Alla Key - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Children, Filmography 2021



Alla Key - Russian and American actress theater and cinema. The artist received fame after the exit of the fascinating detective series "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur. " He is a member of the US Actors Guild.

Childhood and youth

The Key was born in February 1970 in Belarus. Children's and youthful years of future artist walked in Minsk. Alla is the daughter of deaf parents, but the actress itself has no problems with the hearing aid. Mom has congenital deafness, and the dad appeared in 5 years, after transferred meningitis.

Parents of the keys got acquainted in the Society of Deaf in Minsk. They created a wonderful strong family in which three daughters were born. Alla is the youngest of children.

Future actress studied in an ordinary Minsk school. Odnoklassniki often fucked over the girl. Schoolchildren used for offensive jokes at once two occasions: red hair and funny, as it seemed the surname. The keckle took the mockery courageously, smiled and dreamed of becoming an actress. Maybe constant piercing of the peers just gave birth to the dream of glory and stage.

After graduating from the school, Minskanka went to Moscow. High (growth - 170 cm), a slim girl with an unusual appearance without much difficulty entered the Schepkin Theater School as an acutely accraced actress. Alla was lucky, because the famous Yuri Solomin became a mentor of the course.


Biography Books in cinema began in student years. In 1990, the psychological thriller "body" was released on the screens. There were many sharp and memorable viewers of personnel in this film. The acting debut was successful. Alla Fedorovna one of the few fellow students lucky to start immediately with the main role.

It is noteworthy that the artist did not change his own surname. First, it was a tribute to the Father, and secondly, why to invent the stage pseudonym when the fate itself gave such a sonorous and memopial name.

The keck is related to the actresses that do not have a great track record of roles, but most of them are key to the number of key.

After a successful debut followed the continuation. Alla Fedorovna played a sterrect pioneer with a steel view in a psychological detective "Made in the USSR". In the film, we were talking about the search for missing in the walls of the usual high school of the VCR, looking for a teacher-historian, a former NKVD employee (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan). The heroine of the keys gladly helps the teacher in the case of the "arrests" of suspected crime. In a short time at school, it is possible to put the principles of the totalitarian regime and the personality cult.

In the same breakthrough 1990th, the remarkable tragicomedy of Nicholas got the cloud-paradise, in which the audience saw the red-haired actress in a completely friend of the role - the rustic rustic hat with radiant eyes. The director for a long time could not find the actor to the main male role - the character of Kolya, who invented the story with departure to the Far East, and all the neighbors believed.

Alla offered the candidacy of Andrei Zhigalov, with whom he worked in the film "Body". After the samples of the original artist, the clown and the musician were approved into the project. Continuation of the film director shot 15 years later. The picture was called "Kolya - Route Field."

In 1990, the course on which the priest studied, went for a month to an internship in the New York Theater School "Circle in Square". To enhance skill, this year of study in the famous American "forge of personnel" was useful for Russian students. The fruit of stay in the new creative atmosphere was the work of Alla in the joint Russian-American project "Nokturn Chopin", which was released in 1992.

In 1993, the Social Drama "Sickle and Hammer" started on the screens, filmed by director Sergey Livnev. The keys got the main role. For skill and talent, demonstrated in this tape, Alla was awarded the Honorary Award - the Green Apple Prize. At the viewer's presentation ceremony shocked the appeal of the artist to their parents who were present in the hall. The daughter turned to them with gestures.

After the release of the "Sickle and the Hammer" in the life of the Books began the American period. She married Kenny Scheffer, an American with Russian roots, and left in the United States. Alla continued to develop in a creative plan, entered the ranks of the US actors guild. Initially, only the theater was included in the circle of interest of the artist in a new place.

In the late 90s, 2 Hollywood films appeared in the filmography. In the series "Clan Soprano", the Belarusian actress took the role of a single-legged heroine that transported smuggling. The artist was interesting to observe the work of foreign colleagues - James Gandolfini, Edid Falko, Tony Sirico and other television stars. Later in an interview with Alla noted that foreign actors were more committed, unlike Russian.

