Ivan Bortnik - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Ivan Bortnik - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, the leading actor of the Taganka Theater, received all-Russian recognition after appearing in a cameo role in the cult series "The Meeting Place Can not Be Changed", directed by Stanislav Govorukhin.

On April 16, 1939, the son of Ivan was born in the intelligent Moscow family, the future actor. Mother worked at the Institute of World Literature, defended his doctoral dissertation on philology. Father was deputy editor-in-chief of the state literary publishing house. Nothing amazing is that the son of Ivan's exact sciences in school were hard, but on the Russian language and literature there were always five. In addition, parents in the first grades have identified the Son to a music school, where Ivan was engaged in the Cello class.

Full Ivan Bratnik

The theater boy was carried away in childhood, so the choice of profession was not a surprise for parents. Since the children's years of Ivana passed in the courtyard, yard laws and were his main educator. Many yard inhabitants managed to go through the "zone", and once they took the "on business" and the future actor. Vanya stood "on Shukhra", while the guys robbed a stall: it was the first and last time in the biography of Ivan Bortnik.

Surprisingly, the yard life did not interfere with the guy read and write poems, walking in the city house of pioneers, and after the amateur film studio. In 1957, the young man entered the guitis, but changed his mind and decided to study at the Schukinsky Theater School. Ivan Bortnik entered the course of Vladimir Etha and successfully graduated from the university in 1961.

Vladimir Vysotsky and Ivan Bortnik

The theater career of the artist is associated with the theater on the Taganka, although Ivan Bortnik did not get right away. First, the actor served in the theater them. N. Gogol, but because of disagreements with the artistic director, I went to Yuri Lyubimov, with whom he was familiar with the time of the student.

In Taganka, Ivan Bortnik became the leading artist, although he often showed his dismissed temper. But colleagues and friends on the theater artist never crossed the road. It happened with the role of Gamlet, with which Yuriy Lyubimov decided to remove Vladimir Vysotsky and give another actor. Ivan Bortnik refused to offer. When a new head of Anatoly Efros appeared in the theater at the beginning of the 80s, then Innokenty Smoktunovsky presented Ivan Bortnik to the director as the only brilliant actor troupe.


In the movie, Ivan made his debut in 1962, it was the role of the artist Basil in the drama "The Confession." Hero Bortnik - seminary student, disillusioned and left the church in religion. The actor did not like myself in this role, because on the screen it looked like a martyr. After this incident, an 8-year break in the film career. Another work of Ivan Bortnik began filming the drama "Ahead of the day."

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Then the actor appeared on the screen in the fairy tale "Ivan da Marya", filmed in 1974. The actor played the soldier Ivan. After this role, filmmakers often Bortnik was invited to the movies, offered mostly supporting roles. Ivan Bortnik played Shura muller in the movie "Aliens letter" storekeeper restaurant in kinoromane "sentimental novel" Boris Krokhina in the drama "The second attempt Victor Krokhina" ordinary Kroykova in the melodrama "declaration of love". The partners of the actor became Proklova Elena, Elena Korenev Stanislav Lyubshin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nikolay Rybnikov, Yury Bogatyrev.

Nationwide fame came after the release of serial movie "The venue can not be changed," in which actor brilliantly played bandit named Blotter. Vladimir Vysotsky, who was friends with Bortnik, wanted him to play Sharapova, but the director Stanislav Govorukhin suggested actor blotter. In this scenario, there was a small role without words - Ivan Bortnik came up with their own text. It has long been called "blotter". Ivan Bortnik recognized that no longer watching this film - tired of comparisons with television hero.

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Then followed a series of memorable roles - a war invalid Ivan Nikanoritch in the war drama "Sergeant," Vova - the former husband of Mary (Nonna Mordjukova) - in the tragicomedy of "native", the patient's hospital in the war drama "Hello from the Front", Brigadier Ivan Kuzmich in the comedy " Wait and see".

His first major role was only an actor in 1986 in the movie "I - leader outpost." The plot was constructed based on the memories of youth, retired teacher Nikolai Gudkov. The role of the teacher in his youth played Vasily Mishchenko, and in adulthood - Paul Kadochnikov. Ivan Bortnik got the role of a fundamental party worker.

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A year later, the following significant work followed. The Borren played Andrei mining engineer in the film "Mirror for Hero" directed by Vladimir Khotinenko. In 1990, a social drama "Peace in another dimension" about children living in boarding schools and detective "Death in Cinema" came out with the participation of the actor. In both films, the artist appeared in high roles.

Then followed the shooting in the lead role in the detective "Murder on Zhdanovskaya", where Ivan Bortnik tried the image of the investigator. In the second half of the 90s, the Bortnik appeared on the screen, but the actor's work, often episodic, did not remain unnoticed. This is the role of the godfather in the Muslim drama, the role of Hitler in the comedy "Mom, do not burn!", The image of Dr. Kojin in the drama "Reasance".

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In 2000, Ivan Bortnik was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Among the works of the beginning of the 2000s, the artist himself highlights shooting in the "Antikiller" and "on the other side of the wolves." The actor submitted his own contribution to the series "Demon Afternoon" dedicated to the topic of fatal love. In the film, in addition to Ivan the Bortnik, played Larisa Malevanna, Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Sergey Chonishvili. Faming in 2006 in three projects, including in the TV series "Sonya Golden Handle", Ivan Borrana completed a program from the historical films "Oko for Oko" and "Okla-there was one woman".

Personal life

The actor had two big love in life. First love - actress Inna Glata. Ivan Bortnik recalled that it was some kind of youthful madness, nerve, categorical, passion. Lovers were people with the same characters and temperament, so they could not get along. There were no children in the first union.

Ivan Bratnik

After the breaking of relations, Inna happened to breakdowns - the actress could call in the morning and ask the Bortnik to come. The girl seemed like closest want to poison or slaughter. The actor believes that unclaimed in the profession broke Inn. As a result, the actress committed suicide.

The second large love of the actor is a graduate of theatrical and artistic school of Tatiana. The acting profession of the spouse of the Bortnik does not have a relationship - teaches in his native school. Tatiana became the only wife of the actor, tolerated the explosive nature and whims of Ivan, forgot the insults and conflicts, her husband.

Ivan Bortnik with his wife

The personal life of Ivan Bortnik did not undergo changes: he lived with his wife until the end of days. On joint photos, the spouses look happily, despite the numerous problems that had to be survived.

In 1969, the son of Fedor, who did not go in the footsteps of the Father, was born in the Bortnik family - became an engineer, now it works as a light artist.

Last years and death

In recent years, Ivan Bortnik has moved away from working in cinema and the theater. The actor periodically gave an interview, participated in the creation of documentaries about Vladimir Vysotsky, with whom the actor tied friendly relations. In 2014, the program "Islands" was published on the TV channel "Culture", the hero of which became a Bortnik.

January 4, 2019 Ivan Bortnik left life. His spouse stated that the cause of death could be a broken thrombus.


  • 1962 - "Confession"
  • 1970 - "Ahead day"
  • 1974 - "Ivan da Marya"
  • 1975 - "Fans of letters"
  • 1978 - "Starshina"
  • 1979 - "The meeting place cannot be changed"
  • 1981 - "Rodna"
  • 1986 - "I am a counselorack"
  • 1987 - "Mirror for the hero"
  • 1990 - "Death in Cinema"
  • 1992 - "Murder at Zhdanovskaya
  • 1995 - "Muslim"
  • 1998 - "Mom, do not burn"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2007 - "Sonya - Golden Handle"

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