Mikhail Mamaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mikhail Mamaeva's name is associated with a bright project Svetlana Druzhinina. The actor, who starred in the youth in the iconic picture, is still perceived primarily as one of the cherryamarines. Meanwhile, it combines the entrepreneurial veil, and the talent of the writer of poems and prose, and the charm of the TV presenter of the country.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail was born in February 1966 in the family of a military journalist and economist. In childhood he was fond of karate, karting, swimming and mountain skiing. Mamaev's grandmother's grandmother inherited a musical rumor, and from his father - literary talent, published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, Youth.

After school, Misha was preparing to enter the Suvorov School, but at the last moment I changed my mind and found myself at the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO. In 20 years, the future artist issued a poetic collection called the "Age of Explosion".

Mamaev refused to go through distribution to Latin America. The restructuring was killed in the Union, and the young man preferred to convey the news to compatriots, and not to observe changes from afar. He settled in the editor of the "Sparkle" and received unraded to enjoy working with Valentin Yumashev and Artem Borovik.

About business according to the scheme "Buy cheaper - to sell more expensive", which in the 90s flourished, Mikhail now recalls without pleasure. The economic crisis only approved him in the thoughts that other people's money is better considered in the movies than in life.

Personal life

The novel with Christina Orbakaite, the executor of the role of the future empress Catherine II, did not have the actor, no matter how he did not want to fans of the "Gardenaryarians". Young people, at that time inexperienced in a professional plan, it was difficult to depict love to the camera, gentle feelings, when the stars are nearby - Mikhail Boyarsky, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Evgeny Evstigneev. And the director demanded "to penetrate, add passions." But Mikhail's heart was already busy, and the future husband Vladimir Presnyakov came to his daughter Alla Pugacheva - Jr.

Relationships originated in the Turkish shore, the actor himself destroyed. The press wrote that, working around the bartender, he became interested in a wealthy client. The first chief name for which Mamaev moved abroad, having learned about treason, he threw him. Next and the second left.

Later, Mikhail broke out a novel with one of the most beautiful representatives of Russian cinema Elena Cinnikov. Then there was a short connection with the Russian model, who took himself together with him in the "Red Shoe Diaries". Not wanting to compromise the girl, the actor refuses to pronounce the name, recognizes only that those 2 months remembered as a holiday.

In search of the second half of Mamaev came to the transfer "Let's get married", although it considers this act with stupid, they say, succumb to friends. He is ready to call the one who will have to seek, to conquer the fortress. There is no ideal to spouse, it's more about mutual understanding and community of hobbies, honesty and openness. Mikhail does not like women who won in mysteriousness.

Judging by the "instagram", the actor does not suffer from loneliness, but enjoys them. ON lays out bright selfie from traveling, from the set, funny photos. On one, for example, the famous bachelor holds five brides at once.

Mamaev's literary creativity does not throw. The artist's books are published on the Pitres named page. He himself prefers to read something philosophical, from economics or psychology.

Among the stars' hobbies - windsurfing. To "settle the wave", the actor is periodically selected in Vietnam. On the 50th anniversary, Mikhail ventured to jump with parachute.

In 2017, a music page appeared in the biography of Mamaeva: he recorded a debut album and submitted to the public to the public the program "One second of love". It included songs on poems and music of their own essay, works of other authors and compositions from the film about the adventures of the fourth of friends from the navalist school.


Mikhail began to replenish the filmography by a teenager, starring in the picture of Andrei Eshpaya "Jester". And in "Vivat, Marthemaryna!" Hit, how he says himself, by chance. A tightened guy (height 182 cm, weight 75 kg) with heterochromia (Mamaeva eyes of a different shade - greenish and gray-blue) in the restaurant at home Cinema saw Svetlana Druzhinin and invited Nikita Olenev to the role.

He agreed, although he was originally and upset that instead of a sword, like Sergey Zhigunov and Dmitry Kharatyan, his hero got the paddle. The name of the character Mikhail was able to read the poems of his own essay in the frame.

Due to the filming, Mamaev threw the Schukin school, the director put the condition: or study, or a movie. But the desire to get acting education led to the fact that he was externally, for 2 years, he graduated with honors from Gitis to Vladimir Andreeva.

In 1991, the artist starred in the popular militant "Caravan Caravan". Then the roles in the paintings "Weekend with a killer" and "House" followed. Mikhail was lucky to gain experience in Hollywood projects - the erotic series of Zalman King "Diaries of Red Shoes" and the Drama "Marquis de Sad". To stay in America, the Russian did not even think about the colleagues persecuted. She was accustomed to enjoy what makes, but to look for an apartment, to run in the castings endlessly - it does not like.

Of course, in Mamaev's homeland, many new offers was waiting. So, the actor appeared in the historical project of Svetlana Druzhinina "Mystery of Palace Dobor", the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", Melodrama "Wolf", Militant "Chess player", Drama "Atlantis".

Mikhail's main roles performed in films "Love is not divided into two", "High Cooking" and "Husband of a Happy Woman", "Golden Stock" and "Open, Police". During filming in the criminal picture "Revenge", the actor wrote a novel "Revenge of the Rogish".

I wanted to make the most honestly, as television series are removed in Russia, what is it - to be serial actors. On the set, the relationships of people in the creative team are most clearly manifested, the learning of themselves in difficult work, the theme of loneliness in love and material well-being.

In addition to the movie, Mamaev participated in the show "Fair factor", "King Ring", "big races" and "Dancing with the stars", led the entertainment and sports program "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family."

At the time to leave the profession, Mikhail forced her personal life. Feeling in love with the employee of the travel agency, the artist went to Turkey, starred in clips and commercials.

In 2015, he again appeared on television screens, but already as the lead program of the Country Theory on the First Channel. This is a cycle of peculiar investigations, giving answers to questions about which people are rarely thoughtful, but who make it easier for everyday life. For example, how long to maintain a fresh and a daily look, how to find medicines in a pharmacy that really help how to protect consumers' rights and not overpay for unnecessary services.

Mikhail Mamaev now

In 2020, fans saw the favorite actor in the familiar image of Nikita Olenev in the "Gardenairines IV". Mamaev thought for a long time, whether a picture of the young and beautiful hero should be destroyed in the memory of the audience. But then I realized that the current generation lacks romance, and agreed.

Shooting a movie with a budget of 330 million rubles. Passed in the picturesque places of Peterhof, Sevastopol, Malta. The acting ensemble was complemented by Dima Bilan, Anna Semenovich and Anastasia Makeev. According to the plot, brave sicks are looking for an extramarital son of Empress against the background of an unfolding Russian-Turkish war.


  • 1991 - "Vivat, Marthemarines!"
  • 2001-2003 - "Secrets of palace coups"
  • 2003 - "The Treasures of the Dead"
  • 2004 - "Chess player"
  • 2005-2006 - "Wolf"
  • 2005-2006 - "Students-2"
  • 2008 - "Dar of God"
  • 2008 - "Champion"
  • 2012 - "Gold Stock"
  • 2012 - "Love is not divided into two"
  • 2013 - "Her husband of a happy woman"
  • 2014 - "High Cuisine"
  • 2020 - "Gardemaryna-1787"

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