Igor Savochkin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Actor, Wife, Children, Series 2021



Igor Savochkin is the Russian actor and cinema actor, especially popular among lovers of multiserious detective and criminal ribbons. He has some kind of special beauty: even the screen is felt by men and charisma. Maybe, therefore, the directors so often offer artist to play organs or criminal authorities. Both those and others are obtained in its execution convincing.

Childhood and youth

Igor Yuryevich was born on May 14, 1963 in the village of Berezovka of the Saratov region. The family had two children - son and daughter. Mother worked as a teacher at school, her sister went on her footsteps. The father first worked in the Saratov Regional Culture Department, and then headed the editorial office of the "Labor" newspaper.

Savochkin junior was not going to become an actor. He entered the agricultural institute, received a diploma engineer and worked in a specialty a year. In 1982, when the guy studied at the 1st year, his friend's father gained a group to theatrical studio. At that time, Igor did not have a relationship with the theater, so he categorically refused to go there. Horsemen in parks, hooliganism, drives to the police - it was closer to him. Nevertheless, he came, inscribed there for 2 years and was so interested that after the mandatory development of the engineering specialty entered the Theater Faculty of the Saratov Conservatory.

In 1991, Savochkin received a diploma of the second higher education. He was lucky: In the same year, the beginning actor was invited to the metropolitan theater "on the boards". He moved to Moscow, filmed a house with friends in Transmekino.

In the late 90s, it was difficult time for theaters and movies. Therefore, Igor's youth worked in the cemetery, the seller, a taxi driver. The actor says that he conquered Moscow twice. The first time he returned to Saratov and 7 years worked as a speaker on the Nostalzhi radio. The second attempt was more successful - Savochkin has its own apartment in the capital, wealth, so, as he says, "settled firmly."


Igor Savochkin first starred in 1993 in 1993 in the picture "Trotsky". He played the Red Commander in the episode. In the same year there was another small role, and then they calm for almost 5 years.

In 1999, he was invited to shoot the paintings "Our 90s", after which the actor's career came again. It is actively filming in the movie He began only in 2004. Since then, annually, Savochkin participates in 3-4 films and TV shows.

Among the most notable roles of the artist - the Terminator in the painting "Tin". Initially, Alexey Serebryakov was to be filmed, but after several scenes he retired from the filming. Invited Savochkin, although the hero was voiced by Serebryakov.

Another prominent role in the actor filmography - Tollyan in the TV series "Gromov". Igor Yuryevich calls her beloved. The character performed by Savochkin turned out to be ambiguous, it has a bright and dark sides, he suffers from loneliness.

In the picture "Admiral", Savochkin appeared in the form of Lieutenant General Wojjatsovsky. The shooting lasted 2.5 years, the actor had to be broken between Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Kiev, where he starred in the film "Everyone must die."

In the "Irony of Fate. Continued "Savochkin played the border guard Nikolai and starred with his dog Jim. Among other interesting projects - "Zhurov", "Gangs", "Creek Owl" and others.

In 2011, the actor received a role in the military film "Silent Zavada". The plot tells about the Russian border guards with militants who tried to break through in Tajikistan. The picture is based on real facts.

In the creative biography of Igor Savochkin, biblical plots played a major role. In 2014, he appeared in the Russian Social Drama "Leviathan", which won popularity worldwide. The gloomy film about the life of the Russian north, where in the harsh realities the story of the Biblical Ieow interpreted by the author, caused delight of eminent film critics and western journalists. The picture received a number of prestigious awards: the Golden Globe Award in the nomination "The best film in a foreign language", Grand Prix of the ICF in Munich, the main prize of the ICF in Palich, the Prize of the London Community of the film critics in the nomination "Best Filtern Film" With the "Golden Pillars of Jed" III of the ICF of Egyptian and European Cinema.

In 2015, Igor Yuryevich played a major role in the American project. The actor reincarnated in Colonel Belousov in the Drama "Cain Code", which was engaged in Russia, Belarus and the United States. The film also appeals to the famous biblical plot - legends about Cain and Avele, who finds continued today. The main heroine of drama is a journalist Sarah Odden (Natasha Alam). A woman is not just a reporter, she is the secret agent of the Order, exploring the Cain code. This is a gene, pushing a person on the path of hatred, betrayal, murder and rising a threat to the universe.

Igor Savochkin and Dmitry Mirgorod

At the same time, the actor appeared in another film, which was internationally popular, this time in the detective series "Method" with Konstantin Khabensky in the lead role. Savochkin reincarnated in Slavika, or a maniac of the dacnis. The "Method" was the first independent and original Russian project, which received such popularity and headed ratings in America and Europe. On March 1, 2017, the authors sold the rights to broadcast the series abroad Netflix.

