Galina Yazkina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Galina Yazkina - the star of Soviet cinema and theater, the artist of the main roles in the full-length paintings of the "Women", the "End of Lubavina", "Lessons of French", which included in the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema. Photo actresses regularly decorated the cover of the Soviet screen magazine. In the new eyelid, engaged in missionary activities.

Galina's life is a fight against difficulties on the way to a dream. She proves that everything is perhaps a purposeful person. Honored Artist of the RSFSR Galina Yazkina was born on June 16, 1944 in Makhachkala in the Military Family. Parents met during the war. The officer Ivan Yazkina was determined on a trip in the village of Saratov region to the house where 19-year-old Zinaida Korovagin lived.

Actor Galina Yazkina

Feeling in love, the young man could not go to the front, without asking the hands and hearts of the girl. Together, Galina's parents lived half a century. After the death of the mother, the father of the actress accepted the monastic tonsure with the name Alexander.

In three years, doctors set the girl a terrible diagnosis - tuberculosis bones. Then there were four years in the Saratov Hospital, which Galina conducted a bed chained to bed. In the same place, in the hospital, Galya graduated from the first class. At the age of 7, he was discharged from the clinic - could move only on crutches. Doctors said that Yazkina would remain disabled for life, but the girl did not surrender. Galina went to the crutches to school, participated in games on change, went to physical education lessons and behaved like a healthy child.

Galina Yazkina in youth

Odnoklassniki did not see how Galina Yazkina fell, as the crutches were broken, as cried from pain and despair.

In high school classes, the girl has already walked herself, however, one leg was thinner than another - the consequence of the wearing gypsum. But the girl decided that he would be engaged in gymnastics, came to the section and asked the coach about individual classes. Soon, Yatskin has already been the second youthful discharge.

In Saratov, a high school student began to visit the theater studio "Young Guard", where the leader was Natalia Josephovna Sukhostav. Among the pupils of the mentor there were 150 deserved and folk artists, among which Oleg Tabakov became famous, Vladimir Konkin, Cloon Gennady Rothman.

Galina Yazkina in the theater

When, after school, Galina Yazkina decided to enter the acting, the mother discouraged the girl. But the father supported. In Moscow, the girl came with a light suitcase, spent in the stairwell, rejected into a parade dress and went to the Schukin school for exams. On the entrance auditions, the girl constantly got up to the third position, hiding an extinct foot and read so penetrating that he did from the first attempt. The examiners did not even notice that the applicant was seamless.

Galina classmates in the workshop of Boris Zhahava became Marianna Vertinskaya, Natalia Selezneva, Boris Khmelnitsky, Evgeny Stems. In the graduation play on the work of Ivan Turgenev "On the eve", the graduate played the main role of Elena.

Galina Yazkina

In 1966, Galina Yatskina received a diploma of the theater school, worked for a year in the theater's troupe. K. S. Stanislavsky, then six years played in the academic theater. V. Mayakovsky. But the main time of the theater career of Yatskina had to serve in the theater. Leninsky Komsomol.

In the mid-70s, the illness and actress returned to Galina Yicekina again to stand on the crutches. It was a difficult period in the creative biography of the actress. But during the forced downtime, Galina graduated from the graduate school of the Schukinsky school and began to teach in their native fenats. Among the pupils of Yatskina - Alexander Gordon, Sergey Makovetsky, Sergey Zhigunov, Maxim Sukhanov, Vladimir Ilyin, Dmitry Kharatyan. The actress was lucky: Galina operated the Gabriel himself or Ilizarov himself, the Surgeon-orthopedist, who was called "Michelangelo orthopedics" in the world.


In the cinema, the girl made his debut in the first year - Yazkina approved for the role of Dasha retragi in the film "Female". There were many contenders, including Lyudmila Gurchenko, but the director stopped the choice of a non-famous student of the theater school.

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The main character bursts between her beloved business and a deep feeling towards the solentener Zinovia (Valentin Zubkov), which calls Dasha to throw a collective farm and go to the city. Having made a difficult choice, Daria remains in his native village.

In the student years, the actress also played Alu Yagodkin in the film "Women." The actress was approved at the last moment when the actors for the main composition - Nina Sazonov, Inna Makarova, Vitaly Solomin were already selected. Galina Yazkina in the theater school saw the director's assistant and could not pass by.

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The film passed with great success - the film was viewed 37 million people. In one of the scenes of "women", the director removed Galina Yazkin nude, but the censorship carved this episode. The shooting was walking at the limit, since Galina finished the last course. After a month of hard work and sleepless nights, during which the main scenes of Yazkina and Solmin, the girl survived hypertensive crisis.

