Vadim Galygin - biography, personal life, photo, news, humorist, songs, "instagram", "Comedy Club" 2021



Vadim Rambo Galygin - such a stage pseudonym took the Belarusian artist and a humorist who became a famous wide range of spectators on the entire post-Soviet space after the emergence of Comedy Club in the popular TV show.

Childhood and youth

Vadim Galygin was born in May 1976 in the Belarusian city of Borisov in the Military family. The childhood and the youth of the future Showman passed here. The head of the family, ensigning Paul Galygina, was transferred to this small town. Parents with two children (Vadim has a younger sister inga) had to join the tiny apartment without amenities.

The artistry manifested itself from the boy at an early age. In kindergarten and school, Vadim gladly turned out to be in the center of attention, speaking on matinees and festive events. But at the same time Vadim dreamed of a doctor's profession, the future star of screens was drawn to medicine.

After graduation, Galygin arrived at the Medical Institute, but did not pass through the competition. Then Vadim decided to get a serious men's profession. In 1993, the young man successfully passed the exams in the Higher Military Command School of Minsk. After 4 years, in the rank of lieutenant, arrived in the 120th division, but soon went to receive education at the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus. And a year later, he left the service in the army and quit the reserve.

By the way, the joking nickname Rambo comes from the army life of a thin humorist - with high growth (185 cm) Weight Vadim Galygina - 75 kg.

Probably, the decision to quit the military career appeared at Galygina even when the young man studied in his profile school. Then Vadim experienced real pleasure from playing KVN. The team that was called the "Military" took part in various festivals of the club fun and resourceful. There, the artist for the first time felt the taste of glory and success.

Humor and creativity

Vadim Galygina's creative life successfully began in his youth as part of the Milpolish team. Then the team changed more than once, the name was changed. The team was called "Treasure Island", "was and worse", and at the end just "Minsk-Brest". With the team of Minsk-Brest, Galygin appeared in Sochi at the Festival of KVN 2001. The team became the Euroleague champion, and Captain Vadim Galygina recognized the most vivid participant. Later, Galygina was taken to the BSU team. It was a significant step up the career staircase.

But the real breakthrough in the creative biography of the humorist happened in 2005, when Vadim Galygin became the permanent participant of "Comedy Club". In the status of the resident, the actor presented to the public a lot of wonderful numbers made together with Timur Batruutdinov and Dmitry Luxury Sorokin, who brought the artist incredible popularity. But unexpectedly, Galygin left the transfer, starting his own business.

In 2006, the project Vadim Galygina appeared, called "very Russian TV".

In 2008, the audience saw Galygina in the main role of the musical "Ghost of Soap Opera". In the same year, Vadim became a member of the Two Star television shows, which was broadcast on the first channel.

2009 turned out to be no less saturated for pleasant for Galygina events. In the spring, a humorist as a judge appeared on a popular project "Thank God, you came!" In a couple of months, the entertainment TV show "People, horses, rabbits and domestic rollers", which was broadcast on the Ukrainian ICTV channel. And in 2010, a new author's project Vadim called "" started on the CTC TV channel. The program contained the elements of the Sitkom, Standap and Realvest.

To the huge joy of fans of "Comedy Club" in 2011, the actor returned to the project. The best numbers of this period were performances with Garick Harlamov "Analysts", "New Year's Eve on the RBC channel", "Political Talk Show", "Mystery of Sphinx", "Archaeologist", "Mosigrushka". I remember the audience and the number with Viktor Vasilyev "Exam Philosophy", where Galygin appeared in the form of a negligent student. But in miniature with Demis, Karibidis took on the role of the teacher.

In the late 2000s, Vadim Galygin began to produce and created the studio Ego Production. The first project of the company became the comedy "The Best Film". The picture was created in collaboration with the TNT channel and Comedy Club Production. Garik Harlamov, Elena Velikanova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Mikhail Galustyan, Dmitry Nagiyev, played the main roles in the farce ribbon. The rental was successful, the work of the film crew paid off in a six-time size.

At the same time, Vadim did not abandon the previous projects and continued to be filmed in the full-length movie. In 2008, Galygin became the author of the scenario and the executor of the leading role of the Patoloanatom of Yatsek Gobobovski in the "very Russian detective". The film was created at the Ego Production studio.

The Pharce Comedy was based on the plots of famous detectives - the American thriller "Seven" and the Roman Agatha Christie "Ten Negreat". The main characters of the parodiy were brave detective Johnny Walker (Yuri Stoyanov) and the young partner Bret Pidd (Maxim Konovalov). The image of a criminologist on the screen was embodied by Mikhail Chaz.

In 2010, the comedy project "Our Home Store" came to the screens, where Vadim Galygin appeared in the image of an invited star advertising.

