Emmanuel Vitorgan - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, "Instagram" 2021



Emmanuel Gedeonovich Vitorgan - one of the favorite artists of the Soviet cinema for millions of television viewers. Bright images, types created by the performer in filmtines, are now impressive with their flavor, brightness and depth. He is also known as a talented theater artist.

Childhood and youth

Emmanuel Vitorgan was born on December 27, 1939. The father Gideon Vitorgan was a good specialist in flourishing production, and he was often "moved" into different cities of the country. Mom Haya Blebmans Blehman Burst's home and brought up two children - Vladimir and the younger to Emmanuel, who received a name in honor of the deceze deceased during the Jewish pogroms. Parents of the artist, Jews by nationality, were Odessans. At the time of the birth of the youngest son, the family lived in Baku.

Emmanuel Vitorgan - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films,

Emmanuel Vitorgan graduated from school in Astrakhan. In high school, the boy became interested in theatrical art. The starting point was to familiarize with Yuri Kochetkov, whose parents were artists of the Astrakhan Theater. In his youth, Vitorgan did not miss any premiere and soon became visitor of the dramatic circle. All other hobbies are volleyball, water polo - moved to the background.

After receiving the school certificate, Emmanuel went to the capital. But the young man failed to become a student of one of the Moscow theatrical universities. The applicant did not surrender and managed to enter the Leningrad University (Ligitmik). The future actor was extremely lucky: Vitorgan fell on the famous course, whose head was a talented mentor Boris Zone. Emmanuel compiled the secrets of acting skills together with Alice Freindlich, Sergey Jurassic, Svetlana Karpinskaya, Alexandra Nazarova and others.


The creative biography of Vitorgana takes the beginning since 1961. After receiving a diploma of a beginner artist, sent to the Pskov Drama Theater. But after 2 years, the actor returned to the loved city on the Neva and settled in the famous "Lenkom". At the stage of this theater, Emmanuel Gedeonovich spoke until 1971, and then began the "Moscow period".

The actor moved to the capital together with the second wife, actress Alla Balter. The artists were adopted in the Taganka Tag. Here, the spouses detained for 2 years, then switched to the stage of the V. Mayakovsky Academic Theater.

The famous theatrical team Vitorgan gave the best years of acting career. Among the works of Emmanuil Gedeonovich - roles in the producers of the director Andrei Goncharov, Adolf Shapiro, Leonid Hayfiza. The artist was playing in the Pieces "Cat on the hot roof" Tennessee Williams, "Blonde" Alexander Volodina, "Plague on both of your homes" Gregory Gorina.

Viktorgan's bright work was the production of 2015 "King Treph - Map of Love" directed by Alexander Gerasimov. In addition to Emmanuel Vitorgan, the main roles in the play were played by Angelica Agurbash and Lyudmila Maxakov. Later, the performance moved to the scene of the Vitorgana Cultural Center.


On the screens Emmanuel Gedeonovich appeared in 1962. At first, the actor trusted the episodes and roles of the second plan. And the first noticeable work in the movie happened in 1977. Then the picture was released "And this is all about him," removed on the novel of the novel of Vile Lipatova. The artist got the image of the criminal Gleb Zavarzina, embodied evil and good at the same time. The vitorgan thoroughly finalized this image, and the hero was bright and memorable. The film brought the actor to the first glory.

High and impressive Emmanuel Gedeonovich externally corresponded to the spies developed in the 1970 -80-1980s, criminals and agents of the CIA. Hence the many negative roles played by an artist in the role of Antigero. The aforementioned film, as well as the paintings "Profession - the investigator" and "Emissar of the foreign center" became bright of this examples.

Comedy "Pious March" and "Wizard" made Vitorgan in a nationwide beloved. Among the popular projects involving Emmanuil Vitorgana include the musical film "When Saints Machine", a criminal comedy "Do not wake a sleeping dog", a farce comedy "On Deribasovskaya, good weather, or on Brighton Beach come rains again."

