Sergey Baryshev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, serials, "secrets of the investigation", wife 2021



Sergey Baryshev - Russian actor and movie actor. Artist's images on stage and screen are often dramatic. But the real drama unfolded in the life of Sergey Viktorovich: the absence of heirs, a disease of his beloved man and injury, which threatened forever to peel a celebrity to bed forever.

Childhood and youth

Baryshev was born on October 3, 1963 in the city of Engels of the Saratov region. The childhood and youth of the future artist are connected with a small homeland: a school, a game in the courtyard, a trip to the pioneer camp. The acting talent made himself felt from the early years - Seryozha loved to speak in front of the public. Visiting the program "My Hero" star recognized: Parents hoped that the Son would grow by a doctor or military. Dreams of a guy about the scene seemed close to the pool.

Sergey Baryshev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, serials,

With the age of traction, it did not pass. Then Baryshev thought about her profile formation. After graduating from school, the young man submitted documents to the Saratov Theater School and entered. Then Sergey served in the army, and after he tried to get to the Moscow Studio, for the course to Oleg Tabakov. The applicant was even waiting for the exams, but the fate was different.

Baryshev continued his studies in Saratov. After receiving a diploma and several seasons of work at the local Drama Theater, Sergey moved to live and work in St. Petersburg.


In the 1990s, the static handsome man (height 186 cm) received an invitation from the theater on the foundry. On this scene, Sergey Viktorovich spoke until 2005. Then the actor had to leave the institution due to the dense shooting schedule of the series "Secrets of the Consequence". The Detective Project Baryshev was called after participation in the "Forest". The guide game noted the Assistant director Ilya Makarova.

In 2015, Sergey Baryshev organized his own studio "Miooo", and on June 22, 2015, the premiere of the first performance was held, dedicated to the 74th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

In parallel, Sergey Viktorovich is involved in the production of theaters "on the Neva", "version" and "Patriot of Rosto". The actors were awarded the prestigious Prize "Monocl" for the main role in the "Illusion" play. Baryshev is also a screenwriter and a performance director.


Sergey Viktorovich is known to the Russian audience in the image of Major Vladimir Vinokurov in the series "Secrets of the investigation." In 2001, the artist successfully passed the samples for the 1st season. The picture was so popular with the audience that the producers decided to release the continuation.

Initially, the hero of Baryshev was conceived by scenarios as an episodic character, but the actor proposed to introduce a love line between the Vinokurov and Masha Shvetsovoy (Anna Kovalchuk). The move was like the creators of the film and the audience. Another partner on the shooting area was Emilia Spivak. According to the celebrity, to create an image, Sergey Viktorovich used the character traits inherent in himself.

In the early 2000s, the artist "lit up" in another popular criminal series "Streets of broken lamps - 4", where he played the victim. Then a new character appeared in the cinematic biography of Sergei Viktorovich - a non-name sailor from the historical tape "The death of the Empire". The picture received three Tafe awards, one "Golden Eagle" and two Awards of the FSB of Russia.

Gradually, the roles of a melodramatic nature appeared in the actor filmography. In 2010, Sergei Viktorovich was embodied on the screen in Yuri Steblov in the "Dvorik" family cinema, consisting of small novel.

"By intonation, the series by lightness can be called urban jokes. But many of them turn out to be not so funny. Somewhere the stories are romantic, somewhere sad, and somewhere detective, "the director and producer Oleg Schter shared in an interview.

In 2013, with the participation of Baryshev, the Rating Project "Molodezhka" was published, where Sergey Viktorovich appeared in the form of the father of the heroine Rita Novikova (Natalia Tereshkova). The start of the broadcast was not very successful, but during the display of tapes on the CTC TV channel ratings grew.

In 2016, the artist received the main role of Yuri Chaykin in the Melodrame "Pearl Wedding", where as director again spoke by Str. A man admitted that, unlike colleagues, is not afraid to shoot newborns. The picture was present a 10-day boy, who, as often happens in movies, fell to play the girl.

Personal life

Now Sergey Viktorovich is happy with his wife. But the path to harmony in personal life was not easy. Ekaterina Korezheva was born in Russia, then moved to Germany, where he worked as a correspondent. When the "secrets of the investigation" was gained popularity, the journalist was instructed to take an interview with the actors of the series. So Catherine met with Baryshev. Sympathy arose already during an interview, and then turned into great love.

The korea has already had an unsuccessful marriage, the son smasted in Germany. A woman had to go through a painful divorce procedure, and the child stayed with his father. In his youth, Sergey also had a difficult family experience. On the wedding day, the girl, pharmacist by profession, confessed to the star in the absence of feelings. 5 years old spouses played in the "marriage", but there was no relationship.

Baryshev romantically cared for Catherine. The proposal of the hand and heart Artist made the beloved in Paris, the wedding took place in 2004 in the Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg. Wedding photos are carefully stored in the family archive.

Once the health of the journalist was seriously dangerous - doctors diagnosed oncological disease. The lady of the heart even asked the actor to terminate the marriage, so as not to burden her husband. But the spouse stayed near, and the disease retreated.

Baryshev has no children for a long time. Catherine was examined in European clinics, and doctors said that the Russian woman would definitely become a mother. In 2010, when Catherine became pregnant, doctors realized that cancer was back. The long-awaited pregnancy had to be interrupted due to the specifics of treatment.

The state of the actor went to Germany, where her parents live. Sergei Viktorovich was all this time next to his wife - the shooting of the artist interrupted for a while. After the procedures, the couple returned to Russia, Catherine began to work as an editor in the producer center and today feels good.

But fate again decided to check the marriage for strength. On April 21, 2013, a misfortune happened to Baryshev. During movement in the car in Moscow, the lovers hit a traffic jam. At the request of one of the participants in the road, the celebrity approached the toned "Lade of Prior", which blown the road, with a request to move the car, as the threat of an accident arose. The young people came out of the car inflicted Sergey Viktorovich several blows on the body.

As it turned out later, injuries after the attack were serious - a strong brain concussion, a spinal fracture and other damage. For a while the actor stopped being removed. Now Katerina's turn came to maintain a second half. Fortunately, Baryshev, with dignity, coped with the test.

Sergey Baryshev now

In 2021, 2 premieres with the participation of Sergei Viktorovich were held on TVC television channel. "Unscrew girlfriend. The case of four blondes "and" Actors of the sunken theater. " The last film is the screen version of the Roman Ekaterina Ostrovskaya. Both projects received as a whole positive feedback from lovers of Russian detective serials.

In addition to filming the movies, Baryshev pays time to theatrical tour. In March, Sergey Viktorovich visited Kemerovo and Chelyabinsk. In the capital, the star spoke on the stage of the Salute Cultural Center with the comedy formulation of the "man for women".


  • 2001-2012 - "Secrets of the investigation"
  • 2007 - "Gangster Petersburg - 10"
  • 2007 - "Moon in Zenith"
  • 2007-2009 - "Sea Devils"
  • 2010 - "Dvorik"
  • 2012 - "Will be a light day"
  • 2012 - "Coltsfoot"
  • 2013 - "Premonition"
  • 2013 - "Live further"
  • 2014 - "Restless Plot"
  • 2016 - "Pearl Wedding"
  • 2019 - "My Angel"
  • 2021 - "Actors of the Sunken Theater"
  • 2021 - "Ugly girlfriend. The case of four blondes "
  • 2021 - "Polygon"

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