Maya Bulgakova - biography, personal life, death, photo, filmography, rumors and latest news



Future People's Artist of the RSFSR Maya Grigorievna Bulgakova was born in a small Ukrainian village Buki (today Kiev region). In addition to her in the family, three more children were adjusted. Only the first years of the life of Bulgakova took place in the beats. Soon the family moved to Kremenchug. The wounded Great Patriotic War took away Father and her older brother from Maya, who went to the front volunteers.

Actress Maya Bulgakov

Mom, saving three younger children from the fascists, moved to Kramatorsk, to the native sister. But soon, as the front approached the Military Plant, where women worked, was evacuated to Irkutsk.

In Irkutsk Bulgakov went to grade 2. At school, it was discovered that the girl had a wonderful voice. Often she together with friends satisfied the improvised concerts for the wounded military hospital. Probably, in this moments in Maya Grigorievna "born" the actress.

Maya Bulgakov in youth

And to establish in desire to become Bulgakov, after frequent cinema visits. It happened when Mom Maya, undermining his health at the factory, got a job in a cinema. After graduating from the Maya Bulgakov school with ease, he entered VGIK to the course of Olga Pyris and Boris Bibikova. In 1955, Bulgakov graduated with honors from the theater university.


The path to success for a beginner actress was not short and easy. The cinematic biography of Maya Bulgakova began in 1955 a small role in the painting of Grigory Roshal "Wolnitsa". All immediately noted the talent of the young artist. But the new proposals from the directories did not receive quite a long time. Therefore, Bulgakova remembered his second talent - vocal.

Maya Bulgakov on stage

She settled in the Orchestra Leonid Utesov. The first in the Soviet Union Maya Bulgakov began singing the repertoire Edith Piaf. Moreover, according to her girlfriend and People's Artist of Russia Tamara Symina, Piaf lost greatly against the background of Bulgiac.

The star role came to the artist in 1966. Directed by Larisa Shephenko called Maya Bulgakov on the main role in his film "Wings". The image of the former pilot of Hope Petrukhina brought actress fame and long-awaited glory. And also opened the door to cinema. Bulgakov finally noticed directors.

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Maya Grigorievna played that each way to reach the screen was bright and unforgettable. For example, a small role of Alena in the "Tale of Flames" was fully equal to the power with the main characters of the film.

Another prominent, but a very vivid role was played by the actress in the drama "On Fire Fire" Gleb Panfilova. Inna Churikova, the main character embodied Inna Churikova, but Bulgakov played a bully-free nurse.

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Desired, but complex turned out to be a role for Maya Grigorievna in the drama "Crime and Punishment". The complex nature of the broken fate of his heroine Bulgakov handed over with the highest skill.

All the heroines of this extraordinary actress are strong personality with a complex character, a steel rod inside and difficult fate. These are the characters in the paintings "Resurrection", "People and Beasts", "Fareweight letters", "Farewell to Slavs" and "Stalin's Funeral." Maja Bulgakova in the heroine of the past era was perfectly understood. This can be seen in this, reviewing the tape "Youth Peter", "Ballada about the Valiant Knights of Avengo" and the comedy "Marriage".

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From the last roles of the actress, the audience was remembered by the images created by Maya Bulgakova in the pictures of "Gypsy" (Luxylich), "Adventures of Electronics" (School Director) and "The investigation is conducted by experts", in which she played the leader of the criminal group, a cruel and strong woman. Children's fairy tale "Domovik and Lace" turned out to be the latter in the biography of the actress.

Personal life

Almost all the on-screen heroines of the artist are unfortunate with a woman broken by fate. But the personal life of Maya Bulgakova was completely different. Beauty had incredible success in men. For the sake of her challenged families and even countries.

Maja Bulgakova's husbands: Anatoly Nutkin and Alexey Gablovich

The first marriage actress was student. On the 2nd course of Bulgakov married an operator Anatoly Nutrition. He wanted his housewife's wife at home, but this was not part of Maya: she dreamed of a career. Therefore, the 4-month daughter Zina was sent to her grandmother. And soon, the Nutrition itself disappeared from the life of Bulgiac.

During his concert activity in the orchestra, Maja Grigorievna met with 28-year-old handsome Alexei Gablovich, the son of the famous Kinodramature. I broke out a romance to marriage. But very troubled - with frequent quarrels and reconciliation.

Maja Bulgakova's husbands: Alexander Surin and Richard Collins

From Gablovich Bulgakov went to the son of the director of Mosfilm, Alexander Surin. He so faded the beauty that he took her from her husband's pregnant woman. He married Maya Bulgakova and gave a nose-free daughter of Mary his last name. And a year later, with a small artist returned to Gablovich.

However, only for a year. Because the Russian beauty was underwhelmed by Balletmaster-Englishman Richard Collins, who was the younger actress for 13 years. But soon he was forced to return to his homeland. The calling and a beloved woman, but that for the sake of the career remained in Russia and many years received romantic letters from the in love with a loved confession in feelings.

Maya Bulgakov and Peter Drozaz

But Austrian Peter Drozaz, having arrived in Moscow for business affairs, for the sake of Bulgaca, threw his country and family. Together they lived 16 happy years. Peter died in 1994. Maya Grigorievna incredibly gone on him. Life has lost all the colors and meaning. 3 months after his death, she died. And a year after her death, Alexey Gablovich, who loved Maya Bulgakov, was not to end his days.


The tragedy happened in the fall of 1994. Maya Grigorievna, along with a colleague, Love Sokolova went to the concert. Car driver did not cope with control, and the car crashed into a pillar.

Memorial Plank and Grave of Maya Bulgakova

Both actipers fell into intensive care, the driver died in place. Sokolova recovered, but Mayi Bulgakova a few days later (October 7) did not. The actress was buried next to her husband Peter Drozoma on the metropolitan cemetery "Rakkit".


  • 1956 - "Wolnitsa"
  • 1966 - "Wings"
  • 1967 - "In the fire of the fodder there is no"
  • 1969 - "Crime and Punishment"
  • 1969 - "Varkin Earth"
  • 1972 - "Prince and Beggar"
  • 1979 - "Gypsy"
  • 1979 - "Adventures Electronics"
  • 1981 - "Farewell"
  • 1982 - "Ballad of the Valiant Knights of Avengo"
  • 1989 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1990 - "Stalin's Funeral"
  • 1994 - "Fall Speed"
  • 1995 - "Domovik and Lace"
  • 1996 - "Red Mafia"

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