The film was broadcast for 6 seasons, in 2 of which the Belarusian actress starred. At the same time, the Key appeared in the second rating detective tape - "law and order," where heroin was played by Yushni.

Conquering Hollywood, Alla did not stop filming in Russian films. Although not often, but the actress appeared in new projects. In 1996, Dmitry Astrakhan removed the drama "from hell to hell", where the Key had embodied the girl Anna, a Jew for nationality, which, during World War II, hid in her house Poles. We could not accept the heroine parents returned from the concentration camp. In 1997, the Prize of the film Festival "Kinotavr" award was awarded to work in the project of the Artist in the nomination "Best Women's Role".

After 2 years, the actress embodied the opposite image on the screen - played by the heroine Marie in the comedy "I want to go to jail", filmed by the director Alla Surikova. The tape came out in 1998 and received a warm reception of the audience. On the set of this project, the key enjoyed playing with the Matrahm of Russian Cinema Vladimir Ilyin and Natalia Gundarere.

Soon Alla again got a dramatic image. The actress was starred in the film "Chained" with Vladimir Guest in the lead role, where he played his hero's daughter. Another work that appeared in the new century is Anna in the adventurous comedy Surikova "Perfect Couple". Alexander Baluyev became partner of the keys.

And in 2003, the director Vladimir Morozov began to shoot the detective series "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur. " Evgeny Simonova, Anatoly Zhuravlev, Sergey Badichkin, and Ave.

Alla Key - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Children, Filmography 2021 19337_1

For the role of the main character of the Evlampia, invented Daria Dontsova, many actresses were tried. But I perfectly coincided with only the key. Initially, the director saw the artist in the photo, but the original finally convinced Vladimir Morozov in the correctness of the decision. The film about the dealer-dilettante Evlampia Romanova called the interest of the audience, so the series stretched out for 3 seasons.

After the exit of the tape, the artist woke up truly famous and popular. It was possible to strengthen in the status of a famous actress after the release of Melongi's paintings, "Adrenaline" and "Night at the Sunset Sunset".

The last paintings today in the repertoire of the actress have become a criminal comedy "Secrets Laura" (season 2015) about a detective woman who skillfully combines professional skills and education of two children, and the series "Americans" (season 2017) about the period of the Cold War. Both serials were filmed in America. In the films of the Key appeared in episodic roles.

Personal life

With the first spouse Alla Fedorovna met in youth. The American Kenny Schaeffer had only a distant attitude towards cinema. During the filming of the actress in Serpe and Molot, he was engaged in creating a joint Russian-American film company "Belkom". Random acquaintance at the party turned into a real novel, crowned with marriage and moving the artist in the United States.

At first, the relationship among the spouses was excellent. The Son of Cybo was born in the family, that in Japanese means "hope".

But then the differences in tastes and preferences began to affect. Kenny did not like movies and theater, and Alla lived it. At the same time, the spouse was not interested in her husband's classes, who specialized in computer technologies and technical innovations. In addition, the spouse was older for 20 years, which also began to reflect on relationships not in the best way.

During the filming of "Evlampia Romanova", an artist had an affair with a film director Vladimir Morozov. The director fell in love with a red-haired beauty at first sight.

Personal life The keys made a new steep turn. The actress was separated from the American spouse and married Morozov. It is noteworthy that Schaeffer was also among the guests at the wedding ceremony. Together with her mother, Kibo moved to Russia.

In 2003, the Morozov's spouses had a common child - the Son called Ivan.

Alla Key Now

Now the key lives in Moscow. Alla devoted himself to the family, so in 2021, in filmography, actresses still did not have new projects.


  • 1990 - "Body"
  • 1990 - "Cloud-Paradise"
  • 1990 - "Made in the USSR"
  • 1994 - "Sickle and Hammer"
  • 1996 - "From hell to hell"
  • 1998 - "I want to go to jail"
  • 2000-2002 - "Clan Soprano"
  • 2001 - "Perfect Couple"
  • 2002 - "Law and Order"
  • 2003 - 2006 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads a dilettant "
  • 2008 - "Adrenaline"
  • 2015 - "Secrets of Laura"
  • 2017 - "Americans"

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