In the 70s, the actress was often shot in the cinema, one of the most successful works of this period was the main role in the film "Echo of distant snow". Galina played geologist Irina. To this period of creativity and the films "End of Lyubaviny", "unexpected nearby", "Blow! Still a blow! "

Galina Yazkina and Valentin Smirnitsky in the film

A bright work of the actress became the role of a lawyer of the Intermala in the drama "Word for Protection". The actress accurately passed the character of the heroine that protects a woman who had a her husband. The motive of the crime is jealousy. The role psychologically gave Galina is difficult, the actress seemed to live the life of the heroine in the frame, but the character and experiences of a female lawyer to the audience accomplished.

Multiple shooting and tension on the legs affected health. Then the director decided to shoot the scenes in the morning, in which Yazkina had to move, and in the afternoon the actress was shot sitting. For the "Word for Protection", Galina Yazkina received a prize of the All-Union Film Festival.

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In the 80s, Galina Yatskina went with business trips to Afghanistan. In the most acute phase of the military conflict, Galina became the first of the Soviet actresses who visited this country. In Kabul, the artist performed before injured, lectured for students. In the 90s was engaged in commerce, traveled for products to China, then became a film distribution. Sumy to pay off with debts and earning a decent amount, Galina Yazkina spent money for producing a picture of Tigran Keosayan "Katka and Shiz".

Then there was a long break - the actress returned only in 2000, now as a director. The first film from the cycle of Orthodox film Yazkina was removed in 2005, but did not hit the film screens. Together with the Son, director Vasily Yatskin, Galina participated in the work on the film electronics "under the sun", which included catechytic conversations on the themes of demography, drug addiction, terrorism.

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The second picture is "Daniel and Alla", over which Galina also worked with his son, expected the same fate. The actress and director hoped that the audience would ever see her work.

In 2012, Galina Yazkina took off the documentary tape "Natalie" about his first mentor of Natalia Josephovna Sukhostav. Under the leadership of Galina, documentaries about the creators and actors of the film "Women", about Dr. Ilizarov, about women, which actresses met in the war in Afghanistan were lifted.

Personal life

Galina Yazkina was married four times. The first spouse Vladimir worked as an engineer. The young people had excellent relations while the actress did not meet the director Leonid Head. Fell in love, the relationship began, left the spouse. The woman still blame himself for the care, because Vladimir broke, washed and died early.

Galina Yazkina and Leonid Head with Son

Not happy and marriage with director Leonid Head. In 1972, Yatskina gave birth to the son of Vasily, and four years after the wedding left her husband. He took with only a children's pot. Later, Vasily graduated from Moscow State University, took up the director.

Doctors forbade actress to give birth, but the woman did not listen to doctors. Soon after childbirth, the disease aggravated - Galina Yazkina spent two years on crutches. In order not to waste time in the hospital, the actress wrote the dissertation at night.

Actor Galina Yazkina

The third marriage of the actress, according to Jacquina, became happy in his personal life. The chosen one became the head of the department of the Central Committee of the Komsomol Felix. The relations in the family were wonderful, Vasily was attached to the stepfather and called Felix Dad. Unfortunately, family idyll was interrupted - a heart attack has happened to Galina's spouse, which led to sustainable death.

In the late 1980s, Galina Yatskina met in Finland with a businessman named Matti, with whom she went to the registry office for the fourth time. Nikita Mikhalkov became a witness at the wedding, whom Matti connected business relations since the creation of the film "Urga". The newlyweds not only signed, but also they were mistaken. But due to the financial problems of Matti secretly left Russia. On where he moved, even Galina Yazkina does not know.

Galina Yazkina

More Galina married did not go out. The actress lives faith in God, helps his son to shoot documentary films and dreams of writing a book about a difficult fate.

Galina Yazkina now

Now the actress is engaged in Orthodox missionary activities. In the New Time Projects, Galina Yazkina refuses to act, as it believes that although there are not so many roles in her filmography, but there are no passing works among them.


  • 1962 - "flood"
  • 1966 - "Women"
  • 1968 - "Blow! Still a blow! "
  • 1971 - "End of Lubavina"
  • 1974 - "Hello, Doctor!"
  • 1978 - "French lessons"
  • 1980 - "Take your pain"
  • 1983 - "People and Dolphins"
  • 1986 - "Mysterious Emir Travel"
  • 1989 - "Former Dad, the former Son"
  • 1990 - "Provincial"
  • 1991 - "Curon
  • 2008 - "Blessed"
  • 2009 - "Lights of the Big City"

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