Darya Mikhailova - biography, personal life, photos, news, Vladislav Galkin, actress, daughter Vasilisa 2021



Darya Mikhailova - Soviet and Russian film and stage actress, start your Star Trek back in childhood. The actress has gained popularity thanks to regular appearances in the television series, especially in the popular melodrama "Two of fate", where Darya Mikhailova played bright, memorable role of Anna Voloshin.

Childhood and youth

Daria was born in 1965 in Moscow in a family of artists. Daria Father Dmitry Mikhailov was an actor and director of Central Television. Mama Natalya Filippova performed on the stage of the theater "Benefit". When she was young, her parents divorced, his father in 1977, immigrated to the United States, where he worked a director of a small theater, but died five years later.

When Dasha learned in the third grade, the school attended by representatives of "Mosfilm", to find girls for extras. Mikhailov them so much that Daria was immediately given a major role. And it has become not an isolated incident filming a movie in the school time. Therefore not surprising that by the final ball girl has decided on the university and purposefully preparing for entrance exams VGIK.

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Darya Mikhailova has successfully passed the necessary competitive rounds, was recently interviewed by the head of the course, Sergei Bondarchuk, who intended to weed out just two people. But at the sight of the great masters of the girl suddenly there was a panic, and the performance of Applicant flunked, being among those of the unhappy, who have been removed from the list.

As a result, Mikhailova entered the Theater School named Boris Shchukin and studied for five years with Tatiana Kirillovna Kopteva, which was famous for maternal attitude to the students. His first job Darya became Vakhtangov Theater, then the legendary theater "Contemporary" Galina Volchek and Theater Center "School of Modern Play".

Daria dabbled in directing actress staged "The case number ..." based on the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov." Plucking of professional experience, the actress also began to transfer their own knowledge to the younger generation as a teacher in his native Shchukin Drama School.


The first movie, which hit a 10-year-old Darya Mikhailova, was the children's film "Blue portrait". Then followed the melodrama "Declaration of Love" detective "Abduction" Savoy ", a film about the Cadets' arrives in Martian autumn night" historical painting "Smoke of the Fatherland," the crime drama "Night event" and romance "Valentine."

The most successful children's film career period Mikhailova became a war film "Falling Stars" and the melodrama "Before the war." The young director gave her the role of lyrical and melodramatic heroines. Notable was the work in the film "That was last summer," psychological drama "The Island" social film "Good luck to you, gentlemen," family kinonovell "Sketch on the monitor," production drama "Heaven and Earth".

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Actress and has participated in the creation of a colorful TV series Sergei Zhigunov "Queen Margot", appearing there in the form of Genevieve, beloved Count de Mui. Among the works in the new century, which was also very much distinguished melodrama "Theater Blues" Adventure Detective "The adjutants of love" love story against the backdrop of the policy of "Kiss not for the press," the historical drama "The point deli number 1" and funny comedy " New Year's detective. "

Soaps occupy a significant place in the filmography of the actress. Among the works in this genre worth noting the role in the film "Native krovinochka", "older sister" and "Two of fate" in which she appeared in the second season and will not disappear until the very end, starred Anna Voloshin.

In 2014, the actress received the lead female role in a detective miniseries "Capture". Daria played the wife of the chairman of the board of directors of the bank Pochekaeva. Detective story revolves around a bank branch, which capture the robbers. At the same time quickly it becomes clear that the perpetrators did not come for the money, and by some of the secret papers.

In 2016, she played the role of the general's wife Eugenia Myagkova 20-serial film "On the far outpost," which tells about the everyday life of border guards and their families, who live in isolation from the outside world frontier.

In 2017, she played in the Russian-Polish-Ukrainian project "cycle". This drama series, which through a chain of deceptions and betrayals intertwined destinies as a family, and complete strangers. In the plot there is also an unfaithful husband with his pregnant mistress, and the midwife who agreed to fake it for the money for the surrogacy, and runaway groom, learn about infertility beloved, and the other not very pleasant characters.