In 2013, from many works of Galygina, the audience of the TNT channel was remembered together with Andrei Averin and Marina Kravets and the miniature "Unusual Date." Vadim played an eccentric friend Andrei.

In 2014, the audience saw Vadim Galygina in the film-fantasy "Mystery Princess", where the humorist appeared along with Christina Orbakaite, Sergey Zhigunov and Yuri Galtsev.

In the same year, the comedy of Kirill Kuzin "Tires" was released on the screens, where the Belarusian artist received the role of the director. The main characters are losers of Lech and Nikolai (Ilya Mlinnikov and Gosha Kutsenko) - get an invitation from cinematographers to play in a new picture. But on the set, friends break the project sponsor helicopter, after which they are forced to go to run.

In 2017, two kinicomedi filming was completed with the participation of the humorist. In the film "Zomboyashik", Galygin entered the main acting, along with other stars "Comedy Club". The premiere took place on January 25, 2018.

Two weeks later, the premiere show of the melodramatic comedy "Women against Men: Crimean Vacation" on divorced couples, which are found on vacation in a single hotel, after which the real battles are unfolding on the sea coast. Maria Gorbane became partner on the set.

In addition to the acting career, continued to appear on the air "Comedy Club". The numbers of Angelina Jolie were specially popular, "who wants to become a millionaire" and "Robbery in Ostankino", where Vadim Galygin spoke together with Garick Martirosyan.

With a colleague on the "Comedy" scene Alexander Revil at the end of 2017, the artist fought on the air of the humorous program "Studio Soyuz", which is also broadcast on TNT.

In 2018, became the author and the leading comedy transmission of the Anecdote Show, broadcasting in the social network "Odnoklassniki". Soon the ethers began to be repeated on the Russian TV channel "Ren TV".

In 2019, together with the Russian rapper, the Digger appeared on the humorous show "What happened next?", Leaving the Labelcom youtyub channel.

Personal life

Vadim Galygina's personal life is two official marriage. Both of the whales - Dores of Vadim. The first wife is the Belarusian model of Daria Ovechkin. Dasha left the model career and left with her beloved in Moscow. The daughter of Vadima was born in this union - Taisiya. But then the relationship began to crack on the seams. In the tabloids rumors about the treasures of Showman crawled. The press appeared photo of Galygina with different beauties.

Perhaps these were gossip, which arises a great many around famous people. But Daria did not want to endure such a life and put a point in a relationship after 7 years of marriage. The girl met a businessman from Odessa and began a new life.

Soon, a new beloved - the Belarusian singer and model Olga Wainlovich, who became his second spouse appeared next to Vadim Galygin. The difference in the age of the couple is 10 years old. In marriage, the sons of Vadim and Ivan were born. The artist is divided into social networks moments of family happiness, on which the beauty-wife Showman appears both in stylish outfits and in the most ordinary home clothing and without cosmetics.

Humorist has a close relationship with Mom Galina Anatolyevna. When Galygin arrives at home, they often spend time together, visit football matches - they are sick for Bate. In an interview with the Belarusian information portal,, a woman recalled, as Vadim called indignantly after the first telestir with his participation:

"We have never swear at home, and then when he began to perform in the" gum ", I hear my child to the whole country!"

In August 2020, he expressed his political position by writing a video in Belarusian security forces:

"I want to contact representatives of power structures as an officer, as a man who taught the oath. Please stop the bloodshed, stop violence against our own people. "

Vadim Galygin now

Now the creative life of Vadim Galygina remains saturated. In addition to filming cinema and television shows, a humorist conducts corporate events and other mass events. The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in 2020, made its own adjustments, but the actor is still afloat. Workers and personal photos of Vadim places on the official page in "Instagram".

In March, the premiere of the film of the Ukrainian director Sergey Wain "Date in Vegas", in which Galygin played an episodic role.

New Year met behind the family table. The attention of Paparazzi attracted a luxurious festive party in Dubai, which was lucky to visit and Galygin. Despite restrictive measures, Russian stars managed to spend bright 2020. In the hall of the Atlantis The Palm Hotel Svetlana Loboda arranged a concert for the famous guests. On New Year's dinner, American lobsters were served, marble beef and, of course, Russian caviar.

In 2021, the comedy tape "FRIEND FOR SALE" is expected, where the artist will appear in front of the audience in the image of an eccentric millionaire Panteleeva, which is going to marry the beloved of the main character, which Papine daughter played Miroslav Karpovich.


  • 2001-2003 - KVN.
  • 2005-2018 - Comedy Club
  • 2006 - "Very Russian TV"
  • 2007 - "STS lights superstar"
  • 2009 - "Thank God, you came!"
  • 2009 - "Two Stars"
  • 2010 - "People, horses, rabbits and homemade rollers"
  • 2010 - "Galygin. RU"
  • 2015 - "Time g"
  • 2018 - "Anecdote Show"

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