Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev - actor and film director, for his merits awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Movie lovers know the actor on the famous paintings of the Black Sea Waves, Siberiad and the "meeting place cannot be changed."

Eugene was born in Vilnius, but St. Petersburg became his hometown for him, where a young man went to enter the institute of theater, music and cinematography. There, the artist studied at the famous teachers of Vasily Mercuryeva and Irina Meyerhold. Also in Leningrad, Eugene gained the first job on Filmfilm's film studio.

Actor and film director Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev

By the way, the real surname of the artist - Leonov, without the second part. Already after filming, in several paintings, he joined the Mother's name maiden to differ from the other famous actor of those years - Evgenia Leonova, the stars of the "Striped flight" and "Gentlemen of Good luck". The same surname created an unnecessary confusion, and the young actor was taken by the Son, then for the brother of the famous colleague.

Double-surname Leonov-Gladyshev got a light hand of Andrei Konchalovsky after the role in Siberiad. Konchalovsky offered an artist to take a pseudonym, but he refused, because Siberiad has already become the 14th picture in the actor's career, and even the fans appeared. Then the director advised to take a double surname, and then gradually turn back to single, but already becoming not Leonov, but Gladyshev. The actor's double surname took, but the second part of the plan was never embodied.

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev in youth

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, in addition to acting acting acting, is also engaged in duplicating foreign films. In addition, the actor is active in public activities and has been headed by the guild of film actors of the Northern Capital in the role of the president.


Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev's popularity has brought the first job - the children's film "Turn on the Northern Lights". Then the actor starred in the Social Drama Docker and the Military Film "Front Without Flanges".

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A huge success had the adventure series "The Waves of the Black Sea", in which the actor first appeared under the pseudonym Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev. From other paintings at the initial stage of his career, the historical and biographical drama "Born Revolution Born", the film about the civil war "hatred", Kinopoema "Siberiad" and the family melodrama "Adult Son", which became one of the first directorial experiences of Alexander Pankratov-black.

It happens in the life of the artists such an amazing situation: you play many main roles, and a small episode becomes a business card. This is exactly what happened with Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, for which the character of Vasi Vashina, killed by the gangsters on the bench, became very significant.

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev in the film

The very criminal tape "The meeting place cannot be changed" Evgeny Borisovich allocates in his filmography. Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin initially invited high (accurate growth of the actor unknown) and the Miloid Eugene on the main role of Volodya Sharapova, but his candidacy did not approve the Horstovt, who insisted on Vladimir Konkin.

In addition, Arkady Wainer did not like the interpretation by the actor of Sharapova. Leonov-Gladyshev had a chance that Sharapov returned from the war, where he was a scout, and therefore should have a strong person, huge experience and draw up with the Zhiglov-Vysotsky inflaming tandem. Sharapov, Konkina, according to Gladyshev, it turned out unnecessarily lyrical and even "such", and the opposition of two philosophies in the film did not come out.

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But the director did not want to just let go of Leonov-Gladyshev and gave him a small episode, which with the help of the ideas of Vladimir Vysotsky became very spectacular.

The actor appeared only in the first series of the famous painting, and ten minutes after dating TV viewers with the character was killed. But this death of a young guy, who a second ago bought ice cream, became both a bright string of plot and a personal motive for other heroes to attach all the forces to the investigation and a memorable dramatic moment, which struck the audience with a sudden and severe tragity of the moment.

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In subsequent years, the actor starred more and more. It is worth noting the political picture of the "Fall of Condor", the lyrical comedy "session of the simultaneous game", a film about the friendship "Young people", melodrama "Lights", the detective "diamonds Shah" and the comedy "I don't want to marry!". Also Leonov-Gladyshev was filmed a lot in military films, from which they were vividly distinguished "on the pass, not shoot!" And "award (posthumously)."

In the 21st century, an interest in the actor was increased again after he took part in all seasons of the criminal series "Killer Strength". Leon appeared in the patriotic drama "Ataman", the comedy "Features of the National Minibus", the spy film "Legend of Olga" and the melodrame "Family House".

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev on the filming of the film

In 2015, the actor played the role of Fyodor Ivanovich Schukin, the supervisor of the main character of the psychological drama "Exprices". This film tells about the difficult choice of a young scientist who can either betray himself, to go on the leadership and stop the scientific development, which the scientist spent more than one year, or to go against the head, to betray him and unimprote the experiment.

Directory work

The first time Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev tried himself in director in 1992. He removed the Social Drama "Higher Measure", in which he reflected on the state of a person sentenced to death. This film received a prize for the best directorial debut at the film fiction film fiction and cinema.

But the popularity of Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev did not bring this picture. During this period, Sergey Mikhov's producer was killed, and the picture did not go into massive rental.

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev

Later, he created the Melodrama "House of Hope", in which he removed Anna Selfie and Dmitry Nagiyev. And after the meeting with the famous designer of the rifle gun, Mikhail Kalashnikov released a biographical film "Honor".

Also, his creative activity belongs to four series from the 12th season of the criminal detective "Street of the broken lanterns".

Personal life

Evgeny Leonova-Gladysheva's first wife was his colleague - Actress Lyudmila Firsov, starring with him in several movies. The most noticeable its role in the military drama "Forget the word" death ". Eugene and Lyudmila lived together a quarter of a century. The son was born in this family, with whom the actor continues close communication and after the divorce with his wife.

Actor and film director Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev

Later, Evgeny Borisovich met another woman, Tatiana. He went to a business meeting at the office of a major businessman and there he met his new love, which worked in this company the chief accountant. Since then, Eugene and Tatiana will not part. The second spouse Leonov-Gladyshev literally puzzles and believes that he was very lucky to meet in the vitality of such a person.

There are no shared children with Tatiana, but her daughter is often coming to them from the first marriage, which, like stepfather, is also engaged in creative activities. The girl is a professional ballerina.

Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev now

In 2017, Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev appeared in the new dramatic series "Wings of the Empire". The picture shows the events that came from 1913 to 1921 and once and forever sharply changed the appearance and essence of the country. "The Wings of the Empire" show the heroes who survived the February and October revolutions, civil war, extinguishing and references.

Moreover, if for a number of characters, the layer of state system opened the road to a bright future, then for the other revolutionary period, the tragedy, which buried the dreams and hopes of talented and gifted young people.

In 2017, Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev noted the anniversary - 65 years, which a number of publications devoted special issues, as well as detailed interviews with an actor about Leonov-Gladyshev's creative biography, views on past and modern films, memories of colleagues and cases on the set.


  • 1975 - "Black Sea Waves"
  • 1978 - "Siberiad"
  • 1979 - "Adult Son"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1983 - "On the pass, not shoot!"
  • 1986 - "Award (posthumously)"
  • 1993 - "I don't want to marry!"
  • 2000-2005 - "Dead Power"
  • 2006 - "Ataman"
  • 2010 - "Family House"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2015 - "Exprices"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"

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