But the talent of Vitorgan turned out to be multifaceted - this artist proved the subsequent works that appeared in his filmography. The actor was subject to genres from comedy to a psychological drama. In the creative piggy bank of Emmanuel Vitorgan and positive heroes were also. The artist game is convincing in the image of the Fomin Commissioner in the historical film "Battle for Moscow", directed by Prokudin-Gorsky in the picture "Anna Karamazoff" and the honest investigator Zotov in the comedy tape "Do not wake a sleeping dog."

In the 1990s, Emmanuel Gedeonovich less often appeared on the screen. In the new century, Vitorgan began to be filmed in rating telegraphs. In 2003, the actor appeared in the TV series "Poor Nastya", where the image of Prince Peter Dolgoruky was embodied on the screen. Vitorgan called this role one of his favorites. The artist's spectators in the series "Sklifosovsky" (where played in a duet with Alena Yakovleva), "Children of Arbat" and "Christmas Trees 1914", "Two sides of one Anna", "Svalta 5".

Later, the actor began to reincarnate more often in oligarchs, professors, successful lawyers or physicians. Still in the image of Emmanuel Vitorgan's images, there were roles of colonels or generals.

In the filmography of Emmanuel Gedeonovich, the original project of 2016 appeared - the comedy "Friday". In the same 2016, the actor starred in the fantastic picture of "Wizard". But the film, where Oscar Kucher played, Olga Krasko, Sergey Astakhov, Dmitry Nagiyev, Natasha Koroleva, Sergey Glushko, was not completed. Bright work of Vitorgan became the role in the military comedy picture "to Paris" about the tankers who have passed the war and decided to celebrate victory in the capital of France. The artist's shooting in Russian TV shows also continued.

Personal life

The first marriage of Emmanuil Vitorgan was student. The young actor fell in love with the fellowship Tamaru Rumyantsev. By the time the university, young people were already spouses. The daughter of Ksenia was born in this union. But when the girl was 5 years old, the Vitorgan divorced with the first wife. It happened after the actor met on the cabinet, held in the Actor House, Alla Balter. The artist instantly fell in love with beauty. She answered Emmanuel reciprocity.

The novel turned out to be so fiery that the lovers could no longer apart. After the divorce Tamara Rumyantsev asked former husband to leave the city in order not to hurt her and her daughter. Vitorgan went to the capital. Later, Emmanuel admitted that a betrayal of the first wife still considers the greatest sin. Ksenia Rumyantseva rose without a father. In 2013, the first family of the artist appeared in the program "Let them say", where the ladies shared with the public with the stories about the past.

In marriage with Alla Balter, the son of Maxim Vitorgan was born, who went to the feet of his parents. A couple of Vitorgan - Balter was called a beautiful pair of Soviet cinema, comparing Soviet artists with Alain Delon and Romi Schneider. Photo of spouses decorated the covers of magazines dedicated to cinema.

The severe blow to Emmanuil Gedeonovich was the death and death of Alla. The actress was diagnosed with cancer, but Alla for many years continued to decisively go to the scene. Vitorgan strongly supported his beloved wife. When the actors did not, he plunged into a long depression.

The personal life of Emmanuil Vitorgan has changed after meeting with Irina Marodik, the head of the theater agency. Future spouses got acquainted during the preparation of the play "Shaman with Broadway". Joint creativity turned into friendship, and then love - despite a significant difference in age (Irina was born in 1962). The lady managed to return his interest in the surrounding life and in 2003 he became his wife Emmanuel Gedeonovich in the third marriage.

The spouses conducted musical and poetry evenings "Thank you for all of you," with whom they toured in Russia and Europe. Announcements of Concerts Emmanuel Vitorgan posted on his own page in "Instagram".

Emmanuel Vitorgan five grandchildren, but with two of them, Alexander and Nikita, Ksenia, the actor practically did not communicate, although his granddaughter will grow up in the family of granddaughter - Mark and Alice. But the three heirs of Maxim - Polina, Daniel and Plato - the artist sees often. Especially proud of the victorian senior grandson - Daniel, a student of the British College. But the most of all the love of the grandfather gets the youngest Plato, whose mom became Ksenia Sobchak.