In parallel, the artist gained popularity as a TV presenter. From November 2014 to September 2015, he led the journalistic program of the Country Theory on the First Channel.

In 2016, Savochkin appeared as Prince in the TV series "Tikhonov Investigator", the film by the series of detective novels of Arkady and George Weiners. The character of the actor appeared in the fifth film called "I, Investigator".

In the same year, the artist starred in the short filing "Wardrobe" in the genre of tragifars and psychological thriller. The film is based on the story of Alena Zvanzova about the title, which mng the theater mng. She is a refuge to the intelligent (Igor Saveochkin), who came together with a teenage daughter. After that, the life of the heroine is changing, and the events rolling into the tragifars marked in the genres.

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Then, the actor starred in the criminal retrame "Disposher" and the Military Drama "Dog Ryzhiy" on the book "Red Soldiers" Viktor Kryukov, and will also appear in the Saga "Legend of Kovrovrat".

After that, the role in the short film "Your Documents!" Was followed, which became the official screening of the Papers indie players, Please about working at a checkpoint in a fictional totalitarian state. This picture gained deafening popularity and collected a collection of positive feedback.

Igor Yuryevich starred in the musical melodrama "to the sun", the action of which occurs in the pioneer camp in 1978, and the Mystical Drama "Other Blood" about the struggle of humanity with vampires.

In 2018, the TV series "Home arrest" came out on the TNT TV channel. He talks about the mayor, which because of the bribe received a sentence in the form of home arrest at the place of registration - in the old communal apartment. Igor Yurevich got a small role of the head of the FSB control.

Next year, the actor starred in the TV series "Call Center". This time he got an episodic role of the boatman.

Personal life

Now Igor Savochkin is married to Ekaterina Marakulina and happy in his personal life. The actor met the future chief when he was 36 years old, and fell in love with first glance. Wife is under 6 years old. There are no children from a pair, although they plan to become parents.

The actor met his future wife on the filming of the film "Our 90s", which were held in St. Petersburg. Now Catherine works by the executive producer in the company Andrei Zvyagintsev. Before the meeting with her, Savokhna had novels, but they were frivolous. The artist admits that still insanely in love with the spouse:

"I love my wife very much. I am ready to spend with her literally every minute of my life. Katya is a wonderful person. She will always support me and calm me if there is a need for it. I can contact her with a completely any question or any request. It will definitely listen and tell me how it should be reasonable to enroll in one situation or another. I am grateful to the fate for giving me that Catherine. "

Savochkin does not like social networks, so he has no account in "Instagram" with personal photos. But in the free days, the actor loves to reread the favorite novels "Peter the First" and "Master and Margarita". And he also dreams to play Claudia and convince the audience that this Shakespiest Cynic is not alien to human emotions and their tragedy.

Igor Yuryevich Close Creativity Vasily Shukshin: "I watched many of his films. That truth that he tried to tell, comes to everyone. I would like my truth as perceived and evaluated after my work. " Like Artist and Al Pacino with Robert De Niro.

Igor Savochkin now

In 2020, Igor Savochkin appeared immediately in several projects. This is the film "To the Sun", the short films "Play for everyone" and "Letters". In the last ribbon, the actor fulfilled the main role. The picture talks about the participant of the First Chechen war. A man reads a story dedicated to his combat comrade. During reading to it, various visions come to it.

In 2021, Igor Yuryevich received a major role in the film "Lost". Also in the caster included Alexander Robak, Arseny Robak, Natalia Zemtsova, Tatiana Kazychitz and others. In the center of the plot - the police officer Zorin, which constantly "kosychit". As a result, it is removed from the slaughter department and prescribe a curator over the volunteer team. Together with them, he will be engaged in the search for missing people.

In the same year, the actor lit in such projects as "other blood", "one day of Ivan Denisovich", "Russian captive", "Cathedral", "Fruits' scholarships.


  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2005 - "Gromov"
  • 2007 - "Irony of Fate. Continuation"
  • 2007 - "Everyone must die"
  • 2008 - "Screeling River"
  • 2009 - "Black Lightning"
  • 2011 - "Yalta-45"
  • 2013 - "Treets 3"
  • 2013 - "Marathon"
  • 2014 - "Leviathan"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2016 - "Investigator Tikhonov"
  • 2016 - "Wardrobe
  • 2016 - "Charon"
  • 2017 - "Your Documents"
  • 2017 - "Disposher"
  • 2017 - "Dog Redhead"
  • 2018 - "Joker-3. Hunt for beast »
  • 2018 - "Home Arrest"
  • 2018 - "Man who surprised everyone"
  • 2019 - "Epidemic"
  • 2019 - Call Center
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final"
  • 2020 - "To the Sun"
  • 2021 - "Lost"

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