Vyacheslav Manuchars - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Vyacheslav Rafaelievich Manuchars - actor of the theater and cinema, showman, TV presenter, who became famous for his youth, appearing in the first Russian youth series. Later, he repeatedly argued his skills of reincarnation, becoming one of the most sought-after artists of the "big difference."

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav was born on October 6, 1981 in a respectable Moscow family with a wonderful old history of origin. On the line of the father, the ancestors of the boy were aristocrats from the ancient kind of Manumanz, Armenians by nationality. Grandmother Shushan Manicharianz is known for being a personal secretary of Vladimir Lenin. As for the mother, her roots go to the old nobility of the princes of Shepelov. The most which were in close relationship with Musion-Pushkin.

Manuchars grew in prosperity: Father - director of the first metropolitan fur factory, mother headed the fashionable hairdresser's salon. In the kindergarten, a small glory did not go: the boy brought up her grandmother. Since Grandfather was a general, in childhood Vyacheslav, together with his beloved grandmother, rested on various government giving.

Manuchars studied at school with a chemical bias, but the study was rigorously buried the student. According to him, the student was expelled three times, and he was surprised how he managed to merge.

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But in the second school - acting - Vyacheslav succeeded. On the set he appeared a teenager. The first project was the popular series "Simple truths". In his youth, Glory was Tolstoy (his weight reached 135 kg), so in the film he performed the role of a good-natured fatman Pasha Belkin. Later, with height, 181 cm managed to lose weight up to 60 kg.

After the release of the episodes in which the boy appeared, Manuchars immediately felt that such glory. It was suitable for autographs, joint photos, the young man regularly took an interview. As a beginner star, he starred in the humorous journal "Yeralash".

Manucharov argues that the star disease bypassed. But the young man realized that, besides the acting profession, he was more interested in anything else. Therefore, somehow graduating from a secondary school, Vyacheslav went to enter the Schukin school and came from the first attempt to Rodion Ovchinnikov.

Personal life

It is known that Vyacheslav Manucarova's personal life, charming, popular and highly paid artist, is saturated. It is almost always surrounded by famous beauties.

However, it was not always. The first love that happened in early youth, did not work out as I wanted Vyacheslav. On the full classmate, Anastasia Runov categorically did not want to pay attention. A young man returned after the summer vacation with another man. In order to throw the weight, he sat on bread and water. The girl surrendered - the novel began, who lasted 3 years and ended tragic for the actor: the chosen was left for another.

Six years, the artist tried to forget his beloved. He worked a lot, and once during the performance even fainted. Three days Vyacheslav was between life and death: he was diagnosed with peritonitis. After the health of Manucharova came to normal, he realized that it was time to go further.

The first wife of celebrities became Victoria Seliverstov, a medic on education, who graduated from Medical University. I. Sechenov. But together the couple lived only a year. They had a daughter of Arina. It seemed that it was a happy marriage that nothing overshoot. Therefore, all familiar Manucharova was surprised to learn about the parting of the couple. The curtain of the mystery was opened by Vyacheslav himself, who admitted that he was not ripe for a responsible family life.

In love and the desire to exist, no herself, could not accompany the happy and strong family. After the divorce of the ex-wife banned Vyacheslav to see his daughter. But the artist does not forget Arina and regularly congratulates the eldest daughter from the page in "Instagram".

On the novels of Manuacharov, imaginary and real, in the tabloids are written regularly. The artist and TV presenter attributed relations with the famous beauties Victoria Lopierva and designer Anastasia Belovolova. Sometimes there is a provocative material about the alternative orientation of the artist. In 2012, he visited Volvo fashion week in Moscow in the company of the Shopping Mitya Fomin. But Vyacheslav Presca speculation of journalists in microblog in Twitter.

In 2015, Manucharova appeared the second daughter of Nina, who gave birth to a civilian wife Dorpin, American of Russian origin. The couple met during the corporate party who led Vyacheslav.

On the first day of 2017, the spouses became parents for the second time: the Dora presented the Son's artist Daniel, who became the third child of Manucharova. Celebrity from "Instagram" pages hurried to congratulate colleagues and friends Olga Orlova, Valeria, Anna Schulgin, Irina Klyaver.

Soon there was a tragic event in the artist family - his former wife Victoria died from a stroke. After her death, a man decided to pick up the elder daughter Arina on the upbringing. Children easily made friends among themselves. Together with his family, Vyacheslav now lives in a country house in the village of Novoglagolavo Naro-Fominsky district. Often, relatives go to New York, his wife's native city.

Theater and films

In "Pike" Vyacheslav received an education together with the famous artists by Gregory Antipenko, Olga Lomonosova, Marina Alexandrova, Yana Sokolovskaya. As it turned out, another talent was dreamed in a beginner actor - a first-class reader. This gift in the student opened the dean of the faculty of Marya Osovskaya and suggested trying the strength in the declamation of the poems of Sasha Black. Soon, Vasily Lanovova, who took the exam at Manucharova, recommended a student to the international competition of readers, where he ranked 1st.

In 2003, Vyacheslav received a diploma "Pikes" and was adopted by RAMT. At the stage of this theater, the actor played many interesting roles. He was entrusted with images of Akhtyrtzheva in the play "Eraste Fandorin", the Duke of Cheshirsky in the "purely English murder", the hijacks in the "suicide" and Simon in the "Muh Lord".

