the actor convinced the press and his own.

Also, Victoria told about the terrible and stormy scenes of jealousy, during which Makarov ruined and broke everything that was at hand. Another reason to break the relationship with the actor was the fact that, for the feelings of the hedgehog, she shared with journalists, because of their own upbringing and family problems in childhood, the actor did not trust women and the best form of the family considered the one where the mother sits at home and is realized only like a housewife and educator. To go for this successful actress could not.

It is periodically born rumors that Victoria and Alexey resumed their relationship, but no facts confirming this information were not received for the public. Moreover, in 2012, the actress gave an interview in which he was openly stated that as such a family, they did not have them with Makarov.

In 2016, a 6-year-old daughter Victoria Bogatyreva Varvara appeared on the set at the set. The first shooting day of a small actress fell on May 21 and symbolicly coincided Happy Birthday to the famous grandmother Varvara Lyubov Grigorievna Polishchuk. Victoria published a photo of the first steps of his daughter in the acting world in "Instagram".

Bogatyreva called this case by the continuation of the acting dynasty, but the role that Varbara received, and even a film in which the girl starred was left secret to the official premiere of the picture. Subscribers Actress in "Instagram" left a number of warm comments, and also expressed the hope that later Barbara will follow the footsack of parents and grandmothers and will continue his acting biography.

In 2019, Victoria spoke in the program "Stars agreed" with a statement about the disappearance of the former husband. Alexey, who previously regularly sent a certain amount of ex-spouse with his daughter for housing, stopped going out with the heroic to communicate. The woman also subsid for the fact that alimony was stopped from the actor.

The most unpleasant that Makarov stopped communicating with Barbara, why the daughter was in the depressed state. Later, Alexey commented on this information in a negative key, to accuse the media distributing such news.


After receiving the acting education, the girl was filmed in the medical drama "Medical Mystery" and the Karombol detective. And the first major success fell on the image of Anna Polyansky in the melodraman "the former". True, Victoria played this major role in the 1st part of the series, and then she changed the actress Olga Fadeeva.

Also, the fans of the Bogatyreva can observe the art of its reincarnation in the Melodrama "First Attempt", the Mystical Comedy "Cupid", the Ironic TV series "Masha in Law", 3rd Season of the Criminal Film "Search" and the youth drama "to death beautiful."

One of the memorable projects of the Russian actress are the film-comedy "Hello, I am your dad!", Where Alexey Panin and Alexander Demidov are involved, as well as the melodrama "My Mom against" with Sofia Lake and Stanislav Bondarenko in high roles.

In 2017, a criminal film "On the Fire Line" appeared in the filmography. The series tells about the unofficial investigation, which he started the head of the guard of the fire department to find out who is to blame for the purchase of defective respiratory facilities that made the Hero's collegium with disabilities.

Victoria Bogatyreva now

The misunderstanding between Victoria and Alexey in their personal relations did not affect the creative life of artists: both were held in the detective series "Cuba. A personal matter ", the continuation of the film about Major Kubankov, in which Makarov fulfilled the main role, and Bogatyreva reincarnated in the surgeon Evgeny. The second project of 2019 with the participation of actors is a spy fighter "Serer", where Victoria appeared in one of the episodes.

Now the artist is removed in the film Elena Bychkova with the working name "adults", where Evgeny Zarubin appeared on her partner. Showing the movie Carnocarts was expected in 2020.


  • 2000 - "Bremen Musicians and CO"
  • 2006 - "Medical Mystery"
  • 2011 - "Cupid"
  • 2012-2013 - "Masha in law"
  • 2013 - "Hello, I am your dad!"
  • 2013 - "To death beautiful"
  • 2014 - "Rosysk-3"
  • 2015 - "My Mom against"
  • 2017 - "On the line of fire"
  • 2019 - "Cuba. Private bussiness"
  • 2019 - "Smered"

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