Boris Carpenters - biography, personal life, cause of death, filmography, photo, actor, died



Most viewers remembered this actor on the role of Dr. Bormental in the picture of Vladimir Bortko "Dog's Heart". But real connoisseurs of Soviet and Russian cinema know that this is only one of the many talented roles of Boris Plotnikov's roles.

Childhood and youth

Boris Grigorievich Plotnikov was born in April 1949 in the town of Nevyansk Sverdlovsk region. In the family of carpenters there were neither artists nor people of art. Mom worked as an engineer-technologist, and his father was a simple mechanic. Soon after the birth of the son, the family changed the place of residence, moving to Novouralsk. Here Boris Carpenters entered the local music school. Mom dreamed of seeing son violinist. But the young man did not meet parental hopes: after the end of the school, carpenters failed the exams in the Sverdlovsk Conservatory.

Boris did not lower his arms and went to another university - theatrical. Here the young man smiled good luck. Boris became a student of the Sverdlovsky Theater School and came to the course to a talented teacher Yuri Zhigulsky.


After presenting the diploma, Boris Plotnikov received an invitation to the mentor to the Sverdlovsky Tyuz headed by them. Here the young man made his debut, playing fabulous heroes. A few later in the actor repertoire appeared roles from classic works. In just 10 years of work in this theater team, the artist played 30 roles.

In the late 1970s, the carpenters moved to Moscow and was accepted in the troupe of the Metropolitan Satira Theater, where he initially duplicated Andrei Mironova. The actor's repertoire began to be replenished with performances "Repair", "Cherry Garden", "Shadows", "Funny Money", "Phenomena".

After 10 years, Boris changed this scene to the stage of the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army. Collaboration with the new theater team began with the introduction of a ready-made performance of the director Leonid Hayfitz "Idiot". Troupe went on tour and both performers of the role of Prince Myshkin were busy in Moscow. Boris Plotnikova was introduced into the performance on the go, assuming that the artist would play only four times. But the actor's game was so impressed by the audience and director director, that the role was entrenched for the carpenter for a long 12 years.

And in the early 2000s, Boris Grigorievich Plotnikov began working in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov. Initially, Boris Plotnikov delivered invited artist, the performer of the role of Goldeni in the play "Farewell and hands!" In the theater Oleg Tabakov, after which Oleg Pavlovich called the carpenter in the Taroupe of the MHT.


The cinematic biography of Boris Plotnikov did not develop for a long time. The provincial artist regularly held samples at the Sverdlovsk film studio, trying to get a secondary role, but each time he received a refusal due to its neinogenicity, which was noted by film studios.

The debut took place in 1976 in the famous military drama director Larisa Shephenko "climbing", and the actor entrusted to play the main character. When Boris Plotnikov received a telegram from Mosfilm, the actor thought that this was another draw of his colleagues, and did not even answer. Two more invitations followed, after which Boris Carpenters responded. Shephenko sought this role with anyone not known artist, therefore Andrei Soft, Vladimir Vysotsky and Nikolai Gubchenko, who claimed this work, received a refusal.

But the carpenters, whose photos were in a film studio card, seemed to the director of the ideal candidate. They filmed the main scenes under Murom, frost stood on the courtyard, but extreme conditions did not frighten the young artist, who had long tried to get on the screen.

The novice artist played so brilliantly that immediately after entering the picture was among the most promising young actors of the country. "Climbing" received the Golden Bear Grand Prix of the Berlin International Film Festival and a huge number of other prestigious awards.

Following the first work, a number of paintings followed in which Boris Plotnikov embodied the variekteric images: the icon painter in the historical film "Emelyan Pugachev", the young theater director in the film "On the eve of the premiere", a scholar-ethnographer in a mystical detective "Wild Hunt of King Stakha", Manfred Drama "Two chapters from the family chronicle."

Among other roles of Boris Plotnikov, which the actor can be proud of the right, Don Luis in the comedy tape Svetlana, Dulcinea Tobos, and a charming adventurer in the film Vladimir Moth "incredible betting" film.

Among the heroes of Boris Pettnikov, Peter III is found from the Mikhail Lomonos Master's Miscellaneous film, the father of the future poet from the biographical drama "Lermontov", Tsearevich Alexey from the tape "Peter Great".

It is noteworthy to the desire of Boris Cardnikov to increase its own cultural level. At the peak of popularity, the actor went to the Ural University where the faculty of art was chosen.

The second star role in the movie came to the artist in 1988. Vladimir Bortko began to film the novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" and invited the carpenter to play one of the main characters - Dr. Bormental. This work brought the artist incredible glory. The film on the right took place in the Gold Fund of the Soviet cinema and remains one of the most beloved and most viewed paintings.

Boris Grigorievich Carmentees on the movie screen appeared in selected projects. The actor was played to remove in base melodramas for money, because he fundamentally refused to "lower the bar" of his own skill. In the new century, the actor replenised from Drome Imperia under the blow, where Boris Plotnikov tried on the image of the Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich, in the musical melodraman "Cricket behind the hearth", in which the actor received the main role of cricket, the keeper of the home hearth.

In 2006, directed by Natalia Bondarchuk offered Boris Grigorievich to play in the drama "Pushkin. Last Duel »Head of the Gendarmes of the Secret Office Leonty Dubelt. Carpenters agreed. The actor game, as expected, turned out to be a talented and filigree.

In the role of Dr. Boris Grigorievich appeared in the militant "Fight with the shadow", and in the detective "Experts" played a forensic health care. With the participation of Boris Plotnikov, there were also serials on the military theme: "Everyone has its own war," Snipers: Love under the Sight "," Fighters. The last battle".

In the last years of life, Boris Grigorievich did not often appear on the screen. The artist himself considered himself more theatrical than the film actor. Boris Plotnikov was among the leading artists troupe MHT named after A. P. Chekhov. Theaters are glad to watch performances with Boris Grigorievich, noting that carpenters are one of those who are subject to all existing genres and roles.

In 2017, the premiere of the "Wings of the Empire" series was held with the participation of the carpenter, where Boris Grigorievich appeared in front of the viewers in the image of Count Peter Kirsanova-Dvinsky.

Personal life

The artist was considered "closed" even the nearest colleagues. Personal life, family and children of Boris Plotnikova - it was a mystery for family castles, where the actor did not let any friends, no more than journalists. It is only known that Boris Carpent was married.

Boris Grigorievich was a modest and even closed person who appreciated his own and someone else's personal space. Maybe therefore, at various creative evenings or noisy film festivals, this actor was rarely, avoiding excessive attention and unnecessary issues.


December 2, 2020, Boris Cardnikova did not. The actor died at the age of 71. The cause of death has become a coronavirus infection. It is known that because of the severe course of the disease, the actor spent on the IVL apparatus.


  • 1976 - "Climbing"
  • 1978 - "Emelyan Pugachev"
  • 1980 - "Dulcinea Tobos"
  • 1986 - "Peter Great"
  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1986 - "Lermontov"
  • 1987 - "Cold summer fifty third ..."
  • 1987 - Gobsek
  • 1988 - "Dog Heart"
  • 1993 - "split"
  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2005 - "Fight with shadow"
  • 2006 - "Pushkin. Last Duel »
  • 2011 - "Dar"
  • 2011 - "Everyone has its own war"
  • 2015 - "Fighters. The last battle"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"
  • 2018-2019 - "Godunov"

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