Manucarova's cinematic biography began a film that the Russian audience did not see. The Italian-Russian project "Trapeze" directed by Avant-gardeist Anna Piazzoli fell into the nomination of the Cannes Film Festival, and the actors praised critics. However, in Russia, the picture did not show. Nevertheless, work in this project gave Vyacheslav the necessary experience.

The next star role was waiting for a young artist in the painting "Love and death of Anna Karenina". This is the project of Sergey Solovyov. With the famous director Manuchars, accidentally ran into a film studio "Mosfilm". He invited the actor to the role of Nikolai Shcherbatsky. On one stage platform, he played with Matrahi Lyudmila Savelyeva, Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, Sergey Garmash, Catherine Vasilyeva. The shooting took place in the royal village, Hermitage, Arkhangelsk and even in Venice.

The film came out on the screens only in 2009 and brought Vyacheslav popularity. But even before the release of the project, the artist managed to be held in several bright paintings, such as "Adjutants of Love", "Paparaza", "Ryazan's" Tuxedo "and" Affectionate May ", in which he got the image of Andrei Razin.

In 2010, the artist fulfilled the main role in the drama "Chronicles of Treason", in which his partner became the spouse of Egor Konchalovsky's love Tolkalina. In 2011, his filmography was replenished with work in the comedy "Love-carrot - 3" with Gauche Kutsenko and Christina Orbakaite in high roles.

From 2012, the actor began to appear in the stage of the stage of the stage named after A. I. Raikina in St. Petersburg, and from 2017 to go to the scene of the Russian Song Theater in the play "Yama", "Kalina Red", "Moscow and Muscovites "

In addition, Vyacheslav starred in the video of Nikolai Basque for the song "Wanderer". The video is replete with many frank scenes.

In 2013, a children's film "In the country of good kids" came out with the participation of celebrities. Manuchars appeared in front of the audience in the form of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Queen of the Magic Country, where the Sasha girl was sent (Kira Fleisher) to re-education.

In 2014, the work on the military film on the first days of the war "Goodbye, the boys" director Sergei Krutnov, in which Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Ekaterina Volkov, Andrei Sokolov, were performed by the main roles. Vyacheslav Manuchars also tried on a military uniform and reincarnated in the NKVD investigator.

In 2016, the actor starred in three films: Comedy "Not My Dog's Business", TV series "Chocolate Factory" and a detective "Guardian". In a year, he worked on the main role in the thriller "The Lighter Darkness", as well as the Hero of Sergei Erohin's Hero in a detective "Pure Moscow Murders" with Lyudmila Chursin in the lead role.

In the retrame "Decembrist", which came out in 2018, Vyacheslav entered the main acting staff along with Svetlana Ivanovo and with Dmitry Mlyarr.

Tele Show

Vyacheslav Manuchars tried power as a television lead. On the first channel in 2011, he led the culinary show "Taste of Life". And before that, Vyacheslav left the project "Big Difference", where Talentedly reincarnated in celebrities Marat Basharov, Ivan Urgant, Sergey Zvereva, Andrei Malakhov, Stas Kostyushkin, Sergey Bezrukov, Thomasa Anders, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Nikolai Gogol, Harry Potter.

In the project "Ice Age", which took place in the fall of 2010, Vyacheslav became a partner of the singer Anna Semenovich. Artists spoke with the "Ice and Flame" numbers, Tum-Balalaika, "somewhere on white light." Later, together with Andrei, the Winning Manucharov became the TV presenter of the CTC Channel Show "Rich and Famous."

In 2018, the actor registered the Yutiub-Channel, where the issues of the "Empathy Manuchi" program issues. Celebrities are becoming celebrities - friends and artist colleagues. Among them is Lolita Milyavskaya, Elena Banya, Marina Fedunkiv.

In 2019, Manuchars became a member of the TV show's release "You will not believe!", In which he spoke about the state of health of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, the stars of the series "My beautiful nanny". In his speech, Vyacheslav supported the actress family.

Vyacheslav Manuchars now

The artist continues to be removed much, regularly appears in rating projects. With the participation of Manucharova in 2019, the premieres of the serials "Baker and Beauty", "Designs". In the 2020th, filming the comedy "Green van", where one of the main roles went to Dmitry Kharatyan. In the same year, the premiere of the comedy series "The Ideal Family" was held, where Vyacheslav worked with actors Pavel Derevyanko and Olga Mednich.


  • 1999-2003 - "Simple truths"
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Paparaza"
  • 2007 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2009 - "Affectionate May"
  • 2009 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2010 - "Chronicles of Treason"
  • 2011 - "Love-carrot - 3"
  • 2011 - "My crazy family"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2013 - "Country of good kids"
  • 2014 - "Goodbye, boys"
  • 2016 - "Guardian"
  • 2017 - "Old women in running"
  • 2017 - "Pure Moscow killings"
  • 2017 - "Decembrist"
  • 2017 - "Short Waves"
  • 2017 - "The Lightest Darkness"
  • 2018 - "Not my dog's business"
  • 2018 - "Baker and Beauty"
  • 2019 - "Green van. A completely different story. "
  • 2019 - "Descriptions"
  • 2019 - "Neighbors-2"
  • 2020 - "Perfect Family"

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