In 2017, the actor turned out to be a guest host by Kudryavtseva "Secret by Million," where he told fans about the reasons for parting with the first spouse, about relations with the Alla Balter and the current wife Irina. Unexpected for the viewers was an artist's statement that he was going to once again to become a father.

In February 2018, secular society was affected by the joyful news about the replenishment in the Vitorgan family. At the age of 56, Irina Markodik gave birth to a daughter called Ethel. And the year later, in August 2019, the man again became a father: a baby of Clara appeared on the world. According to the actor, he understood what responsibility it is, because both parents are already far from young.

So unusual replenishment in the family caused suspicion among the audience that the child is surrogate. The press appeared articles telling how much the appearance of the girl was happening. Previously, when the media widely covered the birth of the Birth of Ethel, many also doubted that Irina made himself and gave birth to the baby, as the lady itself reported in an interview.

The reason for such a late happiness of the motherhood (the first in marriage with the Viktorgan daughter appeared after 15 years of living) lodique explained to the fact that he had previously had health problems. In 2018, Emmanuel Gedeonovich and his wife became the guests of the program "Hello, Andrei!", Where they shared the stories about a small heiress.

Later in the show "Caution, Sobchak!" Andrei Malakhov admitted that the invitation of the actor to the transmission turned out to be the most expensive at that time - the performer received a fee of 1.8 million rubles. And in November 2019, on the air "Stars," the actor said that he dreams about the fifth child. In December, the Contractor noted the 80th anniversary - with this solemn event of the artist, colleagues were congratulated by colleagues on the creative workshop, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In the same year, a dramatically bright event was dramatically in the family of Vitorgans - Ksenia Sobchak divorced Maxim and soon married the director Konstantin Bogomolov. Journalists have repeatedly asked Emmanuel Gedeonovich, as he belongs to what is happening. The actor admitted that he had no insult to the ex-daughter-in-law, and also wished the newlyweds of happiness and love.

In April 2020, the senior grandson of the artist, Daniel, who continued acting dynasty, went to serve in the army. His grandfather posted a post in "Instagram", in which he admitted that he was proud of the decision of the young man to serve the Fatherland. A photo from the oath appeared in the social network, for which the elder family members came to support the young man.

Emmanuel Vitorgan now

In 2020, the actor continued to lead an active creative life. Vitorgan is still filming the cinema, participates in various talk shows. In the fall, it became known that, together with Andrei Chernyshov, Emmanuel Gedeonovich appeared in the main role of the adventure film "Mystery Love. Return ", shooting which was started in Kiev. The premiere of the picture is scheduled for 2021.

In addition, in February 2021, the premiere of the 8th seasons of the series "Sklifosovsky" took place.

In December, with his wife, Irina Vitorgan became the guest of Boris Korchevnikov's "Fate of Man". In the transfer, the artist shared interesting facts about life and work. At the end of the show, the flag posted in "Instagram" the post, in which he supported the leader's leading viewers in the fight against the ailment, wished forces and patience, and also admired Boris's resistance.


  • 1960 - "Man with the Future"
  • 1973 - "Grossmaster"
  • 1978 - "And this is all about him"
  • 1980 - "Piece March"
  • 1981 - "Long Way in Maze"
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1985 - "Roads Anna Firch"
  • 1990 - "Adult daughter of a young man"
  • 1991 - "Anna Karamazoff"
  • 1991 - "Taganka walks on Taganka"
  • 1992 - "Black Square"
  • 2003 - 2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2011 - 2021 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2016 - "Friday"
  • 2017 - "On the other side of death"
  • 2018 - "Dr. Richter. Continuation"
  • 2018 - "To Paris ..."
  • 2018 - "Once in America, or a Pure Russian Fairy Tale"
  • 2019 - Zoya
  • 2020 - "Comet Gallet"
  • 2020 - "Filatov"

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