Olympiad Tetheric - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", leading, husband, group "Girls", Lipa 2021



In the 2021th Annual International Competition "Children's New Wave" was held in an experimental format and was based on modern popular music in Tiktok. From the scene performed by young participants, Dani Milohina and Nikolai Baskov, "Picach" Mia Boyki and Egor Ship, "Comet" Jony and others sounded from the scene. By tradition, the place of the lead took the Olympiad Tetheric, which was the company of Volodin and Timur Sorokin.

Childhood and youth

On April 21, 1980, a daughter was born in Moscow in Moscow, a daughter was born, after long disputes named by the Olympiad in honor of the upcoming sporting event in the capital of the USSR and the PrapraprappaBabushki on the maternal line. The carrier of a beautiful name did not feel his unusual, but he understood that he had to match him, so since childhood was active, mobile and attended various free sections.

A talented child was taken to the "Kalinka" ensemble and a large children's choir, which was under the leadership of Viktor Popov, ballroom dancing, synchronous swimming and gymnastics, where he filed high hopes.

The celebrity later recalled, as from the quiet hour in kindergarten, she took her coach from Dynamo Sports School on the preparation of the Olympic reserve, and in the evening he returned to parents. Unfortunately, the plans prevented the injury to come true, received at the moment when the girl was preparing to hand over an adult discharge.

From the first class of Native School No. 127, the student was shone in the competitions of readers, attended theatrical circles, events led, and a little later wrote notes to the district newspaper.

"Then the show business appeared in Russia - such as before: glossy, commercial, with steep producers. It seemed to me that since I had no connections, I didn't shine anything on a big scene. But I still did not quit my hobbies and prepared for admission to theatrical on the preparatory courses at Mkate, "the TV presenter admitted in an interview.

Cut into the desired university failed. In the middle of zero Lipa acquired a diploma of the Philological Faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. In 2015, she took up additional education at the Vasily Surikov Art Institute.

Music and television

In the 9th grade, the schoolgirl had to say goodbye to sports, so she began to spend all his free time on discos. One day a stranger approached the girl, who turned out to be a composer and producer Andrei Zuev, praised her ability to dance and invited him to casting to the girl's duet.

According to another version, Lipa settled in the summer to the nightclub "Utopia" and met the main man of the label "Mighty Cup of Records", having left for the scenes to the team "Dream" for an autograph. "Sisters Marmaladov" was not lucky to entrenched on Music Olympus, and, by releasing the only registered album of 6 original singles and 3 remixes, the project ceased to exist.

For listening to the group "Girls" in the Poland of Pioneers in the Presnensky Park behind the White House Tetheric jumped along the way on a date. Muscovite went, told about himself, learned the dance with Yegor Druzhinin, surprised Igor Matvienko recognition that he was not very able to sing, performed the song "Pigeons fly over our zone" and joined Valentine Rubatova, Tatiana Gerasimova and Irina Dubzova.

"After the breakdown of the group, we came to support Iru on the" Star Factory ", and, while they chatted in line, the guy turned to me:" Could you go to the casting MUZ-TV? ". So I got on the channel, where the dance hit parade first led, then live ether, and a week later I was offered to conduct a chart-parade of 10 Sexy. Television loved me, and it is mutual, "the celebrity shared in an interview.

From 2004 to the 2008 Professional biography of TV host Muz-TV, before that, the year with "Dynamite FM" was replenished with the Hit-parades of the "engine" and "Mobile Tens", the projects "Development Group", "Big Change" and "Stylistics ", Realistic" Seven Sun "," New Wave Diaries ", Muz-TV Award, etc. From 2007 to 2008, a graduate of the IFSU was listed by the invited author in the magazine "Mom - this is me" and led a similar program on the TV channel "Mother and Child" (and later "Children's Menu with Lipoy").

At the "Russia", Blondeevita was responsible for the "hot ten", "New Wave", "Children's New Wave", "Christmas Song of the Year", on the TV channel the world - for "not together", at the "home" - for the "Diary of happy Moms. " She acquired the "Neliplav company" in the glossy edition of Rabbit and interviewed the stars for Posta-Magazine; Without it, neither "Children's Eurovision", nor "Army of Russia".

Personal life

Tetheric is convinced that acquaintance with the future husband of Artem Glotov, which happened when she was taken to work on radio and music-tv, and he only graduated from the institute and worked on the candidate, it was destined over. After all, it is difficult to explain what kind of different people were together.

Olympiad Tetheric with husband and children

Selected TV presenter - Energetik, a person is serious and in demand in his profession, so she calls himself not otherwise as an energetic wife's energy. In the personal life of the couple, harmony reigns: the head of the family is responsible for light and warmth in the house, and for the mood and joy - its second half. Lovers who support each other in everything got married in a beautiful date - 07.07.07, and later married.

In October 2007, the couple welcomed the Son of Laurel, the name of whom his father came up long before his appearance on the light. In July 2016, there was a turn of the daughter of Melissa, which appeared on the light of the music from the ballet "Nutcracker" Peter Tchaikovsky, and on November 22, 2018 - Nikon. The fact that she is pregnant with a third child, a woman learned by chance during the Great Post, turning attention to that it does not feel ease and adds in weight.

Photos of children of Olympiad Valeryevna willingly share in a personal instagram account, as well as own pictures in trendy outfits and swimsuits.

Olympiad Tetheric now

Olympiad Valerievna finds time to bring up three children, to work by the permanent leading "new waves", to attend secular events (for example, "Muse Salvador" in Omega Rooftop, the premiere of "Maison's" bee "in the" Cinema Formula "on Kutuzov) and lead the heading" Shoubiz with Lipa Tetherich "in Posta-Magazine.

In March 2021, an interview with the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Larisa Valley, in May, with the director-director Alexei Sechenov, in June, was interviewed, in May, in June, with a jazz singer Kontyrtze.

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