Personal life

Stately (height 172 cm) and spectacular artist not remain long alone. First wife Darya Mikhailova became famous actor Maxim Sukhanov, the star of "Women are not recommended to offend" films and "Children of the Arbat", where it appears in the image of Joseph Stalin. Daria and Max were married in 1985 and lived together for about six years. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter Vasilisa Sukhanov.

The girl first went to the footsteps of star parents. It appeared in several TV shows, but more time dedicated to work in the theater. Until 2009, Vasilisa was in the ranks of the Schukinsky Theater, then moved to the Wakhtangov Theater. In search of his path, Mikhailov's daughter and Sukhanova tried themselves in other areas, she professionally engaged in photography.

In 1998, when Daria Mikhailova, as a director put his performance "Case No.", she was looking for the performer for the role of Mitya Karamazov. As a result, her choice fell on the actor Vladislav Galkina. In the process of work, young people have feelings. Lovers spent a lot of time together and enjoyed together with rest. A photo of a happy couple appeared in the press, on one of which the future star "truckers" hugs Daria in a swimsuit against the background of the yacht. In the fall of the same year, the actors scheduled. Prior to this, Vladislav's life was rich in romantic relationships. The actor was married three times, it is also known that he met with his wife Karen Shahnazarov Darya Majorova.

It is worth noting that Galkin and Mikhailov were often played together and on the same stage, and on the set, and everything began with the melodrama "sketch on the monitor", where they played her husband and wife. Spouses lived in happiness and harmony for more than 11 years, but there were no children from the couple. At some point, the actors decided to try to live separately. The official divorce was appointed for the spring of 2010, but a few weeks before this date, Vladislav Galkin died suddenly in his apartment. Since then, personal life actresses hidden from the press.

After the death of her husband, Mikhailov received no time to divorce with Galkin, than he brought the dislike of relatives and friends of the deceased. In addition, Daria was accused of death of the actor, referring to the fact that "brought up" and brought the spouse. When the hype subsided, it turned out that the actress practically disappeared with the radar journalists.

Daria Mikhailov resigned from the Schukinsky school, where he taught acting skills, and also left the School of Modern Plays. The actress stopped appearing in secular events. In addition, unlike younger colleagues, Daria Mikhailov does not devote fans in the details of their own lives through posts on social networks or in "Instagram".

Daria Mikhailova now

Since 2017, Daria Mikhailova has not appeared on the screens. Now the actress returned to cinema. She entered the custo television series "USSR" with Philip Pale, Ilya Malakovy, Alexey Veselkin and Samvel Tadevosyan. We are talking about 4 friends, their initials and form the Abbreviation "USSR", about friendship and hope to preserve relations in a rapidly changing country.

Creative biography Actress does not stand still. New page has become a special project of the Moscow Drama Theater "The Man" - staging the play-monologue "The prison psychologist", created by the play of Elena Isayeva. Daria Mikhailova acted as director and herself plays on stage. With age, the actress chooses more serious roles and characteristic characters.

In 2021, the actress continues to engage in its own stage projects, play movies and lead the acting workshop at the Institute of Contemporary Art.


  • 1979 - "Attached Martian in the autumn night"
  • 1982 - "Even before the war"
  • 1983 - "Seraphim Hambes and other residents of the Earth"
  • 1988 - "It was last summer"
  • 1992 - "Good luck to you, gentlemen!"
  • 2001 - "Sketch on the Monitor"
  • 2003 - "Theatrical Blues"
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2008 - "Kiss not for the press"
  • 2008 - "Doomed on War"
  • 2010 - "New Year's Detective"
  • 2011 - "Case of Gastronomom No. 1"
  • 2010 - "Citizen Chief"
  • 2013 - "Native Krovochka"
  • 2015 - "On Farm" "
  • 2017 - "Createness"

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